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1、实用标准文案毕 业 论 文学生姓名 周兵红学 号 院 (系)04级淮阴师范学院本科函授专 业英 语题 目在初中英语教学中培养文化意识指导教师王召妍 讲 师(姓 名) (专业技术职称/学位) 2008年4月精彩文档实用标准文案On Cultivating Cultural Consciousness in Junior English TeachingBy Zhou Binghong A Thesis Submitted toDepartment of Foreign Languages and LiteratureIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requiremen

2、tsFor the Degree of B.A. in EnglishAt Huaiyin Teachers CollegeUnder the Supervision of Wang ZhaoyanApril 2008Abstract Successful and effective teaching of English should shift from the simple teaching model of “for the language to learn language” to the combination of language teaching and culture t

3、eaching. As teachers of English, we should pay more attention to the introduction of culture to cultivate our students cross-cultural consciousness and communicative competence in the teaching. Language is the carrier and container of culture; language, as a mirror of culture, is strongly influenced

4、 and shaped by culture. Language and culture is closely related, each influencing and shaping the other. In accordance with the requirements of English Curriculum Criterion of Junior School issued by Ministry of Education, this paper aims at describing the importance of infiltrating cultural educati

5、on into the English teaching during junior school from the relationship between language and culture. The paper analyzes the abundant cultural resources in the junior English textbooks and tries to explore some detailed procedures of infiltrating cross-cultural education into English teaching in jun

6、ior school including supplement of cultural background, cultural comparison, and application and comparison .Key Words Cross-cultural education cultural consciousness junior English 摘要 成功有效的英语教学应该改变单纯“为语言而学语言”的课堂教学模式,应向语言知识教学与文化内容传授相结合的方向转变。英语教师要重视文化导入,在教学中注重培养学生的跨文化交际意识和能力。本文立足于新颁布的初中英语课程标准的目标要求,从语

7、言与文化关系出发,提出在中学英语阶段教学中渗透跨文化教育的重要性。分析了初中英语教材中丰富的文化资源,并结合自身的教学实践,尝试探讨在中学英语教学中渗透跨文化教育的一些具体做法,如文化背景补充、文化比较、运用和比较等。关键词 跨文化教育,文化意识, 初中英语Contents 1. Introduction12. The importance of cross-cultural education during junior school3. Abundant cultural resources in junior English textbooks Picture resource Read

8、ing material resource Vocabulary resource4. Methods of cross cultural education 4.1 Language supplement and cultural comparison4.1.1 Language supplement4.1.2 Cultural comparison4.2 Specific methods4.2.1 Cultural aside4.2.2 Appreciation and analysis of language4.3 Words application and comparison4.3.

9、1 Words amplification4.3.2 Words comparison5.Conclusion1.IntroductionIssued newly English Curriculum Criterion describes the objective of course, which indicates the overall goal during junior school is to cultivate students application abilities of general language. The form of application abilitie

10、s of general language is based on the integrated qualities which are language knowledge, language skill, feelings and attitude, strategy of study and cultural consciousness. To accomplish the overall goal, the five qualities cannot be applied absolutely, in which cultural consciousness is the bulwar

11、k of using language correctly and includes cultural knowledge, cultural comprehension and cross-cultural communicative consciousness and competence. Besides that, English Curriculum Criterion emphasizes that students should have a general knowledge of the differences between the cultures of English-

12、speaking countries and between Chinese culture and the cultures of English-speaking countries. In the teaching, when it comes to the cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries, the knowledge should be closely bound up with the everyday lives of students and also can stimulate them to learn Eng

13、lish . 2.The importance of cross-cultural education in English teachingIn the USA, a student studying abroad was killed with a gun because he couldnt understand the colloquialism “Freeze!” ,“Freeze!” means “站住”“不许动”which is known by many Americans. I think that this student should have known the bas

14、ic meaning “冰冻”、“结冰”.As he didnt know the cultural meaning of this word in the USA, he paid for his life as a result. This painful lesson is worth of pondering to us: If this student had known more about the differences between Chinese culture and western culture, he wouldnt have come to harm.From the above story, we can acquire a message: In the teaching of English, we should not be limited to the input of language knowledge, but take the input of culture into account. It is necessary to cultivate students cross-cultural communicative competence.Every state has its own



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