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1、Appliable Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 适用语言学与应用语言学 1 Main Points 1 Halliday vs Widdowson 2 The definition of AL 3 Widdowson s distinction between AL it mediates between theory and practice In W Bright ed International Encyclopedia of Linguistics Oxford OUP 1992 7 3 Widdowson s AL that ideas a

2、nd findings from linguistics can only be made relevant in reference to other perceptions and perspectives that define the context of the problem Applied linguistics is in this respect a multilateral process which of its nature has to relate and reconcile different representations of reality includin

3、g that of linguistics without excluding others 14 Davies and Elder 2004 10 Widdowson argues that linguistics is itself part of applied linguistics Davies and Elder 2004 10 We may surmise that the theory then research approach is that of linguistics while the research then theory is that of applied l

4、inguistics 15 4 Halliday s SFL SFL as a general linguistics Strata of language phonology graphology lexicogrammar semantics Halliday 2008 14 Language teaching translation and natural language processing are familiar today as domains of applied linguistics and are of the contexts in which our systemi

5、c functional linguistics has evolved 16 The stages of linguistic analysis and theorizing language Theorizing language Typologizing languages based on existing descriptions Describing a language based on texts using an existing theory Analyzing texts using an existing description 17 Halliday 2008 7 a

6、ppliable linguistics a comprehensive and theoretically powerful model of language which precisely because it was comprehensive and powerful would be capable of being applied to the problems both research problems and practical problems that are being faced all the time by the many groups of people i

7、n our modern society who are in some way or other having to engage with language 18 Halliday 2008 13 Behind many potential applications of linguistics lie key areas of linguistic research in particular descriptive comparative typological and translation studies and these now increasingly depend on a

8、ccess to large quantities of data in computable form that is a computerized corpus and to computational linguistic methodology in general 19 5 Widdowson s criticism Widdowson 2000 3 6 Corpus analysis and critical discourse analysis are examples of linguistics applied 20 Widdowson 2000 4 Applied ling

9、uistics is a mediating activity more ethnographic in character which seeks to accommodate a linguistic account to other partial perspectives on language so as to arrive at a relevant reformulation of real world problems 21 Widdowson 2000 4 Linguistics decontextualized language from reality and appli

10、ed linguistics re contextualized it and reconstructed reality in the process Linguistics is the science like physics and applied linguistics is its technology like engineering 22 Widdowson 2000 4 Although the scope of linguistic enquiry has extended to take in the data of externalized language the m

11、ode of its enquiry is such as to give only a restricted account of experienced language 23 Widdowson 2000 5 No matter how extended the scope of linguistics into the real world its unmediated application can never become applied linguistics because it will always represent that reality linguistically

12、 on its own terms and in its own terms 24 Widdowson 2000 7 Corpus linguistics cannot produce ethnographic descriptions of language use it deals with the textually attested but not with the encoded possible nor the contextually appropriate The linguistics of the attested is just the linguistics of th

13、e possible 25 Widdowson 2000 7 Whether you are dealing with the possible or the attested you still have to make them appropriate for learning And it is just such conditions that applied linguistics has somehow to take cognizance of 26 Widdowson 2000 23 Corpus linguistics assumes the appropriate can

14、be derived from the attested and critical linguistics assumes that the appropriate can be derived from the possible Both claim that they reveal the reality of experienced language But neither of them does in fact engage with the reality of language as experienced by users and learners 27 Indeed they

15、 distance themselves from it and produce an analytic construct which then effectively project reality in its own image In both cases we get linguistics applied Their findings are partial and conditional on a particular perspective Such a perspective has its own validity but this is relative and not

16、absolute and it is of value because it provokes us to consider how it relates to others 28 Widdowson 2000 23 If applied linguistics is to have any occupation it must avoid and indeed resist the deterministic practices of linguistics applied Its only claim to existence as a field of enquiry must rest on its readiness to enquire critically into the relevance of linguistic theory and description to the reformulation of language problems in the practical domain Such an enquiry has to be linguistical



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