2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics 巩固 新人教版必修2.doc

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1、2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics 巩固 新人教版必修2.用所给词的适当形式填空1I think weve all learned a _(value) lesson today.2During the summer, New York offers a variety of special _(culture) events.3He is the only _(survive) in the accident.4At the _(enter) to the hall, I saw Tom by accident.5We asked a loca

2、l _(art) to e and show her work to the students.6The floor was made of _(wood) blocks.7It is _(evidence) that he is pretending to be ill.8That shop has a fine _(select) of cakes.9Two leaders _(secret) flew to that country to solve the problem.10Why is it that he _(rare) mentions his childhood?答案:1.v

3、aluable2.cultural3.survivor4.entrance5.artist6.wooden7.evident8.selection9.secretly10.rarely.完成句子1_, the police finally found the lost child.(search)警察搜查了整个树林,终于找到了这个走失的孩子。2The software, _ please too many users, results in low satisfaction. (design)这款软件企图满足过多的用户,结果导致满意度下降。3_, the sports field looked

4、 more attractive than ever.(decorate)装点着鲜花和旗子,运动场看起来比以前更有吸引力。4_, we felt the old one was much more attractive. (remove)搬到新房子里后我们发现老房子更有吸引力。5_ the air quality here leaves much to be desired; it is time for us to take measures to improve it. (doubt)毫无疑问这儿的空气质量令人十分不满意,是我们该采取措施改善它的时候了。答案:1.Having search

5、ed the whole forest2(which is) designed to3Decorated with flowers and flags4Having removed to the new house5There is no doubt that.话题写作根据提示,利用本单元所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1众所周知,文化遗产属于全人类而不是个人(individual)。2为了寻找它们,许多人付出了艰苦努力。3其中一些文化遗产已遭破坏,只有少数幸免于难。4毫无疑问保护好文化遗产是我们的责任。答案:Its wellknown that cultural relics belong to the human beings rather than individuals. A lot of people try their best to search for them. Some of the cultural relics have been damaged while only a few survive. There is no doubt that it is our duty to protect cultural relics.


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