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1、二轮复习专题 高考中最容易做错的完形填空题 Page 2 学生们在做完形填空时 往往很难拿到满分 答题时 学生们通常是根据文章意思和语言结构两方面的线索判断 什么是正确答案 可以说 完形填空的考查也是检测学生 外语总体能力的一种手段 研究表明 完形检测不但能测 试外语水平也能测试母语水平 那么怎么样去提高学生们 完形填空的正确率呢 今天我们就从学生们最易错的几类 题来进行分析 Page 3 1 As I looked into the eyes of the kind man tears up in my eyes A flooded B rushed C welled D rounded 2

2、 I feared making mistakes and the added pressure caused me to make more than my usual A size B share C space D state 3 Every day after school I would to JM s restaurant and work until ten A head B turn C change D move 答案 C 解析 well做动词 意为 涌出 流出 溢出 答案 B 解析 share做名词 意为 一份 份额 答案 A 解析 head做动词 意为 朝 某方向 行进

3、一 熟词生义 Page 4 4 Most of us think the dance is great fun even the teachers enjoy being there However two weeks ago someone said that there would be no band this year only CDs A new B live C foreign D marching 5 On that day Jean Thompson began to pay particular attention to Teddy As she worked with hi

4、m his mind seemed to become alive A very B last C every D extra 6 I am going to play college basketball I want to be the best My dad told me if the dream is big enough the facts don t A disappear B occur C exist D count 答案 B 解析 live做形容词 意为 现场直播的 解析 very做形容词 意为 特指人或事物 正是的 恰好的 同一的 D 解析 count做动词 此处意为 重

5、要 Page 5 7 On halfway on September 12 I was frightened to see the World Trade Centre was a huge pile maybe ten tall A miles B meters C stories D floors 8 For the past fifty years I ve had the most satisfying reporting career stories from murders to airplane crashes and finally choosing my strongest

6、area A creating B recalling C covering D writing 9 All Saturday I waited anxiously and with Sunday arriving my concern increased but I knew an enquiry about the box might cause anger or loud voice for in my house children only asked once More than that trouble A invited B took C saved D had 答案 C 解析

7、story做名词 此处意为 楼层 答案 C 解析 cover做动词 此处意为 报道 电视报道 答案 A 解析 invite做动词 此处意为 招致 尤指坏事 Page 6 10 I closed my eyes like a criminal waiting to be I begged in my heart for her to stop but she just kept on going I know what you ve got in there Do you A accused B arrested C punished D sentenced 11 The students at

8、 Madison took the time to know who really was They had no idea that I had been an anorexic 厌食者 so that a particular label 标签 did not their opinions of me A express B color C share D confirm 12 I walked passed the dinning room and noticed my roses in the vase were missing A growing B sitting C lying

9、D arranging 答案 D 解析 sentence做动词 意为 判决 宣判 判刑 答案 B 解析 color做动词 意为 尤指负面地 影响 答案 B 解析 sit做动词 此处意为 被放在 Page 7 二 搭配义 There was a mirror inside the coffin 棺材 everyone who looked inside it could see himself There was also a sign next to the mirror that There is only one person who is capable to set limits to

10、 your growth it is YOU A told B warned C wrote D read 解析 当sign意为 指示牌 标牌 标志 表示其上面写着 的时候 搭配的动词是read或者say Page 8 三 英语释义 1 While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise All day Andrew felt as he thought

11、about the upcoming showdown 摊牌 A nervous B strange C silly D upset 解析 此处容易错选D 认为upset是 心烦意乱 的意思 但如果看upset做形 容词时 英文释义是 unhappy or disappointed because of sth unpleasant that has happened 可排除D Page 9 四 固定搭配 1 We also had five people who were national champions One of them was a guy the name of John A

12、under B for C in D by 2 But now my attitude has changed because in my heart I realize that I ve seen the world in a different through my little darling s eyes A glance B light C focus D impression 3 Next morning his dad drove him to school When they in front of his destination Travis slowly opened t

13、he car door A pulled up B put up C took up D turned up 解析 by the name of 意为 名叫 的 解析 in a good bad different etc light 意为 从好 或坏 不同等 的角度 解析 pull up意为 车辆或司机 停车 停止 Page 10 4 I m just an average student and I m average too when it to basketball football soccer and baseball A refers B belongs C devotes D

14、comes 5 Maybe I gave Tim something but I learned a lot from him He showed me how one without any words can out to another person All it takes is a hug a shoulder to cry on a friendly touch a sympathetic nature and an ear that listens A figure B leave C bring D reach 解析 when it comes to sth意为 当涉及某事时

15、解析 reach out to sb意为 表示愿意提供援助 表示对某人感兴趣 Page 11 五 空后介词 1 The next day she was told that the man she had on was the owner of the restaurant where she was working A depended B served C waited D agreed 2 The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could handle and he to alcohol In time Al

16、became an alcoholic A got B drank C turned D sank 解析 此题容易误选为B serve意为 接待 服务 时 是及物动词 直接跟sb 此 题后面有介词on wait on 意为 伺候 服务 招待 尤指进餐 故选C 答案 C 解析 此题容易误选为B drink有 喝酒 尤指 酗酒 的意思 此处 空后有介词to turn to sth 意为 向 求助 故选C Page 12 六 辨析义 1 One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living A bills B expenses C prices D charges 2 I had expected a meeting at someone s house a garden club or a parents group Then I a sign on a door My mother was taking night classes to learn English A spotted B


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