五年级上册英语素材同步拓展训练讲义:Module 1 Unit 2My way to school牛津上海版(一起)

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五年级上册英语素材同步拓展训练讲义:Module 1 Unit 2My way to school牛津上海版(一起)_第1页
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五年级上册英语素材同步拓展训练讲义:Module 1 Unit 2My way to school牛津上海版(一起)_第2页
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《五年级上册英语素材同步拓展训练讲义:Module 1 Unit 2My way to school牛津上海版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级上册英语素材同步拓展训练讲义:Module 1 Unit 2My way to school牛津上海版(一起)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 1 Unit 2 My way to school人行道地铁通过穿过居住交通灯到达离开出租车I. Words斑 马 线步行II. Practice 11. Be careful! Dont the road! Do you see the red light?2. I go to school .3. The bus at 3 oclock.4. My family in Shanghai.5. My father goes to work car.III. Sentences1. How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校的?当我们想了解别人通过某种方式

2、做某事,可以说 How do you.? 例如 How do you go to the park?How do you eat?回答用 I come to school by+某种交通工具/on foot(步行).例如 I come to school by bus.I come to school on foot.2. When do you.? 你什么时候(做某事)?当我们想了解别人什么时候做某事,可以说 When do you.? 例如 When do you go to school?When do you get up?3. Wait for the green light.(请)

3、等绿灯。这是一个祈使句,祈使句以动词原形开始,没有主语。它可以表示请求或者建议。常见的句型有两种:(1) do 型。例如 Open the door. Eat some fruits.(2) be 型。例如 Be quiet.IV. Practice 21. Mary goes to school underground.A. byB. onC. to2. Nick goes home foot.A. byB. onC. to3. the window.A. You opensB. OpenC. He openV. ReadingMr Blacks journey to workMr Blac

4、k is a teacher at Rainbow Primary School. He does not live near the school. He lives on Green Road. This is his journey to work:There is an underground station near Mr Blacks home. In the morning, Mr Black walks to the underground station and takes the train. He gets off the train at Park Street Sta

5、tion and then takes Bus No.1. He stays on the bus for about fifteen minutes and gets off at Rainbow Road Bus Stop. Finally, he walks from the bus stop to Rainbow Primary School.判断正误:() 1. Mr Blacks home is near school. () 2. He takes Bus No.11.() 3. He stays on the bus for about fifty minutes. () 4. He walks from the bus stop to the school.VI. Phonics e(一指音)egganymanybread (蝴蝶音)applehad*a 字母一般都发,any/many 是特例。Practice: 划线部分的读音是否一致? 1. egg man2. fatpet3. applehave4. anymany



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