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1、沪教版2020九年级下英语第一次模拟考试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空。请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Mr.Brown is old policeman.He often tells stories about past. A . an;anB . a;theC . an;theD . a;a2. (2分)We often eat breakfast _ twenty past seven _ the morning. A . at; inB . in; onC . at; atD . in; at3. (2分)What

2、 was his about?It was about a mouse and a cat.A . planB . wishC . jokeD . action4. (2分) Did you stay up late last night to prepare for the English exam? Yes, I didnt go to bed_12 oclock.A . whenB . whileC . until5. (2分)Read useless books if you would like to be useful person in the future.A . fewer,

3、 aB . less, aC . fewer, anD . less, an6. (2分)Tony gets up early in the morning. He likes to make breakfast _ his family. A . atB . onC . forD . from7. (2分)You _ take me to the station. My brothers taking me. A . cantB . mustntC . shouldntD . dont have to8. (2分)- Our team played very well but they di

4、dnt the match.- What a pity! But cheer up, please.A . beatB . winC . doD . succeed9. (2分)the map and tell me where Shanghai is. A . Look aroundB . Look likeC . Look atD . Look out10. (2分)Miss Lin _ Tom with his lessons when I left school.She is really a nice teacher.A . helpsB . helpedC . is helping

5、D . was helping11. (2分)Which hair band do you like best, madam?I cant decide now. I really dont know _.A . to choose which oneB . choose which oneC . which one to chooseD . which one I should choose it12. (2分)They want to rent a small house _ 100 a month. A . withB . forC . toD . from13. (2分) your p

6、en pal to visit Canada? Yes.A . Does; wantB . Do; wantC . Does; wantsD . Do; wants14. (2分)How to make fried rice?First some cooked meat very finely.A . slicesB . slicingC . slice15. (2分)- Jim looks so sleepy that he keeps nodding his head in class.- Just as the saying goes, “_.” It is bad for his he

7、alth to stay up late (熬夜) A . Better late than neverB . Burn the candle at both endsC . No pain, no gainD . You are never too old to learn二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。In America, do it-yourself1a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own gard

8、ens and even rebuild their own houses. Soon many of them 2their own books too. In Hollywood there is a company publishing(出版) childrens books3the help of computers. This company is not 4the other book companies. It allows the young reader to become the main character in the stories with the help of

9、computers. Here is 5they do it. Let us suppose(假设) the child is named Jenny. She lives in New York, and has a dog named Hody. 6computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures. This book is about me, a child might say when he receives such a book. So the company is 7the MeBooks Publis

10、hing Company.Children like Me-Books 8they like to see in print their own names, their pictures, and names of their friends and their pets. But more important, in this way, readers are much more 9in reading the stories. Me-Books are helping children10how to read.(1)A . is B . are C . was (2)A . write

11、 B . sell C . read (3)A . under B . in C . with (4)A . different B . same C . like (5)A . what B . how C . why (6)A . The B . / C . A (7)A . missed B . supported C . called (8)A . but B . or C . because (9)A . pleased B . interested C . strict (10)A . to learn B . to think C . to encourage 三、 阅读理解。

12、(共4题;共36分)17. (6分)阅读理解。Nowadays, the food that you buy comes from many different countries. Have a look in your fridge, cupboard, and fruit bowl and check the origins(来源) of the food. Perhaps there are apples from California, lamb from New Zealand, or potatoes from Egypt? You will probably be surpri

13、sed how far food travels to get to your plate. This journey, from “field to plate”, is called “food miles”. A food mile is the distance that food travels from the farmers field to the person who buys the food. Nowadays, food often travels thousands of miles to get to the consumer(消费者).Why is this, a

14、nd what are the effects(影响) of these long distances?Traditionally, farmers sold their food in the local market so the food didnt have to travel very far. The consumers also did not travel very far, because they went to their local market to buy the food. This was a good system for farmers and consumers. However, there were some disadvantages. For example, consumers could only buy food that farmers produced locally. In addition, they could only get food that was in season. Now, because of modern technol



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