2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit16教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit16教学案 人教大纲版理解:要点诠释单词1.charge讲: vt.& n. 要价;记账;谴责;命令;充电;管理;照顾;收费例:They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.一杯咖啡他们向我要5美元。Mother charged me to tell the truth and not to steal.母亲训诫我要诚实,不可偷窃。How often shall I charge the battery?我多长时间充一次电?You can get service free of cha

2、rge.你可得到免费服务。There is a 10 percent service charge.收10%的服务费。Ill be in charge of the whole factory next week,when the director is away.下周董事离开,我将负责整个工厂。The patient is in the charge of that doctor.这位病人由那位医生负责。链接提示 (1)be in charge of 管理/掌管 (2)be in/under the charge of.被/由掌管/负责 (3)free of charge免费的 (4)tak

3、e charge of 担任;管理练:(1)(xx甘肃兰州诊断考试) The seller would sell the jacket for seventy dollars,but the customer _only half the price.A.asked B.charged C.offered D.sold提示:charge要价、索价,offer出价。答案:C(2)My doctor,who is kept _ the nurse,has _ ill since last week.A.in the charge of;fallen B.in charge of;beenC.in

4、the charge of;been D.in charge of;fallen提示:依据时间状语since last week,排除A、D项,因为瞬间动词fall不能与一段时间状语连用。be kept in the charge of sb.一直处在某人的看管下。答案:C2.sense讲: vt.& n.感官;感觉;意义;意味例:Can you make sense of what I said?你能理解我说的话吗?What you say is true in a sense.就某种意义而言,你说的是实话。She lost her senses when she heard the new

5、s.她听到这个消息就昏了过去。He sensed that his proposal was unwele.他觉得他的建议不受欢迎。The dog sensed danger and barked.那条狗意识到危险后叫了起来。链接提示 (1)make sense 有道理;有意义;讲得通;是明智的;合乎情理的;易于理解;道理明显 This sentence doesnt make sense. 这个句子不通。 (2)make sense of sth.理解;弄懂(不易理解的事物) I cant make sense of the painting. 我看不懂那幅画。 (3)mon sense常识

6、 (4)the sense of duty/time/humor/direction责任感/时间观念/幽默感/方向感练:(1)(xx甘肃兰州诊断考试) Mr.Blake is well-known in the school because of his good_of humor.A.sense B.emotion C.feeling D.thought提示:sense of humor意为“幽默感”。答案:A(2)Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any _.A.value B.sense C.

7、fun D.use提示:make不能与value搭配;make fun和make use与题意明显不符。句意为:够了!没有人认为你说的有意义。答案:B3.prove讲: vt.证明;证实link-v. 证明;结果是例:He has proved his courage in the battle.他已经在战斗中证明了他的勇敢。Can you prove that to the court?你能向法庭证明这一点吗?He proved an honest man.事实证明他是个诚实的人。It proved to be much more difficult than she had suppose

8、d.事实证明这比她原来预料的要难得多。链接提示 (1)prove作及物动词时,可以接名词、代词、从句和复合宾语,且可以用于被动语态。 (2)prove用作连系动词时,后接形容词、名词、介词短语或to be结构。练:(1)The theory hes stuck _ us that earthquakes can be forecast.A.to proves B.to proveC.which to prove D.to proves to提示:句意为:他坚持的理论向我们证明地震是可以预报的。stick to表示“坚持(原则、计划、诺言等)”;prove to.表示“向证明”。故选D。答案:D

9、(2)Why was Professor Zhang unhappy recently?Because the theory he insisted on _ wrong.A.proved B.provingC.being proved D.was proved提示:he insisted on是定语从句;prove是连系动词,因此不可用于被动。故选A。答案:A4fort讲: n. 舒服;安逸;舒适;安慰;宽慰;令人感到安慰的人或事物vt.安慰;抚慰;宽慰例:The priest spoke a few words of fort to the dying man.牧师对将要死去的人说了几句安

10、慰的话。He lives in great fort.他生活极为舒适。After retirement,he took fort from/in reading.退休后他从读书中得到慰藉。It is a fort to know that she is safe.得知她平安无事,这是一个安慰。A hot cup of milk on a cold night is a real fort.在寒冷的夜晚喝一杯热牛奶真是舒服。I tried to fort Jean after her mothers death.詹妮的妈妈去世后,我尽力安慰她。链接提示 (1)fort表示“舒适;安慰”时为抽象名

11、词,表示“令人感到安慰的人或事”时为可数名词。 (2)fortable adj. 舒服的 The chair is fortable to sit in. 这椅子坐上去很舒服。练:I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for them.Well,where else could they live _?They should be satisfied.A.in such a fort B.hardC.miserably D.in such fort提示:解题时要依据语境,分析推断第二个说话人的意思。从上下文,特别是They

12、should be satisfied可以看出,第二个说话人的意思是“This is the best house they could find.”排除B、C两项;fort作“舒适;安慰”讲时,是不可数名词,故选D。答案:D短语1.pick out讲:该短语的义项有“挑选;找出”。例:She picked out the shoes that match the dress.她选出搭配那件衣服的鞋子。Can you pick out your brother in the crowd?你能在这人群中找出你的兄弟吗?The houses in the painting were picked

13、out in white.这幅画中的房子以白色凸现出来。I managed to pick out the passage.我终于理解了这篇文章的意思。链接拓展 (1)pick at 申诉;指责;吃一点点 His mother picked at him for being lazy. 他母亲指责他懒惰。 The sick woman just picked at the food he brought. 那生病的女人只吃了一点点他带来的食物。 (2)pick on 选择某人 The teacher always picked on me to answer a hard question. 老师总是挑我回答困难的问题。 (3)pick up 拾起;让乘客上车;驾车接某人;恢复;偶然得到;接收广播 After staying in hospital for long,the patient was advised to go to the seaside to pick up his health. 在医院住了很久以后,医生建议这位病人到海边去恢复健康。 Ill pick you up at your home. 我开车到你家去接你。 (4)pick over 慎重地调查;仔细地检查 He picke


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