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1、四年级英语专项练习(对话填空) Class _ Name_填空(每空一词)(1)A: Excuse me, _ you Ben?B: _ , Im not.A: _ are you?B: Im Mike. Im _ here.(2) A: _ he a new driver?B: Which _ ?A: The one _ a red sweater.B: No, he _ .(3)A: _ that_ Miss Li?B: No, _ not Miss Li.(4)A: How _ are you?B: _ ten.(5) A: Is that_ your father?B: Yes, _

2、is.A: Whats _ _?B: _ a _,I think.(6) A: _ that _ ?B: Which one?A: The one _ a small nose.B: Shes my sister.(7) A: Is that _ your grandmother?B: Which one?A:_ _ _ the white dress.B: No,_ isnt.A:_ she?B:_ Helens grandmother.(8). A: Are _ new students?B: Yes,_ _.A: _ _ are they?B: _ about twelve.(9)A:

3、What would _ _?B: I d _ _ grapes.A: _ _ kilos?B: One _ , please.A: _ _?B: Five yuan.(10)A: Can _ _ you?B: Some _ (苹果).A: These or _?B:The _ ones.A: _ many _?B: Three _ of red _.A: Eight yuan, please.(课文内容填空)(1)Hi, _ Ben. Im _ here.Hi,_ Liu Tao. _ to our _._ that _ ? Hes Mike. _ a student.Whos that _

4、 over _? _ Miss Li.She is a _.Excuse me, _ _ a _ ?No, Im _. _ a nurse.(2)Hi, _ _ name ? _ Jack._ _ are you? _ one._ _ _? Im a _.Are _ waiters, too? No, _ _. What are _ _ ? _ drivers.()_ the _ _ big eyes?_ my brother, Ben._ that _ your sister?_ _ ?The one in the _ skirt.Yes, _ _.()What _ _? _ _ pears.What _ _? Grapes.Id _ some _,please.How many _? Three kilos, please.Id _ two _ of grapes.Here _



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