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1、鲁教版2020年新目标英语中考复习:语法综合检测(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共35题;共70分)1. (2分)Kevin decided to give us _ treat because he found a good job. A . aB . anC . theD . 不填2. (2分)Is the dictionary yours? No, _ is on the desk. Its _ dictionary.A . my; herB . my; hersC . mine; hersD . mine; her3. (2分)If you read a lot

2、, your life will be full of _.A . friendshipsB . pleasureC . sadnessD . energy4. (2分)Its said that _ of the water around the world _ polluted. A . two thirds, hasB . two thirds, wasC . two third, wereD . two thirds, had5. (2分)My brother would like to buy a good watch but_ was available from that sho

3、p.A . nothingB . no oneC . noneD . neither6. (2分) What _ news! Yes, all of the children were _.A . excited; excitingB . exciting; excitedC . excited; excitedD . exciting; exciting7. (2分)_ on the grass, or it will cry. A . To walkB . Not to walkC . WalkD . Dont walk8. (2分) interesting it is to go cli

4、mbing the mountain in Summer ! A . WhatB . HowC . What anD . How an9. (2分)Will you come _ have a drink with me?Id love to, _ Im too busy these days.A . and, orB . and, butC . or, butD . or, and10. (2分)We have an English lesson _ Monday. A . onB . inC . atD . of11. (2分)Rules are helpful to us, we hav

5、e to follow them. A . soB . butC . or12. (2分)Carrie is a kind girl, and she is always ready _ others.A . helpB . helpsC . to helpD . helping13. (2分)(2015四川成都)Wu Yi will help with the housework_he gets home after school.A . sinceB . whileC . as soon as14. (2分)Look at the boy running on the ground. Is

6、 it Davis?It _ be him. I saw him go to the teachers office just now.A . mustntB . cantC . couldD . might15. (2分)It was 200 dollars last week. But you can _ only half for it now. A . spendB . costC . payD . take16. (2分) Why is Linlin practicing speaking English? _ abroad for further study.A . GoB . G

7、oneC . To goD . Goes17. (2分)The lights in my room _ off when I left yesterday morning.A . turnB . turnedC . are turnedD . were turned18. (2分)I am _ the pink dress. How much is it?¥500.A . good atB . interested inC . careful of19. (2分) Are you sure you have to do this now? Its been very late. I dont

8、know to do it if not now.A . whereB . howC . whatD . when20. (2分)- Whats _ movie theater in your city?- Town Cinema. It has the most comfortable seats.A . worseB . the worstC . betterD . the best21. (2分)Linda is _ her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin.A . similar toB . ki

9、nd toC . friendly toD . different from22. (2分) _ students are there in your class? There are _ students, twenty boys and twenty girls in it.A . How many; fortyB . How many; fourtyC . How much; thirty23. (2分) The students must hand in their term papers in a week, _? No, they_.A . neednt they; mustntB

10、 . mustnt they; mustntC . mustnt they; needntD . shouldnt they; should24. (2分) _ is your father? Hes 43. A . How oldB . WhereC . WhatD . Who25. (2分) What are the actors doing now?They are _ for the show tonight.A . finding outB . bringing outC . dressing upD . cutting up26. (2分)He wants _ “See You A

11、gain”.A . to listen toB . listen toC . to listenD . listening27. (2分)Is _ in the classroom?No. All students are having a P. E. class on the playground.A . someoneB . somethingC . anyoneD . anything28. (2分) What did Walt Disney do after _ school? He sold newspaper and delivered mail.A . leaveB . left

12、C . leavesD . leaving29. (2分)You look in the blue sweater. Try another one. A . lovelyB . smartC . strangeD . beautiful30. (2分)(2015.福建三明)What do you think of Confucius?He was an ancient teacher _ wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.A . thatB . whichC . whoD . whose31. (2分)Jim, can you help me turn on the blender?Sorry, mum. I _ to the dentist.A . goB . wentC . am goingD . have gone32. (2分)The light in the room is still on. Do you know_?In order to prepare for the coming exam.A . if he works hard


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