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1、译林牛津版2020年中考英语题型专练:阅读理解(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共86分)1. (8分)阅读理解 Have you ever imagined going to other countries without your paper Passport? That will soon come true. And your paper passport will become history. You may use their new kind of passportIts reported that Australia will be the f

2、irst country to use the cloud passport. With the cloud passport, you dont have to take a paper passport with you all the time. The cloud passport will have your name, photos and other information. And if you go to other countries, you can just check the information on the computer.When you take a pa

3、per passport with you, you might lose it. But with the cloud passport, you dont have to worry about that.Do you think the cloud passport is a great idea? Perhaps you will have it in the future, too.(1)You may use a new kind of passport called passport in the future. A . cloudB . paperC . historyD .

4、photo(2)It is reported that will be the first country to use the new kind of passport. A . ChinaB . AustraliaC . AmericaD . England(3)If you have the cloud passport , ? A . you can take it with you easilyB . you neednt worry about losing itC . you can go to Australia freelyD . you neednt go to other

5、 countries2. (10分)阅读理解 Its almost that time of year again. Beijing held the two sessions()in March. They are the National Peoples Congress (NPC, 全国人民代表大会)and the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC, 中国人民政治协商会议).This year, the NPC opened on March 5 and the CPPCC began on March 3.

6、 How much do you know about the sessions? Read on to learn more.Q: What is the NPC?A: At school, every class has a class committee (班委会).The committee holds meetings to make decisions for the class and generally improve the classroom environment. The NPC does the same thing, but for the whole countr

7、y.With nearly 3,000 deputies (代表), it is Chinas highest organ (机关)of state power. The deputies supervise (监督)the work that the government does. The deputies also make and change laws. Every five years, they vote for the leaders of the Chinese government.All of the NPC deputies are elected (选举).They

8、use their power on behalf of (代表)the Chinese people. Any Chinese national who is over 18 can take part in an election. The term length for an NPC deputy is five years.Q: What is the CPPCC?A: Leaders need suggestions for what they should do for the country. Its like youre your friends give you advice

9、 on what to do with your life. The CPPCC does this for Chinese leaders. Its 2,000 members supervise the work of the government and give suggestions.The Communist Party of China (CPC) is Chinas ruling party (执政党), but there are also other political parties and organizations (组织). CPPCC members come f

10、rom these parties and organizations. They are not elected like those of NPC but chosen by CPPCC. They include businessmen, teachers and even celebrities, such as Jackie Chan and Feng Xiaogang.Q: What are the biggest topics at this years sessions?A: Attendees at this years sessions discussed new pros

11、pects (前景)for the future. They set economic index (经济指标)targets for the year, such as what the GDP (国内生产总值)should be. They discussed environmental events, such as how to prevent groundwater pollution. In addition, they considered new efforts to fight corruption (腐败), according to Guangming Daily.(1)

12、What is the duty for deputies of the NPC? A . To hold all the meetings for the government.B . To keep an eye on the work of the government.C . To decide the deputies of the CPPCC.D . To choose the leaders of the government every four years.(2)Who can NOT be a deputy of the CPPCC? A . An American doc

13、tor.B . A good teacher.C . A successful businessman.D . A famous star.(3)What is the hottest topic at this years sessions? A . To explore the outer space.B . To help develop the education.C . To prevent our environmental problems.D . To speed up the science and technology development.(4)Which of the

14、 following is right according to the passage? A . Two sessions is made up of the NPC and the CPC.B . In 2019, the CPPCC started earlier than the NPC.C . The CPPCC gives advice for the deputies of the NPC.D . Jack, a 17-year-old boy, can take part in the election of the NPC deputies.3. (8分)阅读理解 Which

15、 meal do we all need most, breakfast, lunch or dinner? Miss Baker asks. Boys and girls wave(挥动)their hands in the air. They know the answer. What do you think, Jim? Miss Baker asks. Dinner. he answers. Dinner is the big meal of the day. says Miss Baker. But I dont think it is the meal we need most. Tom puts up his hand. Is lunch the meal we need most?No. says Miss Baker. Breakfast is the meal we need most. Why is this so?From night until morning is a long time to go with


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