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1、三图表类高考命题聚焦(2011年高考湖南卷)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇短文:1简要描述右图内容,并点明主题;2联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示。注意:1.词数不少于120个;2不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。_One possible version: As is illustrated in the picture,one drop of water does not make a s

2、ea;one tree does not make a forest;one person does not make a society.It tells us that in our society two heads are better than one and unity is strength. Nowadays there are still many poor students.They can not afford to go to school.Luckily, many people and organizations donate a lot of money to h

3、elp them receive college education smoothly.In a word,we should offer our help and love to the persons in need.I believe that if every one of us can give help and love to others, the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.核心考点突破图表作文就是将



6、调查所得数据、结果,阐明必要的理由或原因;或分析数据间的主要差异及趋势。要特别注意层次。3归纳总结或发表评论。此外,写作时还要注意:(1)图表和数据内容不必全部描述;善于抓住总的规律、趋势,归纳增减率;过去特定的时间用过去时,经常出现的情况或自己的评述用一般现在时;(2)切忌写成“填表题”,“一对一直译”,“句式单一”,遗漏“间接要点”,应巧妙组合信息。、素材必备1常用词汇(1)点明图表所反映的主题的常用词汇:table表格 chart图表figure图形,数字 graph曲线图describe描述 tell告诉show表明 represent描绘,表现indicate指出,揭示(2)分析数据

7、间的主要差异及趋势的常用词汇:表示上升或增加的:rise,increase,go up表示下降或减少的:decrease,fall,reduce,decline,drop,go down表示趋势的:sharply急剧地,quickly迅速地,rapidly快速地,dramatically戏剧般地,显著地,slowly缓慢地,gradually逐渐地表示对比或比较的:compared.to/with.,in contrast to,the same as,similar to,different from,difference between,while,but,on the contrary,

8、however,as.as,among,more than,less than等。2常用句式(1)开门见山,点明主题的常用句式:Last week,we made/did/carried out a survey on physical training among senior middle school students.上周,我们对高中生进行了关于体育锻炼的调查。The chart describes/tells/shows.图表显示The chart shows an up trend of meat prices.图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。As is shown in the char

9、t,food price has been on the rise/decrease.如图表所示,食品价格一直在上升/下降。According to the figures given by the graph,Chinese farmers personal income rose steadily from 1980 to 2008.根据表中所给的数字,1980年至2008年中国农民的个人收入稳步增长。It can be concluded from the graph that there has been a great decline in birth rate in China i

10、n the past five years.从曲线图可以得出结论,最近5年来中国人口的出生率已经大大下降。We can see from the table that.我们可以从表格中看出We can see from the table above that the environment in the Yellow River Valley is getting worse and worse.从上面的表格中我们可以看出黄河流域的环境正变得越来越糟。The graph provides some interesting data regarding.该曲线图为我们提供了有关的有趣数据。Th

11、e graph provides some interesting data regarding the reasons why more and more people choose to live in big cities.该曲线图为我们提供了有关为什么越来越多的人们选择住在大城市的有趣数据。It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram that.从表格/图表中我们可以很清楚/明显地看到It is clear from the chart that people can afford to live and eat better da

12、y by day as their income increases.从这个图表中不难看出随着收入一天天的增加,人们已有经济实力使吃住变得更好。(2)呈现数据,分析原因的常用句型:It is obvious from the graph/chart that.rank the first/highest,while.turn out to be the lowest.图中清楚显示是排在第一位/最高的,而结果最低。It is obvious from the chart that housing expenses rank the first,while the clothing cost tu

13、rns out to be the lowest.图表中清楚显示住房消费排在第一位,而服装消费所占比例最低。A,which accounts for.%,rank the first;next in line is B with.%,followed by C,making up.%;finally D,at.%.A排在第一,占%,紧接着是B,占%,跟着是C,占%,最后是D,占%。Housing expenses,which account for 40%,rank the first;next in line is food cost with 28%,followed by medical

14、 bills and school fees,making up 20%;finally is clothing,at 7%.住房消费排在第一,占40%,紧接着是饮食消费,占28%,跟着是医疗和教育费用,占20%,最后是服装占7%。Food price has increased by 19%。食品价格增长了19%。Private cars have doubled in the past five years.私家车在过去五年里翻了一番。11 million in 1999 to more than 140 million in 2009.私家车的数量由1999年的1 100万辆急剧地上升到2009年的一亿四千多万辆。The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows.这一数据我们可以做如下的解读The data/statistics/figures lead us to the c


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