特殊的职业 英文PPT.ppt

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《特殊的职业 英文PPT.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《特殊的职业 英文PPT.ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 1 The strange professions There are many professions in our life For example there are civil service doctors and engineer and so on In addition to civil servant 公务员 the doctor driver which are well known to the public profession there are actually many strange professions

2、around us Now I will share these strange professions with you Hotel connoisseur k n s 酒店试 睡员 Just as its name implies they try staying in a hotel and experience the service environment the health food the price and many aspects of the hotel such as hardness degree of the mattress 床垫 wire speed 网速 wa

3、ter of needle bath 淋浴水流 and so on The highest monthly salary can get to 10000 yuan the basic work is a live hotel round and then write reports 2 count the fish Every year on April to October next to the dam closing to the United States in the Pacific northwest there are always some lonely old man si

4、tting there and staring at the surface of the water the fingers pushing buttons Don t think they are not alzheimer s a lz eim disease 老年 痴呆 no mention to play computer games this is their work counting fish every day Even though it is simple physical labor it is of great significance Because the man

5、agement department should determine the final number of the fish catching according the number of their statistics number 3 The tasting dog food people 狗食品尝员 Maybe someone is curious about the food of dog Perhaps you will eat it when friends joking once because the dog can t tell what kind of food d

6、o it like we need someone to try it chocolate taster 巧克力 试员 It is the most sweet job in the word Every day they not only taste different kinds and different taste chocolate cake and dessert but also get a paycheck Maybe it looks like a enviable 令人羡慕 work but British chocolate taster Laura said that

7、it seemingly sweet actually it is hard Outsiders can not imagine eat 20 kinds of chocolate feeling One of Britain s most exclusive grocery stores 最高档的食品杂货店 needs a new chocolate taster and will pay 35 000 pounds 54 400 a year for the successful candidate 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 10 Thank you 王欢 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 此课件供参考 部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请与我联系删除


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