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1、动词的语态(Voices)语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态1. 被动语态的构成 1) 被动语态的基本构成形式 主语+助动词be+过去分词2) 被动语态的时态被动语态的时态通过助动词be的变化来体现。这个助动词必须与主语的人称和数相一致。现以do为例,将被动语态常用时态列表如下:一般时态进行时态完成时态现在amisare doneamisare being donehashave been done过去waswere donewaswere being donehad been done将来shallwill be doneshallwill have been done过去将来shouldwou

2、ld be doneshouldwould have been done3) 说出下列各句是哪种时态的被动语态 e.g. The lights are usually turned on at 6:30. e.g. Our house was built in 1979.e.g. This question will be answered by our headmaster.e.g. I knew the room would be cleaned.e.g. Your bicycle is being repaired now.e.g. The man was being questione

3、d by the police.e.g. My car has been repaired.e.g. I heard she had already been sent to hospital.4) 带情态动词的被动语态 情态动词+be+过去分词e.g. This must be done as soon as possible.5) 有些短语动词的被动语态有些短语动词,如“动词+介词”、“动词+副词”、“动词+名词+介词”,其作用相当于及物动词,也可以由被动语态。在被动语态结构中,介词或副词不可丢掉,且其位置不变。 e.g. My brothers child is taken care o

4、f by my mother.6) 含有两个宾语的被动语态在多数情况下,把间接宾语变为主语,而把直接宾语保留下来。 e.g. She was told a long story.7) 含有复合宾语的被动语态把宾语变为主语,宾语补足语变为主语补足语 e.g. The child was named Tom.2. 主动语态变被动语态1) 两种语态结构对比(箭头表示动作方向)宾语(动作承受者)谓语(及物动词)主语(动作发出者)主动语态 e.g. He wrote the letter.宾语(动作发出者)谓语(be+过去分词)主语(动作承受者)被动语态 e.g. The letter was writ

5、ten by him.2) 主动句变被动句的基本步骤 把主动句的宾语作为被动句的主语 把主动句的谓语改为“be+该动词的过去分词”形式,做被动句的谓语,注意be要根据主语的人称、数和该句的时态要求保持一致 主动句的主语改为by的宾语,有时可省略“by+主语”【注】一般将主动句中表示人的间接宾语变为被动句的主语 主动句:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 e.g. They chose Tom captain.被动句:主语(原宾语)+谓语+原宾语补足语 e.g. Tom was chosen captain.【注】如主动句中宾语补足语是不带to的不定式,变成被动语态后要加toe.g. I saw hi

6、m go to the church. He was seen to go to the church.3. 被动语态的用法英语中,何时情况下才使用被动语态的举例1) 不知道动作的执行者,只知道承受者的情况 e.g. Silk is produced in Suzhou.2) 不必说出动作的执行者的情况 e.g. Such books are written for children.3) 需要突出和强调动作的承受者的情况 e.g. She is liked by everyone.【注】不及物动词没有被动语态,如:happen,take,please,disappear等e.g. 这件事发生

7、在1989年。 (Wrong) This was happened in 1989. (Right) This happened in 1989. 有些动词,如:have,feel,hold,become,rise,look,sound,seem等只能着眼于表示状态而不强调动作,一般不用于被动语态中。 e.g. 树变绿了。 (Wrong)The trees have been become green. (Right) The trees have become green.4. 被动语态和“连系动词+表语(过去分词)”的区别被动语态中的过去分词是动词,表动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词

8、,表状态。前者可用by短语表示动作的执行者,后者则一般不用by短语。 比较: This book was written last year. The glass was broken by my sister. 这本书是去年写的。(被动语态) 玻璃杯是我妹妹打破的。(被动语态) This book was well written. The glass is broken. 这本书写得很好。(系表结构) 玻璃杯破了。(系表结构)【中考真题欣赏】1.Tomorrow theres a programme about our school on TV,then it _ by millions

9、of people Awill see Bsaw Cwill be seen Dwas seen。2-What a dean and bright classroom, isnt it? -Yes,its always clean and bright because it every dayA cleans B cleaned C is cleaned D was cleaned3.- Are you going to the party? - No, because I _. A. have asked B. havent asked C. have been asked D. haven

10、t been askedA. work B. worked C. have worked D. will work4. So far this year, many new houses _ in Wenchuan with the help of the government. A. build B. are built C. will build D. have been built(一)单项选择A组题1. We know that English _ all over the world.A. is spoken B. is speaking C. speaks D. has spoke

11、n2. Computer _ in everyday life in this country before long.A. is used B. will use C. will be used D. was used3. Its true that his bad teeth _ out by himself.A. has been pulled B. have been pulled C. has pulled D. pulled4. Ive told the old man his money _ by the policemen.A. has been found B. have b

12、een found C. have found out D. has found5. What _just now?A. was happened B. were happenedC. happened D. happens6. The children _ not to play with the fire .A. are told B. tell C. are asking D. warn7. -_ the Internet _ in your school? -Yes , but the computer in our office often refuses to work.A. Is

13、, used B. Is, using C. Does, use D. Has, used8. -Something is wrong with the car.-Dont worry. Ill have it _ soon.A. fixedB. mending C .to repair D. to fix9. - Football by the British at the beginning of last century.- Thats probably why football is one of the most popular games in England.A. was inventedB. invented C. was inventingD. invents10. The PRC was _ on October 1st 1949.A. found B. find C. founding D. founded11. I turned back only to find myself _ by a group of beggars.A. follow B. following C. to follow D. followed12. Now her lost books are usually_ the library.A .



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