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1、一 关系代词as引导的定语从句 1 as引导的限制性定语从句 一般先行词前有such thesame修饰 构成such 名词as thesame 名词 as as可以充当主语 宾语或表语 像 之类的 像 一样的和 同样的 1 1 Heisnotthesamemanashewas 2 SuchgirlsasheknowsaregoodatEnglish 3 Wehavefoundsuchmaterialsasareusedintheirfactory thesame 名词 as thesame 名词 that 像 一样的就是同一人或物 Thisisthesamebikeaswelostyeste

2、rday Thisisthesamebikethatwelostyesterday 2 3 as引导的非限制性定语从句 位置灵活 可位于句首 句中 句尾 as 正如 正像 Aseveryoneknows Chinaisabeautifulcountrywithalonghistory 正如每个人都知道 中国是一个有着悠久历史的美丽国家 Theearth asweknow movesroundthesun 地球 我们都知道 围着太阳转 Tomworkshardandiswillingtohelpothers asweallknow 汤母工作努力 并且乐于助人 这一点我们都知道 3 常见的as引导

3、的非限制定语从句asweallknowasisknownaseveryknowsaswe had expectedasismentionedabove 4 注意 as引导的非限制性定语从句与which引导的非限制性定语从句异同 1 都可指代整个句子 但as从句位置灵活 可位于句首 句中 句尾 正如正像 2 which引导的从句只位于主句之后 意为 这一点 主从句一般是因果关系 isknown theearthisround Shewaslateagain madetheteacherangry As which 5 Theroadwastooslippery causedlotsofaccid

4、ents Sheenteredagooduniversity wehadexpected which as 6 二非限制性定语从句 7 限制性定语从句 8 Theman whohasthreechildren ismyuncle 那个人 有三个孩子 是我的叔叔 Themanwhohasthreechildrenismyuncle 那有三个孩子的人是我的叔叔 Shewaslateagain whichmadetheteacherupset Thisismymotorbike whichwassenttomebymyuncle 9 Thevase whosepriceisalittlehigh i

5、svaluable Thegirl towhomItalkedjustnow wasthemanagerofthatcompany Thefactory whereIworked belongedtoJapan Thewar when duringwhichChinesefoughtagainstJapanese last 持续 eightyears 10 1 Sheheardaterriblenoise broughtherheartintohermouth a itb whichc thisd that2 Theweatherturnedouttobeverygood wasmoretha

6、nwecouldexpect a whatb whichc thatd it 11 3 CarolsaidtheworkwouldbedonebyOctober personallyIdoubtverymuch a itb thatc whend which4 Dorothywasalwaysspeakinghighlyofherroleintheplay ofcourse madetheothersunhappy a whob whichc thisd what 12 5 Iboughtanancientchinesevase wasveryreasonable a whichpriceb

7、itspricec whosepriced thatprice 13 注意 1 定语从句中的主谓一致 oneof 复数名词 关系代词 复数形式动词 nottheonlyoneof TitanicisoneofthemostwonderfulmoviesthathavebeenproducedinHollywood Lilyisoneofthestudentswhohavepassedtheexam 14 2 theonlyoneof 名词复数 关系代词 单数动词形式TheGreatWallistheonlyoneofthebuildingsontheearththatisseenfromthe

8、moon 15 巩固练习 1 Heisoneofthestudentswho have seenthefilm 2 Heistheonlyofthestudentswho have passedtheexam 3 Heisnottheonlyoneofthestudentswho have readthebook have has have 16 当先行词是theway 方式 方法 引导定语从句有两种情况1 关系词做状语时 由that或inwhich或不填来引导 2 关系词做宾语时 有that或which或不填来引导 Idon tlikethewayshespoketome Thewayhee

9、xplainedtouswasquitesimple thatinwhich不填 thatwhichX explainsthtosb 17 其他情况I who be yourteacher willtrymybesttohelpyou am 18 走近高考 1 2010全国 24 Asachild Jackstudiedinavillageschool isnamedafterhisgrandfather AwhichBwhereCwhatDthat2 2010 北京 childrenwhoarenotactiveor diet 饮食 ishighinfatwillgainweightquickly AwhatBwhoseCwhichDthat 19 Themanpulledoutagoldwatch handsweremadeofsmalldiamonds 钻 2008 陕西 AwhomBthatCtheyDwhose4 Guncontrolisasubject Americanshavetalkedforalongtime 2009陕西 AofwhichBaboutwhichCwithwhichDintowhich 20


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