4B Chapter 3复习提要-黄璐

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《4B Chapter 3复习提要-黄璐》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《4B Chapter 3复习提要-黄璐(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、朗文英语4B复习提要Chapter 3:Holiday Plans(假期计划) in Hong Kong本章出现的所有香港地名只需要会读、知道意思,不要求拼写。 I. 经过第3章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译( translate),并且还要会拼写( spell)。district地区forget to do忘记做某事a beautiful city一个漂亮的城市in Hong Kong在香港flag raising ceremony升旗仪式go sho

2、pping购物watch a performance(watch performances)观看表演eat seafood吃海鲜visit the open market参观开放市场see the sea animals(see sea animals)看海洋动物have lunch吃午餐bay海湾peak山顶else其他Causeway Bay铜锣湾Stanley赤柱Ocean Park海洋公园the Peak太平山顶Wan Chai湾仔Sai Kung西贡Tsim Sha Tsui尖沙咀II.句型。下面的关键句型我们要会读( read), 知道意思(know the Chinese mea

3、ning), 会根据不同的语境来运用( use them in different contexts), 会写( write them correctly)。本章我们学习的关键句型和语法主要是:1. will表示将来时,后面加动词原型:will+do2. 问句答句时态保持一致。问句用将来时,答句也用将来时。3. at后面一般跟小地点,比如at school, at hospital, at home, at the restaurant等等。4. in后面一般跟大地点,比如国家和城市:in China, in Jiangsu, in Nanjing。5. I will= Ill-Where w

4、ill you go in Hong Kong?在香港,你将会去哪里?-Ill go to Ocean Park.我将会去海洋公园。-What will you do there?在那里(海洋公园),你将会做什么?-Ill see the sea animals there.我将会去看海洋动物。-Where else will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?-Ill go to Wan Chai.我将会去湾仔。-What will you do there? 在那里(湾仔),你将会做什么?-Ill go to the flag raising ceremony

5、.我将会去看升旗仪式。-Where else will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?-Ill go to Causeway Bay.我将会去铜锣湾。-What will you do there? 在那里(铜锣湾),你将会做什么?- Ill go shopping there.我将会在那里购物。-Where else will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?- Ill go to Tsim Sha Tsui.我将会去尖沙咀。-What will you do there? 在那里(尖沙咀),你将会做什么?-Ill watch

6、 a performance there.我将会观看一场演出。-Where else will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?-Ill go to Stanley.我将会去赤柱。-What will you do there? 在那里(赤柱),你将会做什么?-Ill visit the open market there.我将会游览开放市场。-Where else will you go in Hong Kong?在香港,你还将去哪里?-Ill go to Sai Kung.我将会去西贡。-What will you do there?在那里(西贡),你将会做

7、什么?-Ill eat seafood there.我将会吃海鲜。-Where else will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?-Ill go to the Peak.我将会去太平山顶。-What will you do there? 在那里(太平山顶),你将会做什么?-Ill have lunch there.我将会吃午餐。III. C部分学完后,你们要达到以下的要求哦。1) 可以准确而流利地背诵出C部分。2) 对于需要抄写的单词、短语和句子,要求会读、知道意思、知道在何种语境下运用、会拼写。1. from发件人 2. sent发送时间 3. a.m.凌晨

8、至中午12点的时间(a.m.和in the morning不重叠使用)4. p.m.(中午12点至凌晨) 5. to收件人 6. subject主题 7. news消息,新闻。(不可数名词,不是复数) 8. for a holiday(表示目的) 9. on Sunday在周日 10. show around带四处转转 11. especially尤其、特别 12. Cant wait to see you.等不及要见你了。 13. pen friend笔友 14. make plans做计划 15. this Sunday(前面不加介词,比如this year, this morning)1

9、6. told (tell的过去时)告诉 17. for her visit(名词)来访 18. show sb sth=show sth to sb带看19. some of +复数名词 :有些20. float漂浮 21. maybe也许(一般放在句首) 22. any other+复数名词,放在疑问句中。 23. suggestion(suggest的名词形式)建议 24. FirstNext ThenAfter thatFinally(事情的先后顺序) 3)对于下面的一些词组和句型,我们要准确而流利地读出来、能够英汉互译、会拼写、还要会运用和拓展。1. I am going to co

10、me to Hong Kong for a holiday.be going to + do:将要做(将来时)What are you going to do tomorrow?I am going to meet my friend at the airport.How are you going to travel?I am going to travel by bus.Who are you going to meet this weekend?I am going to meet my English teacher. 2. Cherrys pen friend was coming

11、to Hong Kong for a holiday.(过去进行时)She was dancing when I saw her.They were doing their homework at 7p.m. last night.I was playing football when my mum came to pick me up. 3. Do you have any other suggestions?some other+复数名词,放在肯定句中any other+复数名词,放在疑问句或否定句中I know they will invite some other people too

12、.These books are not interesting. Do you have any other books?Sorry, there arent any other books.IV. Part ENew words and phrases for Part E.E部分新单词和词组。要求:对于以下单词和词组要会读、会英汉互译、书上做笔记部分要会拼写。cousin堂兄妹,表兄妹November 11月countryside乡村,田园old building老建筑to be visited将被访问hotel旅馆a day out外出一天itinerary行程in time orde

13、r按时间顺序heritage遗产,遗迹wishing tree许愿树pick sb up接某人island岛屿(s is silent)fishing village渔村(fish有钓鱼的意思)suggest建议(suggestion的名词)tour旅行(名词)tour bus观光巴士take back to带回hope希望too tired太疲劳best wishes放在信的末尾,通常以复数形式出现,表示对对方的祝福。Tai Po大埔Yuen Long元朗Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree林村许愿树Lo Wai Walled Village老围村Central中环Repulse B

14、ay浅水湾Aberdeen Fishing Village香港仔渔村Hong Kong Island香港岛New sentences for Part E要求:1. 对于书上出现的句子,要知道中文意思、会读、会拼写、会运用。2. 能够用FirstNextThenAfter thatFinally(At last)来写话。3. I hope you will not be too tired.will be+名词、形容词、介词短语I will be a teacher next year.I think she will be happy tonight. Because I will buy

15、a birthday cake for her.I think they will be in the playground 2 hours later. Because they are going to have a PE lesson. V. Part F. 要求:知道中文意思,会读,能英汉互译brochure小册子Buddha佛像(h is silent)Disneyland迪斯尼(是个地名,首字母要大些)Part GVIPart G. 要求: 会背。出现的新词还要能会读,知道意思,能英汉互译。So many things to do.好多事情要去做。go on the rides 玩游乐设施at Disneyland在迪斯尼Mickey Mouse米奇老鼠fishing boat渔船



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