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1、对应学生用书P33基础题.单词拼写1They explored the deep forest where there was no human s_.答案:settlement2Dont be so g_ if you have eaten too much. Otherwise you will put on weight.答案:greedy3My primary school teacher greeted me warmly the i_ she saw me.答案:instant4He was so hungry that he s_ all his food in a few mi

2、nutes.答案:swallowed5Jack, the bottles can be r_. Dont just throw them away.答案:recycled6After years of effort, we turn the _ (沙漠) into grassland.答案:desert7In case of fire, break the glass and press the red _ (按钮)答案:button8Some students lack _ (动机) and thus achieve nothing.答案:motivation92017浙江高考In the

3、city, Mr Pennington gave Benjamin _ (材料) for creating oil paintings.答案:materials10The _ (代表) from all over the country gather in Beijing in spring every year.答案:representatives.选词填空1To keep healthy, most retired old people _ jogging as a regular form of exercise.答案:take up2After years of traveling,

4、he decided to _ here.答案:settle down3The car _ rather than slowed down when the driver noticed the traffic lights were about to turn red.答案:sped up4A good idea will not _ reality by itself. It needs our hard work.答案:turn into5The leaves of the plant _ water and sunshine to grow stronger.答案:are greedy

5、 for6The animal was walking slowly _ it had hurt its leg.答案:as though7Are your opinions _ the views of all the students?答案:representative of 8The girl couldnt help jumping with joy _ she heard the news.答案:the instant9He said goodbye to me and then was quickly _ in the crowd.答案:swallowed up10Its impo

6、lite to _ foreign visitors in the street.答案:stare at.单句语法填空1If you are too _ (greed), you may lose everything.答案:greedy句意:如果你太贪心了,你可能会失去一切。系动词之后应用形容词作表语。2_ (touch) by the teachers words, he did a lot of things to help his classmates.答案:Touchedtouch和其逻辑主语he之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词作状语。3Chinese people have chan

7、ged from passive _ (receive) to active choosers with easier access to Western dramas.答案:receivers句意:中国人民更容易接触到西方戏剧,已经从被动的接收者变成了积极的选择者。介词from后应用名词作宾语,与choosers并列,且这里指代的是Chinese people,所以应用复数。故填receivers。4The young boy, _ was late for school this morning again, managed to slide into the classroom.答案:w

8、ho这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为The young boy,指人,关系代词在从句中作主语,故填who。5He is a teacher _ (respect) by all his students.答案:respecteda teacher与respect之间是被动关系,故用过去分词短语respected by all his students作定语修饰teacher,表示“受所有学生尊敬的老师”。6The morning air is so good _ (breath)答案:to breathe这是一个“主语系动词adj.to do”结构,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。7The r

9、eason why he was absent from the meeting was _ he was delayed by the accident.答案:thatThe reason why . is/was that . “的原因是”,是固定句型。that引导表语从句。8There was nothing _ (leave) in the house when the hurricane passed by.答案:left句意:飓风过后,房子里什么也没留下。 nothing与leave之间存在被动关系,故填left作后置定语。9The meeting, attended by mor

10、e than 300 _ (represent) from nearly all the G20 economies, marked the formal start of Germanys presidency.答案:representatives句意:这个会议由来自几乎全部20国经济体的300多个代表参加,标志着德国总统任职的正式开始。数词300后应接名词representative,意为“代表”,且应用复数形式。10Fortunately, someone who happened to be passing by called the fire department _ (instan

11、t) the fire broke out.答案:instantly句意:幸运的是,大火刚发生,正好经过的人就立刻给消防队拨打了电话。设空处应该填连词来引导时间状语从句,instantly可作连词,意为“一就”。故填instantly。.单句改错1Worrying about his sons safety, he didnt sleep well._答案:WorryingWorried2The man desert his wife and children and went abroad._答案:desertdeserted3They are broadening the bridge t

12、o speed the flow of traffic._答案:speed后加up4A satisfying customer is the best advertisement that we hope to have._答案:satisfyingsatisfied5What we all know, the Great Wall was built as a defence against invaders._答案:WhatAs6The thief broke away from the policeman and ran to the opposite direction._答案:toi

13、n.完成句子12017天津高考Mr and Mrs Brown would like to see their daughter _, get married, and have kids.布朗夫妇希望看到女儿安顿下来,结婚成家,生儿育女。答案:settle down2The development of economy of this area needs _.这个地区的经济需要加速发展。答案:to be sped up3I have read a book written by Mo Yan recently, which _ his writing style.最近我读了莫言写的一本书,这本书代表了他的写作风格。答案:is representative of 4.This kind of material can _ many times.这种原料能够被循环利用好几次。答案:be recycled5Deep _



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