2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Sharing词汇语言点讲解 新人教版选修7.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Sharing词汇语言点讲解 新人教版选修71 work as a volunteer 当志愿者 work as 从事某种职业 He used to work as a bus driver. 2 make a difference (1) 有所作为 It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference, but there are things we can learn from the best minds in this world. (2) make a/no/some

2、 /little/much difference 有/没有/一些/很小/很大影响The rain didnt make much difference to the game. It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not. Even small things can make a big difference. Exercise can make a big difference. 短语: be different from 与。不同 tell the difference between 说出。的差别/不同 make a diffe

3、rence between 区分 be different in 在。方面不同 differ from 与。不同 They are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly make a_. A deal B decision C point D difference 3 stick (1) 伸出,突出(常与out, out of 或up 连用) Dont stick your head out of the window . He saw a branch sticking up in the water. 水面上伸出

4、一根树枝。(2) 粘,粘 Lets stick this notice on the wall . These stamps have stuck together. 这几张邮票粘在一起了。(3) 固定(不同情况下有不同的议法)be/get stuck in被困在相当于be caught in (4) v 容忍,忍受tolerate/ bear / put up with I wont sick your rudeness any longer. (5) n 棍,棒,柴 a walking stick 拐杖/手杖 The old man cant walk without a stick. H

5、e is collecting dry sticks to make a fire. 他正在拾干柴生火。 The door has stuck ,and I cant get out. 门塞住了He stuck a stick into the ground. 他在地上插了一根棍子 Where have you been? I _in the heavy traffic , or I would have been here earlier. A stuck B had stuck C have been stuck D got stuckOnce a decision has been ma

6、de, all of us should _ it. A direct to B stick to C lead to D refer to The theory he stuck to _ to be true. A proving B is proved C proves D being proved 短语: stick to 坚持,忠于(后接n & pron ) insist on 坚持(后接v-ing 形式) stick to a post 坚守岗位stick at sth 不懈地做 stick to ones word 遵守诺言 He promised to help us and

7、he stuck to his word. stick to principles 坚守原则 stick around 不走开,呆在原地 Stick around ; well need you to help us later. stick up for 支持,捍卫 Stick up for what you believe. She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school. get the wrong end of the stick 误解 give sb stick 严惩某人 stick with sb 继续支持某

8、人4 get through (1) 通过(考试,测验等) Tom failed but his sister got through. All of them _; that is to say, they all passed the exam.(2) 通过(议案,建议等), 使通过 Do you think the bill will get through? 你认为议案能通过吗? They succeeded in _the bill _.(3) 到达,抵达Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies dont get through

9、. (难民) I started as soon as your message _to me.(4) 接通电话I rang you several times yesterday , but couldnt get through (to you ) . (5) (设法)做或完成 Lets start ; there is a lot of work to get through / to be got through. He _ the book on one evening. (6) 经过。后仍然活着 The old got through two wars . 相当于live thro

10、ugh “经历。(通常指不好的事情) ”(7) 用完,花光 He said he _ all his money. (8) 通过,穿过 We managed to get through the forest with his help. I got _ to him and he said that he had got _the examination. A off, out B through, through C along, back D away, to 相关短语: get along 过活,生活,相处,进展 get away with (做了某事) 而不受惩罚,携带。跑掉 get

11、 down写下,记下,下来,情绪低落 get down to。开始认真(做某事)其中to 是介词 get in touch with与。取得联系 get over 克服(困难等);淡忘; 从(病,损失等)中恢复过来,痊愈 get rid of 摆脱,除掉,处理掉 get across (使。) 被理解,使通过 get together 聚集,相聚在一起 get round 传开,绕开,说服 get off 下车 get in 插话get about 病愈后能走动,旅行How are you managing to do your work without an assistant? -Well

12、, I _ somehow.A get along B e on C watch out D set off Hardly could he _ this amount of work in such a short time . A get through B get off C get into D get downThe woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.-Oh, dear ! She _ a lot of difficulties ! A may

13、 go through B might go through C ought to have gone through D must have gone throughThere were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get_. A between B through C across D beyond 5 whether 与if : if 用在条件状语从句中意为“如果” If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the park. if 用在宾语从句中时可

14、与whether互换 We dont know if/whether he can e. 但在下列情况下必须用whether :(1) 正式文体中,句中有or not 时。 I wonder whether it is big enough or not. (2) 引导主语、表语、同位语从句时。 Whether it is true remains a question. The question is whether he can e on time. The question whether it is right or wrong depends on situation(3) 作介词宾

15、语时。 I havent settled the question of whether Ill go back home.(4) 与不定式连用时。 She hasnt decided whether to go or not (5) 作discuss 等词的宾语时 We discussed whether we should close the shop. We havent settled the problem _ it is necessary for him to study abroad. A if B where C whether D that 6 call 组成的词组: call sb up 打电话,征召(服役), call sth up 使回忆起,使想起 call on sb 拜访某人 call at 停泊,停靠(某地) call on 号召 call for 需要,要求 call for sb 去接 call sb in 召来,叫来(服务) to call in a doctor/the poli



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