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1、2019-2020年高中英语Module2HighlightsofMySeniorYear课时跟踪练三OtherPartsoftheModule外研版选修7一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Venice is one of the great tourist attractions (吸引物) of the world.2Many people went in for writing, music, dramas and similar activities (活动)3We should neither underestimate nor overestimate ou

2、r abilities (能力). 4We should carry forward the fine tradition (传统) of the Chinese nation.5The child was attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations (装饰品)6I really desire to get a scholarship (奖学金) from Oxford University.7To obtain a passport, you have to send in your birth certificate

3、 (资格证) with the form. 8He recited (背诵) it well and every word and expression was written correctly!9What upset (使心烦意乱) the child was his not being allowed to visit his brother in hospital.10Being punctual (守时) for the meeting was essential; no one was allowed to be late.单句改错1Children attracted to co

4、lored and weird shaped balloons.Children后加were2Shes very keen to doing some sport. Among other things she plays tennis twice a week.doingdo3I consider useful to carry out the experiment.consider_后加it4In the view of these facts, one specialized mission (专门委员会) is appointed.去掉the5He is in trouble now,

5、 and only we can help him and cheer him on.onup6It may well be just a rumour and may be nothing to get upset.upset_后加about_.选词填空as far as Im concerned, be likely to, e into view, be considered as, in other words, play an important part in, take part in, look forward to1We all had to take_part_in the

6、 training run, with nobody excepted. 2As_far_as_Im_concerned,_sports is good for you.3English is now officially considered_as an international language. 4We have been looking_forward_to your ing. 5Psychological factors often play_an_important_part_in winning a petition.6If you keep the rules, you ar

7、e not likely_to get into trouble.7The pagoda came_into_view as we rounded the bend. 8You can e here to work next Monday. In_other_words,_you have been employed. 本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1Shes not keen on being told what to do.2In my teachers view, my plan is not practical.3Young people should learn to be pe

8、titive (pete)4The summer vacation we have been looking forward to came (e) at last.5It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.6Considering (consider) what she had done for us, we considered her to be a very considerate and caring person.7With the development (develop) of the Internet,

9、 less munication will be done by regular mail.8With so many problems to_settle (settle), we will have a hard time in future.9What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour.10She won a scholarship to study at Oxford. .完成句子1To_her_great_disappointment (令她非常失望), her son lied to her again.2You m

10、ust go out and have_fun_with_your_friends (和你朋友玩得开心), otherwise you will lose them.3It_is_likely_that (可能) there will be a snowstorm tomorrow. 4It_is_a_great_pity_that (非常可惜) you didnt pass the driving test.5We look_back_at (回顾) what weve done with our lives so far and decide if we are happy with wh

11、at we have.6Alice is a student and works hard.So_it_is_with_Tom (汤姆也这样)7Nobody in the first lot of applicants was_suitable_for_the_job (适合这项工作). 8Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help_me_cheer_up (帮助我振作起来)二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解Summer time is in full swing, which for ma

12、ny kids means being happily removed from the classroom strictness and the stress of daily homework. But as kids and parents enjoy their welldeserved break from school work, we can all take a more active role in ensuring their minds dont simply melt away into a mess of video games, texting and social

13、 media. Summer is the perfect time to encourage children to read. A recent study, conducted by mon Sense Media, has found that the older kids get the less likely they are to read for pleasure.There has been a drop in reading among all kids, especially adolecents over time. And reading for fun drops

14、off dramatically as children grow. The study found that more than half of all nineyearolds read daily for fun. But those numbers drop to just 27 percent among 13yearolds and even lower for older teens. In 1984, 31 percent of 17yearolds said they read every day for pleasure. But that number has dropp

15、ed to disturbing 19 percent today.Its not just the kids who are reading less. Parents also read to their children less than ever. A recent survey shows this busier generation of parents read to their children just an average of 30 minutes per day down from an average of 45 minutes per day in xx.In todays world, there are more distractions for children, and reading doesnt always stand high on that list. Part of the decline is surely due to the technology impact on children. But the digital revolution also means opportunity. There are more platforms than ever


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