【课堂新坐标】(教师用书)2013-2014学年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom同步备课参考

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【课堂新坐标】(教师用书)2013-2014学年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom同步备课参考 _第1页
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《【课堂新坐标】(教师用书)2013-2014学年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom同步备课参考 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【课堂新坐标】(教师用书)2013-2014学年高中英语 Unit 2 The United Kingdom同步备课参考 (55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit 2The United Kingdom【美文阅读】英国这个美丽的国度,景点之多,美不胜收。The holiday places in the UKThere are so many great places to visit in the UK.Its impossible to list them all so we have chosen just three popular places.London, as the capital of the UK, is regarded as (被认为是)one of the greatest cities in the world.

2、Many people think the city is their dream holiday place and its easy to see why.You can keep coming back to London again and again and still find something new and exciting to see and experience.During the day you can experience many,many sights such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and

3、 the Tower of London.By night the city takes on a new life with some of the finest restaurants, bars and clubs found in the world and of course the greatest theatre in the world can be found in the West End.All this makes London an exciting place.The county(郡,县) of Devon is growing more and more pop

4、ular with holidaymakers.It is one of the most beautiful counties in Britain.Devon lies along coastline(海岸线) both to its north and south with a green countryside.There are two amazing National Parks, beautiful beaches,and pretty villages and towns.Devon is popular with people of all ages.So no matter

5、 how old you are,Devon suits you.Brighton is one of the most exciting cities in Britain if not in the whole of Europe.The city is full of energy, fun and a sense of freedom which attracts young people from across the country,though there is more than enough to attract people of all ages.Note:【诱思导学】1

6、List the top holiday places mentioned in the passage. 2Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?2Many people think it is an ideal place for holiday and we can know the reason then.3Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.【答案】1.LondonDe

7、vonBrighton 2Many people think the city is their dream holiday place and its easy to see why.3.尽管这座城市有太多吸引各个年龄段的人们的地方,但是它充满活力、乐趣和自由感吸引着全国各地的年轻人。Period Previewing(教师用书独具)教学目标初步掌握本课文中的词汇,浅层次理解课文,了解相关的背景知识。本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本单元话题是“英国” 。通过阅读使学生

8、了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。 “阅读”(reading)部分从地理,历史,政治,文化等多角度说明了联合王国的形成,发展以及它的风土人情和人文景观。使学生对英国有一个比较详实的认识,拓宽了知识面,有助于深入地理解和领悟英国语言和英国文化习俗。 (教师用书独具)3新课导入建议可以通过给学生看地图,拼地形图卡片,看幻灯片等,尽可能多地直观的向学生介绍有关英国概况的知识,使学生对当代英国的经济与政治,城市与乡村等诸多方面有一个整体认识。老师要尽量给学生自主学习的时间和空间,通过自学、自做、自悟、自助等方式,让学生体会和理解文章的内容,探讨英国的文化。 教学流程设计导入新课。学生阅读

9、“美文阅读”与“诱思导学”(见学案第 19 页)。学生就“话题美文导读”进行讨论,统一答案。学生再次阅读课文(见课本第 910 页)并完成“语篇理解”(见学案第 20 页)。师生共同讨论并统一答案。让学生快速阅读课文(见课本第 910 页),并完成“篇章结构”(见学案第 19 页)学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,最后统一答案。学生再次仔细阅读课文(见课本第 910 页)进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第 20 页)。老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。让学生根据所给出的表格进行自我评估(见学案第 21 页)。学生讨论,并让学生代表发表他们讨论得出的答案。老师予以更正。让学生完成“知识初

10、探”部分(见学案第 20页)。老师布置作业,让学生看课本第 9 页并完成课本第 11 页 1、2、3、4、5 题,预习学案Period (见学案第 2126 页), 写一篇关于友谊的日记。4(见学生用书第 19 页).篇章结构阅读 P910 的 Reading 部分,完成下列表格(每空不超过 3 个单词)PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHYThe United KingdomThe centre of 7. government and its administration.1. London The greatest 8. treasuremuseums,art collections,

11、theatres,parks and buildings.【答案】1.Its capital2.largest3.13th century4Scotland5.Wales6.20th7.national8.historical.语篇理解阅读 P910 的 Reading 部分,从每题所给的 3 个选项中选择最佳答案1What is mainly talked about in this passage?AThe history of the United Kingdom.BThe geography of the United Kingdom.CThe people of the United

12、 Kingdom.2How many countries is the United Kingdom made up of?ATwo.BThree.CFour.3The writer mentions London in the fifth paragraph mainly because .ALondon is the capital of the United KingdomBLondon can best reflect British history and cultureCLondon is the home of art collections4Which invader infl

13、uenced the British words for food?5AThe Romans. BThe Vikings. CThe Normans.5From the passage,we know that .Aall the four countries share the same educational systemsBthe Romans came to England before the AngloSaxonsCit was easy for Northern Ireland to join England,Scotland and Wales【答案】15BCBCB.课文缩写阅

14、读 P910 的 Reading 部分,完成下面课文缩写As we all know,UK is 1. four countries:England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.Everyone can easily clarify any problems if you study 2. .So there is no need to debate more.Great Britain was the name given when the England and Wales were joined to 3. .They are united p

15、eacefully.The four countries do work together 4. ,but they are still very different.They developed 5. and legal systems as well as different football teams.England is the largest of the four and 6. it is divided roughly into 7. .Some industrial cities dont have the historical 8. of other places.Yet London has the greatest historical treasure.But it has been influenced only by some 9. of England.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to 10. to the UK worthwhile.【答案】1.divided into2.British history3


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