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1、考前语基回扣第11组阅读写作之习惯表达1. to begin with首先2. in addition其次3. to conclude最后4. be admitted to/into被录取5. achieve ones ambitions实现某人的志向6. have a good command/knowledge of精通7. live up to ones expectations不辜负某人的期望8. have something in common有共同之处9. develop an interest in培养的兴趣10. obey/observe the school regulati

2、ons遵守学校的规章制度阅读写作之复杂句式 1.It is a great honor to give a speech here,as a representative of all the students of our school.能代表我校全体学生在这里发言,我感到非常荣幸。2The little boy knows so many things that we feel surprised.这个小男孩懂得很多,我们对此感到很惊讶。3It occurred to me that I should give the rooms a thorough cleaning.我突然想起,应该好

3、好给房间做做清洁。4The moment/instant/minute she heard the exciting news,she began to laugh.一听到这个令人兴奋的消息,她就大笑起来。5We might/may as well take advantage of the opportunity to improve our oral English.我们最好利用这次机会来提高我们的口语水平。书信邮件之经典范文(2018东北三省四市联合模拟)假定你是李华,正在负责策划你校的“绿色校园”(Green School)活动,请给你的美国笔友Henry写封邮件,向他介绍此次活动的内

4、容并征求他的建议。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【参考范文】Dear Henry,I have a favour to ask.We are to start a Green School campaign to inspire students to be environmentally conscious at school.Could you give me some advice on our current plan at your convenience?As scheduled,there will be a 30-minute radio broa

5、dcast on campus,which is about how to save water,paper,cans and electricity.Students will surely be impressed by the striking figures and helpful tips.Then our science teacher will give a live show in the lab on what actually happens to those renewable materials during the recycling process.This will be really popular.What else can we do? Looking forward to your constructive suggestions.Yours,Li Hua2


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