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1、牛津小学英语5B Unit3 Hobbies教学设计一、 教学目标1、知识目标: 能正确地听说读写词组 take photos, go shopping。能正确地听说读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes。2、技能目标: 能正确运用句型Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like. He/ She likes.3、情感态度目标:培养学生的兴趣,丰富课外生活。二、 教学重点1、 能正确地听说读写词组 take photos, go shopping。2、 能正确地听说读

2、写词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes。3、 能正确运用句型Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like. He/ She likes.进行会话。三、 教学难点1、 能正确地听说读写词组 take photos, go shopping。2、 能熟练运用本课所学的词组、句子Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like. He/ She likes.结合生活实际进行会话。四、 教学准备1、 多体课件。2、 词组卡片,录音机和磁带。

3、五、教学过程Step1、 Greetings1、 Listen and actPlay the violin, clean the windows, have got a fever2、Free talk(随机问学生,复习已学知识)T: What day is it today? Its Thursday.T: What lessons do you have in the morning?I like swimming and reading. Swimming is my hobby. What do you like? Whats your hobby? 引出课题:Unit3 Hobbi

4、esStep2、Presentation Sing a song : HobbiesT: Do you have any hobbies? Please tell us at once.S: Yes, I do. I like. (help) (电脑呈现)What does he /she like?He / She likes .(电脑呈现图片)教师逐一向全班:He/She likes.领说句型,学生跟读。呈现词组T: Look at the girl. What does she like?She likes going shopping.T: I have many hobbies. I

5、 like collecting rubbers and collecting photos.(拿出照相机拍照)I like taking photos, too.Drill: photo/take a photo/ take photos.Practise: The students say and do.(take a photo)6 T: Look,what does she like?T: She likes growing flowers.(compare with like and likes)The same way teach: She likes making clothes

6、(呈现所有词组图片和单词,学生认读)Step4 Practice (8)1、Listen and repeat听课文整体录音并跟读。学生自由朗读,遇到困难互相打招呼。判断下列句子是否正确。( )1.Ben likes collecting English stamps.( ) 2.Mike likes taking photos.( ) 3.Yang Ling likes growing flowers.( ) 4.Yang Ling can make a T-shirt for Mikes dog.2、Work in pairs. Part C Ask and answerDo you ha

7、ve any hobbies?Do you like .? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3、Act out the dialouge.Step5 Consolidation (10)1、Listen and repeat.2、This is Su Yangs family. Please talk about their hobbies.3、Do a survey. Work in four. Then introduce your parteners hobbies to the classates.He/ She likes.Step6 Assign homework (1)1、抄写词组四遍并翻译。2、将书上第25页四幅图写在作业本上。3 运用所学的词组和句型自由交谈。


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