2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 Period 1教案 外研版必修3.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 Period 1教案 外研版必修3Wordlist1.human c.n a person rather than animal or a machine(与动物等对比的)人human being c.n 人man u.c.n 人,人类 当人类讲其前不用冠词mankind u.c.n 全人类Eg. Dogs can hear much better than humans2 .development n. the gradual growth of sth. So that it bees more advanced,stonger,etc. 发

2、展develop vt / vi developed developing adj.developer n. 开发商。开发公司。新产品的开发者1.The UN called on the developed countries to give more help to the developing ones2.In less than ten years,it can develop from a seed into a full-grown tree.3.This was an important stage in the countrys development.3 .index n. 指

3、数。复数 indices /indisi:z/Stock market indices 股市指数“索引” 复数 indexes4. measure vt .To find the size,quantity,etc.of sth, in standard units 测定,测量 评估Eg. 1.We measured the room and found it was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide. 2.They measured the room to find out how big it is. 3. They measured the h

4、eight of the tower.注意;有(.的)长度(大小,分量)不及物动词(与 表数量而具有副词功能的名词短语连用)1.This room measures 6 metres by .这个房间有六米长四米宽。2.How much do you measure around the waist? 你的腰围有多少?3.The room measures 15 metres across.这个房间有15米宽n. 措施,测量,尺寸,尺度 take measures 采取措施eg. The colledge took measures to help the poor students.5.go

5、al n. sth that you hope to achieve achieve ones goal 达到目标 a mon goal 一个共同的目标Score/get/kick/make a goal 得分;进球Eg. 1.He has achieved his goal 2.This year I should achieve my goal of visiting all the capital cities of Europe.6.educate vt. To teach sb.over a period of time at a school,university,etc.教育 培

6、养 To teach sb. About sth.or how to do sth. 训练Eg.His father sent him to Germany to be educated. 他父亲送他到德国求学education n. 教育educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的educator n.教育者,教师,教育家educate oneself 自学educate sb. to do sth7figure n.数字,人物,雕像,体形。 v.评估 计算 figure out 弄明白,计算出来8.crowded adj. having a lot of people or too m

7、any people: full of sth. 拥挤的 be crowded with eg. The new store is crowed with audience. vi/vt 挤满;(使)挤满;挤n. 人群;观众;一伙人the crowd 大众;老百姓9 vast adj.巨大的;庞大的;浩瀚的 eg. At that time the Romans controlled a vast empire. 那时罗马人统治着一个很大的帝国 辨析.big large great huge vastbig 指具体事物的大小,强调比正常形体的标准大,既可用在普通场合,也可用在正式场合。它可用来

8、指人的身材高大或“长大了”。还可表示“伟大”“重要”场合。large 特别强调远远超过标准的大,指体积 面积 容积 数量 之大great 除了表示数量体积之大外,又指抽象的程度,以为着伟大性,重要性,优越性;常用抽象或无形的东西;用于有形的东西时,常常有“伟大”大得另人惊的意思。含有另人吃惊等意思,含有一定的感情色彩。huge指体积大得难以用普通的方法计量,可指具体的实物,也可以指抽象的事物.Vast 指幅员辽阔或范围广大,着重在面积上,而不在体积上。eg. Can you life up this big stone? A whale is a large animal. China is

9、a great country with a long history. The meeting was a huge success. The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water.太平洋是一片广大的水域。10 exchange n. an act of giving sth.to sb. Or doing sth.for sb.and receiving sth.in returein exchange (for) 作为(对.的)交换1.I gave her a sweater in exchange for a skirt 我用一件毛衣与她交换

10、一条裙子。2.What should I give you in exchange for your pen?我应该给你什么换你的钢笔呢?exchange rate 汇率stock exchange 证券交易所exchange for . 以.换.exchange sth. with sth. 与某人交换某物1.Can I exchange pounds for dollars here? 我可以在这里把英镑兑换成美元吗?2.I often exchange information with him 我经常和他交换信息。Phrases:1.make efforts 努力 to try very

11、 hardmake efforts/an effort(to do sth.) 努力(做某事)make every effort 尽一切努力spare no efforts/effort 不遗余力with (an)effort 使劲地:费力地without effort毫不费力地eg. The doctors are making every effort to save the boy. More efforts should be made to improve your oral English. The workers are making an effort to plete the

12、 plan.2 be close to 接近,靠近=get close to to 是介词Eg. Our school is close to a river我们学校靠近一条河 The cost was close to$1million. 成本将近100万美元close adv. 接近地 指具体距离的远近 closely 常表示抽象意义,密切地,严密地,紧紧地。(A)It was raining heavily,little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her motherA close B closely C closed D closingModu

13、le 2课时安排 period 1 Words and phrases Period 2 Introduction; Speaking; Everyday English Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary Period 4 Grammar; Pronunciation Period 5 Vocabulary and listening; Function Period 6 Vocabulary and Speaking; Writing; Cultural Corner Period 7 Introduction; Speaking; Everyday Engli

14、shPeriod 2 Introduction; Speaking; Everyday EnglishTeaching Objectives:1. Let the Ss know the meanings of the new words and try to use them.2. Train their speaking skills.3. Encourage Ss to know how work with each other by organizing some activities.4. Deepen their understanding of the developing co

15、untries through the discussion of the two biggest problems for developing countries.Teaching difficult points:1. Encourage students to talk about the two biggest problem for developing countries. 2. Motivate Ss enthusiasm about participating in classroom activities.Teaching Methods: Individual work, pair work t



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