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1、.1、 基础自测:用本单元所学单词或短语的适当形式完成短文。 Mike is a Chinese boy. He likes reading _1(science fiction)very much. When he reads it, he cant _2 (put it down)He has read it _3 (ever since)five years ago. He wants to be a writer when he _4(grow up)Last Friday night,he had a dream. In the dream he _5(go abroad)by pl

2、ane.Unluckily, the plane stopped working during the trip. The captain said to all the passengers,“_6(hurry up), or you _7(lose ones life)” Mike flew into the sky with the power of a magic stick and landed safely. Then he found a big box. It was _8(full of)treasure,and the treasure _9(belong to)him t

3、hen. He was so happy that he woke up,and felt very tired.根据汉语意思完成句子1我已经吃过早餐了。I_ already_ my breakfast.2他以前读过那本书。He _ _ that book before.3我朋友还未离开。My friend_ _ yet. 4我还没有找到丢失的钥匙。I_ _ the lost keys.5你决定要去哪里了吗?_ you _ where to go?2、 知识梳理1、Have you read Little Women yet? 你已经读过小妇人了吗?(1)本句时态是现在完成时,其结构为“助动词

4、have/ has 动词的过去分词”,表示相对于现在来说已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。eg:I have watered the plants already. 我已经给那些植物浇了水。(2)yet为副词,意为“还;已经”,多用于否定句和疑问句,通常放在句末。not yet的意思是“尚未;还没有”,它常用于否定回答。 eg:I havent done it yet.我还没有做它呢。Have you read the new book that you bought yesterday? 你已经读了你昨天买的新书了吗?Not yet.还没有。2、put down 放下(1)put dow

5、n放下eg:Dont put up your hands. Please put them down. 你们不要举手,请放下。(2)cant put sth. down意为“对某物爱不释手”。eg:It is an interesting book and he cant put it down.它是一本有趣的书,他对它爱不释手。(3)put down还意为“写下,记下”,等于write down。eg:Let me put down your telephone number.让我记下你的电话号码。注意:put. down 为“动词副词”型短语,宾语若为代词,应放在put 与 down 中间

6、。拓展:put的相关短语:put away 收起来put off 推迟put on 穿上 put up 张贴3、 hurry up赶快;急忙(做某事)eg: Hurry up, or you will be late.快点,否则你会迟到的。 难点:与hurry相关的短语:(1) hurry off/away意为“匆匆离去”。eg:Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man. 赵老师匆匆赶去照看那个人。(2) hurry into意为“匆忙进入”。eg:Her parents are trying to hurry her into marriage.

7、她的父母设法催她快点结婚。(3) hurry out意为“匆忙出去”。eg:The man hurried out of the car before reporters could speak to him.记者们还未来得及与他交谈,这个男人就匆匆离开了汽车。(4) in a hurry意为“匆忙地”。eg:(乐山中考)He left home in a hurry and forgot to turn off the light this morning.今天上午他匆忙离开家,忘记关灯了。4、The book report is due in two weeks.读书报告两周后必须交。(1

8、)due此处作形容词,“预期;预定;预计”,后面引出预期的时间、地点等。eg:Her baby is due next month.她的宝宝预计在下个月出生。Our plane is due at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 12:30.我们的飞机预计于12:30降落在上海虹桥国际机场。拓展:be due to do sth.意为“预期做某事”eg:The meeting is due to start at 3:30.会议预定3:30开始。(2)in two weeks 意为“两周之后”。“in一段时间”表示“在以后”,常用在一般将来

9、时的句子中。对此提问用how soon。eg:He will be back in a week. 一周之后,他将回来。注意:“after一段时间”常用在一般过去时的句子中。eg:He got to Beijing after two hours. 他是两个小时后抵达北京的。5、lose ones life丧生lose ones life相当于动词die。life意为“性命”,属可数名词,在数上要与ones一致。 eg:The Greens lost their lives in the car accident. 格林一家人在那次车祸中丧生了。拓展:life泛指一般意义的“生活”时,为不可数

10、名词。eg:Our life is getting better and better. 我们的生活变得越来越好。life表示某种方式的“生活”时,常用单数形式。eg:We are living a happy life. 我们过着幸福的生活。6、else /els/ adv. 另外的,其他的else为副词,常用在who, whose, what等疑问代词及when, where等疑问副词之后;也放在以one, body, thing, place, where结尾的复合不定代词/副词之后。eg:Would you like something else to drink? 你还想喝点别的什么

11、吗?拓展:other为形容词,意为“别的;其他的”,常放在名词之前作定语。也可用作代词,表示“其他的人或物”。eg: Whats that in your other hand? 你的另一只手里拿着什么? Other people may not think that way. 别人可能不那样想。7、One.the other. (两者中的)一个另一个eg:I have two brothers. One is a doctor;the other is a teacher.我有两个哥哥。一个是医生,另一个是教师。拓展:some.the others用于三者或三者以上,意为“一些其余的”eg:

12、Boys are on the playground. Some are playing basketball,the others are playing football.男孩们在操场上。一些正在打篮球,其余的正在踢足球。8、towards prep.朝;向;对着辨析for, to与towardsfor常用在leave, start后,表示运动的方向或目的地。Theyll leave for Xian to travel.他们要去西安旅游。to置于go, come, return, move等词后,表示目的地。When will you come to our school?你将什么时候来

13、我们学校?towards意为“朝;向”,只说明运动方向,无“到达”之意。She was walking towards the town.她正往镇上走去。例题:In a basketball match, players move _(朝,向) one end of the court while throwing the ball to each other.9、cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事eg:Bill couldnt wait to open his present. 比尔迫不及待地打开他的礼物。拓展:(1) cant help doing sth.意为“情不

14、自禁地做某事”。eg: He could not help laughing. 他忍不住笑了起来。(2) cant stand doing sth.意为“不能容忍做某事”。eg:I cant stand waiting for such a long time.我不能容忍等这么久。(3) cant stop doing sth. 意为“不能停止做某事”。eg:The boy couldnt stop crying when he heard the bad news.当他听到这个坏消息时,这个男孩不停地哭起来。10、make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事make 意为“使变得;促使;迫使”,是使役动词,常见结构:(1)make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”。eg:The news made my father feel sad. 这个消息使我的爸爸感到伤心。(2)make 名词/代词形容词,意为“使处于某种状态”。eg:He always makes us happy. 他总是使我们快乐。(3)make 作动词,还可意为“制订;做”。eg:He can make a model plane. 他会做飞机模型。拓展:make的相关短语:make money赚钱make the bed铺床,整理床铺make a mistake犯错



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