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1、九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。70对不起,我迟到了。Im sorry I _ class.71. 噢,你不喜欢这个颜色。那件蓝色的怎么样? Oh, you dont like this color. _ that blue one?72. 他不仅擅长体育,唱歌也不错。 He is _ doing well in sports _ good at singing.73. 我会争取明天放学前完成这项任务。 I _ before school is over tomorrow.74. 我们想告诉老师,不要阻止我们尝试我们的新想法。We want to_.九、完成句子(共1

2、0分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。70. 杨林,放学后和我一块去购物怎么样?_ going shopping with me after school, Yang Lin?71. 今天太热了,为什么不去游泳呢? Its too hot today. _go swimming?72. 我们从良乡到北京乘高铁需要半小时。_ go from Liangxiang to Beijing by sky train.73. 昨天李英洗完衣服才做作业。 Li Ying _ her clothes yesterday.74. 我认为我们没有必要过于担心日本地震给我们带来的影响。_the influenc

3、es which the earthquake in Japan has brought to us. 九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。70. 今天天气很热。去游泳怎么样?Its hot today. _going to swim?71. 他太兴奋了以至于他说不说话来。He is _ excited _ say a word. 72. 玩电脑游戏太久对你的眼睛不好。Playing computer games too much_ your eyes.73. 我不但喜欢英文书籍,而且也喜欢英语歌曲。I like_.74. 在生活中,对于我们来说, 与别人相处的好是有很

4、必要的。_ in our daily life.九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。70妈妈,我今天没时间陪您去购物, 明天怎么样?I have no time to go shopping with you, Mum. tomorrow?71这次我的英语取得了很大进步,我真的很高兴。I Ive made great progress in English.72众所周知,吸烟对我们的健康没好处。It is known to all that smoking _ our health。73刚一听到这个好消息,他就迫不及待地告诉了他父亲。He couldnt wait to

5、tell his father the good news _he heard it. 74让杰克每天晚上复习两个小时功课恐怕很困难。 Jack keep going over his lessons for two hours every evening. 九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。70.学习压力令我们透不过气,是时候放松一下了!Work pressure makes us feel down. to relax!71.我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉你妈妈。Ill tell your mother about it I get your E-mail.72.这篇

6、文章很容易,大家都能读懂。The article is everybody can understand it. 73.好的教师应该既不太严厉又不太软弱。A good teacher must be .74.他服药以防止感冒恶化。He took medicines .九、根据中文意思完成句子。(共10分,每小题2分)70.、你看上去很累了。为什么不请人帮帮忙呢? You look very tired. _ask someone for help?71、我认为你没有必要为那件事担心。 _you need to worry about that.72、你一到美国就给我打电话好吗? Will yo

7、u ring me up _?73. 你最好不要让他抄你的作业。_let him copy your homework. 74. 必须采取措施阻止他花大量时间玩电子游戏。Something must be done to_.九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。70. 让我帮助你拎这个又大又沉的箱子吧。_you carry the big and heavy box. 71. 冰箱出什么故障了? 噪音太大。_the fridge? Its so noisy.72. 别长时间玩电脑,那对你的眼睛有害。Dont play computer games too long. _y

8、our eyes.73. 昨晚我的朋友林娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时。My friend Lin Na _on the phone for half an hour last night.74. 现在城市里越来越多的成年人花费空闲时间到大学去努力提高自己。Now more and more city adults_improve themselves at college.九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。70. 今晚,你愿意和我共进晚餐吗?_ have dinner with me tonight?71. 到了一个陌生的城市,买一张地图是很重要的。When you a

9、re in a new city, _ a map.72. 因为下大雨,他让我等了两个小时。Because of the heavy rain, _.73. 我花了很长的时间才理解了那幅油画的含义。_ the meaning of the painting.74. 李先生过去总抽烟。直到病得严重了,他才戒烟。 Mr Li used to smoke a lot. _ he was seriously ill. 九、完成句子。(共10分,每小题2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。70. 彼得,十点钟了!该上床休息了。 Peter, its ten oclock!_ go to bed.71. 你看上去

10、很累,为什么不好好休息一下呢? You look very tired. _ have a good rest?72. 我每天都花半小时骑车上学。_ an hour to go to school by bike every day.73. 孩子们在忙着准备妈妈的生日聚会。The children _ their mothers birthday parday.74. 很多学校都需要加固装修,这可以使学校变得既安全又美观。Many schools need to be be reinforced and decorated, and it can_. 九、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据中

11、文意思完成句子。70. 我一收到邮件,就给你回复。 Ill give you a reply _ I get your email. 71. 有空儿你给我打个电话好吗? _ call me when you are free?72. 太累了,我们停下来歇会儿吧。Were so tired. Lets _.73. 外边正在下雨,但莉莉忘记带雨伞了。It is raining now, but Lily_. 九、完成句子 (共10分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。70. 苏珊一到学校我们就出发。We will set off _ Susan gets to school.71. 爷爷奶奶很高兴今年暑假我要去看望他们。Grandparents _ that I will visit them this summer vacation.72. 您愿意本周六和我一起看电影吗? _ go to the cinema with me this Saturday?73. 我上周用了两天时间为妈妈选了一件礼物。 _ find a present for Mom last week.74. 这里的景色太美了,我们停下来拍了很多照片。The sights here were _.


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