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1、Unit 2 What Time Is It?Part B Lets Learn, Lets chant & Story Time 教案 陈静 佛山顺德容桂泰安小学一、 教学目标1.认知目标:1)能听懂、会说、认读四个新动词词组:get up/go to school/ go home/ go to bed。2)能够用英语表达非整点时间,并在情景中正确使用句型:“What time is it? Its . Its time to.”。3)能够跟随录音吟唱Lets chant中的歌谣。4)能基本理解Story time的内容。2.能力目标:1)能够询问时间并能用非正点时间正确回答,如:What

2、 time is it? Its7:05.2)能够结合所学的语言描述自己的日常活动,如: Its time to get up.3.情感目标1)激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机,提高学生小组合作的团结精神。2)培养学生敢于开口,积极参与的学习态度,使学生能够得到成功的体验,建立学习自信心。3)培养学生严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯。二、教学过程Step1. Warm up.1.Greeting. 2.Revision. 1)T shows the clock and some pictures ,then ask: What time is it?Ss: Its . Its time fo

3、r.2)Ask someone to show the clock and some pictures ,then ask and answer.3.Lets chant the numbers from 1-60.(Music: Rabbit dance)4Can you read and say these numbers?528305,0757-8956347,13650240893(设计意图: 通过chant活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知识,为学新知识铺垫。通过复习各种电话号码和邮政编码,以巩固英文数字)Step2. PresentationA.非正点时间表达的呈现:1.Guessing Ga

4、me: T:What time is it? 用卡片呈现:(3+3):(10+20),背面可呈现: 6:30/ six thirtySs: Its six thirty.T:Its 6:30.( 背面呈现:6:30/ six thirty,并贴在黑板上)2.以同样的方法预习7:05, 4:35, 9:00这几个时间的表达方法和表示方式。(设计意图:通过简单易懂的游戏呈现本节课的难点之一,让学生积极动脑,使他们思维活跃,调动学生的积极性,提高学生用英语表达时间的能力。)3.T:What time is it?(用教具钟呈现6:15,6:35,6:45,6:55) Ss: Its .(这时教师注意

5、及时对15,35,45,55纠音。)B.整体词汇呈现:1Story-tellingT: (T指着黑板上的四个时间点)They are about Zooms day. Let me tell you a story about Zooms day, I hope youll like it. Please look at the pictures(CAI课件) and listen. OK?Ss: OK.T plays the roles of Zoom and Zip with different voices and tunes: Its 6:30 in the morning, Zoom

6、 is still sleeping(with gestures).Zip comes to him, “Get up, get up, Zoom .Its time to get up.” “What time is it?” asks Zoom. “Its 6:30,” says Zip. Zoom gets up slowly. Its 7:05. Zip comes to Zoom, “Lets go to school, Zoom .Its time to get up.” “What time is it?” asks Zoom. “Its 7:05,” says Zip. The

7、n they go to school happily.At 4:35 in the afternoon, the school bell rings. Zoom looks at the clock and says: “Oh, its 4:35, school is over. Its time to go home.”Then he goes home happily.At 9:00 in the evening, Zoom is watching TV. Zip comes to Zoom, “Go to bed, go to bed, Zoom. Its time to go to

8、bed.” “What time is it?” asks Zoom. “Its 9:00,” says Zip. Zoom goes to bed slowly.2. Retell the story again. This time teacher presents the phrases and sentence structures while the students are hearing.(设计意图: 由于小孩子都天生爱听故事,尤其是生动有趣的卡通故事,在每个学生都全神贯注地听故事的过程中,新的语言知识就会自然而言地输入学生的大脑中。)Step3. Drill1.Ss read

9、the new phrases after T with responses.(表扬发音又准又响亮的小组,并给予加分。)2.TPR:(操练新词)1)Listen and do between teacher and students.(反应快的小组,给予加分表扬)2)Pair work with role changing.3)Ask some students to act out.(请全班学生评出表现好的同学,教师给予小贴纸奖励。) (设计意图:这些活动是运用“Learn by doing”这个教学理论,让学生在说与做的过程中熟悉运用新词组。) 3.Group work:(词句结合操练)T

10、eacher shows the time cards and the right pictures, let Ss make up sentences group by group: Its . Its time to .(评出说得又正确又大声的小组,给予加分表扬) (设计意图:利用时间卡片和图片,以小组比赛的形式让学生把新词组和新句型结合进行口头训练,提高学生学习的积极性,培养学生的团结合作精神。)Step4.Practice1Song activity: (教师利用旧歌旋律,改编歌词)Its time to get up! Its time to get up!Its 6:30 now.

11、 Its time to get up!Its time to go to school! Its time to go to school!Its 7:05 now. Its time to go to school!Its time to go home! Its time to go home!Its 4:35 now. Its time to go home!Its time to go to bed! Its time to go to bed!Its 9:00 now. Its time to go to bed!1)Sing after T.2)Sing together.3)S

12、ing in four groups.(给予唱得好的小组加分)(设计意图:通过歌曲,既可以巩固新授内容,又可以激活课堂气氛。)2.Pair work: act out as Zoom and Zip with the clocks and pictures on the screen. (CAI课件出现卡通钟和新动词词组图片)e.g.Zoom: What time is it?(CAI课件出现卡通钟和新动词词组图片)Zip: Its .Its time to. (设计意图: 这一活动能为学生开展角色扮演活动提供了广阔的空间,从而提高学生的综合运用语言能力。)3.Story time: (播放F

13、lash课件)T: Boys and girls, can you guess: What time is it at Zooms home?Lets go to Zooms home and have a look! OK?Ss: OK!(设计意图: 由于小孩子都很喜欢卡通动画故事, 故事的完整性和趣味性有助于学生在脑海里留下极其深刻的痕迹,从而进一步巩固新词组和句型的运用。)T:Tell something about April Fool,teach students not to make jokes on others too excessively. (设计意图: 让学生了解更多西

14、方文化,并渗透思想品德教育,教育学生要懂得尊重别人,才会得到别人的尊重。)4.Lets chant of page 19.1)Listen and look on the screen.2)Chant after CAI.Step5. Consolidation and extension1. Compare the sentence structures “Its time for.”and “Its time to .”1)Show some pictures of Part A and Part B Lets learn on the screen, ask some students

15、to make up new sentences: Its time for/to.2)Show up the pictures and sentences on the screen, compare them and find the differences. 3)Ask some students to tell differences and conclude: for+N./to+V. 4)Do some exercises on page 11 of Activity Book. (设计意图:这是检验学生对非时间点和新词组的运用。)5)选择“for”或“to”填空。a.Its time_ breakfast.(图片)b.Its time_ get up. (图片)c.Its time_ English class. (图片)d.Its time_ go home. (图片)e. Its t



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