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1、本资料来源于大家网中考英语论坛http:/ Topic2 Section CThe main activities are 1a, 2a and 3.本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3。.Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.Master some new words:difficulty, energy, human being, trouble, less, offer2. Go on studying the present perfect.3. Talk about the problem of overpopulation.4.Get students to kn

2、ow how serious the overpopulation problem is.Teaching aids教具录音机/ 幻灯片/ 多媒体/ 小黑板 /图片.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:12分钟)T: Yesterday I told you to write an article about the population problem. Now Ill check your homework.Please read your article in groups, then choose the be

3、st one and share it with us.(学生很快会推选出优秀作品,教师选择其中一篇来读。)(教师读学生作文,并引出新课内容。)T: Lets enjoy the article. I think its excellent.Listen carefully. Then Ill ask you some questions.For example:China has the largest population in the world. It is nearly one-fifth of the population in the world. So large popula

4、tion brings lots of difficulties.bring lots of difficulties(教师继续朗读学生作文。)For example, there are too many people here and there. The traffic is too heavy. People have few places to live in. But luckily, China has known the serious problem. So China has come up with some ways to control the population.

5、(教师停顿解释,引出本课短语,让同学感知。)“Come up with some ways” means “do something”, so this sentence can be changed into:“China has done something to control the population.”(教师继续朗读学生作文。)One-child policy makes the population slow down. Chinas economy grows faster and peoples living conditions are improving rapidly

6、. Most of the families can give their children a chance to have a good education.(教师讲解,引出新词。)“give their children a chance to have a good education” we can also say:“offer their children a good education.”(板书)offer“offer” means “give sb.sth.” or “give sth.to sb.”.(教师继续朗读作文。)But the population proble

7、m is still serious in China.(教师点评:并提出几个简单问题,引导同学回答。)T: I think its a wonderful article. Next Ill ask you a few questions. Question1: Do about one-fifth of the people in the world live in China?(学生集体回答。)Ss: Yes, they do.T: Question2: The large population brings a lot of troubles, doesnt it?Ss: Yes, i

8、t does.T: Question3: What does China do with the large population?Ss: One-child policy.T: I will give you other questions. Please think about them and discuss with your classmates.(教师用幻灯或小黑板呈现下面问题。)1. How much do you know about Chinas one-child policy?2. What problems do you think Chinas large popul

9、ation will cause?3. What can we do with the large population in China?(学生讨论过后,可能会有各种各样的答案,以上命题属于开放性命题,答案不是惟一的,教师要对学生多赞扬、鼓励。)(问题1:学生可能的回答。)Ss: Its a policy of our country. It can control the population.(问题2:学生可能的回答。)Ss: It causes the heavy traffic. It is too crowded(问题3:学生可能的回答。)Ss: We must obey onec

10、hild policy and improve our living conditions(教师通过这些问题的讨论,引出要呈现的内容。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:6分钟)T: OK, lets listen to the tape and complete the article below.(教师放录音,并把听力任务用幻灯片或小黑板呈现给学生。)In 2005, the worlds population was about _. More than _people live in Asia now. China has the largest popul

11、ation in the world, and about _of the people in the world live in China. A large population_many difficulty. China has done something to _the population. _the policy, China is developing quickly and peoples living conditions are improving rapidly.(学生可能第一次不能完全得到正确答案,再听一遍,然后检查答案。)T: Lets check your an

12、swers together.(6.5 billion; three billion; one fifth; brings; control; thanks to)(在短文中呈现正确答案,并请一位同学朗读短文。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)1.T: Boys and girls , please read the article again and then retell it according to the key words on the blackboard.(学生阅读的同时,教师把关键词列在黑板上。)6.5 billion 3 billio

13、n half one fifthbring troubles take measures one -child policywork well in economy living conditionsserious a long way(让几位同学复述1a,当学生表达错误时,教师给予纠正,当学生表达不出时教师加以提示。)2.T: We know large population causes many difficulties. Please look at the pictures and describe the disadvantages of large population.(多媒体

14、或图片展示几组这样的场景:(1)拥挤的交通(2)喧闹的商店、饭店等公共场所(3)一批批涌动的南下的劳动大军(4)招聘会上寻职的大学生(5)几代人居住在一起的狭小的单元房(6)水能电能短缺的报道T: After watching them, please discuss it with your partner, and then describe them. You can do them according to 1b on page 13.(教师走入同学中,与他们一起探讨并加以引导。)T: Stop here please. Who can talk about them?S1: Beca

15、use of the large population, we are short of energy and water. The traffic is too heavy. I think its dangerous to cross the street. There are many people here and there. So doing an easy thing gets difficult. For example, buying a ticket, taking a bus.we must wait. Its too boring.(另一个学生站起来补充。)S2: Because of the large population, its difficult for many people to find a job, every year some people will lose their jobs. In many big cities, there are few places to live



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