三年级英语下册 Lesson C I'm from the USA课件3 川教版(三起)

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《三年级英语下册 Lesson C I'm from the USA课件3 川教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 Lesson C I'm from the USA课件3 川教版(三起)(92页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ImformUSA WhereisJohn spenpalfrom John spenpalisfromtheUS John spenpalisanAmerican Wheredoeshelive HelivesinNewYork Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksEnglish theUnitedStates 学习目标 学会介绍自己的笔友学会主要国家的国名 城市及其语言 Period1 Freetalk Howmanycountriesarethereintheworld Howmanycountriescanyouspeak Dopeoplefromdiffe

2、rentcountriesspeakthesamelanguage Therearemorethan200countriesintheworld TheyareinAsia Europe SouthAmerica NorthAmericanandOceania Peoplefromdifferentcountriesspeakdifferentlanguages WhereisMichaelJordanfrom HeisfromAmerica HeisanAmerican Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksEnglish ThisismypenpalMichael

3、Jordan HeisfromAmerica HeisanAmericanHespeaksEnglish Warming up WhereisYaoMingfrom HeisfromChina HeisaChinese Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksChinese Wheredoeshelive HelivesinShanghai ThisismypenpalYaoMing HeisfromChina HeisaChinese HespeaksChinese ChinesespeakChinese HelivesinShanghai Whereisyourpe

4、npalfrom HeisfromJapan HeisaJapanese Wheredoeshelive HelivesinTokyo Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksJapanese Japan Presentation FloweringCherry MountFuji Japan 日本 Tokyo 东京 樱花 富士山 Whereisyourpenpalfrom HeisfromCanada HeisaCanadian Wheredoeshelive HelivesinToronto Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksEngli

5、sh Canada Maples Canada 加拿大 Toronto 多伦多 枫叶 France Whereisyourpenpalfrom HeisfromFrance HeisaFrenchman Wheredoeshelive HelivesinPairs Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksFrench ArchofTriumph EffielTower France 法国 Paris 巴黎 凯旋门 艾菲儿铁塔 StatueofLiberty Disneyland theUnitedStatesOfAmerica 简称 美国 NewYork 纽约 theU

6、nitedKingdom WhereisGina spenpalfrom HerpenpalisfromtheUK HerpenpalisanEnglishwoman Wheredoesshelive ShelivesinNewYork Whatlanguagedoesshespeak ShespeaksEnglish LondonBridge BigBen theUnitedKingdom 简称 英国 London 伦敦 伦敦桥 大本钟 WhereisScott spenpalfrom HispenpalisfromAustralia HispenpalisanAustralianWhere

7、doeshelive HelivesinToronto Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksEnglish Australia Kangaroo SydneyOperaHouse Australia 澳大利亚 Sydney 悉尼 袋鼠 悉尼歌剧院 WhereisBob spenpalfrom Bob spenpalisfromSingapore Wheredoeshelive HelivesinSingapore Whatlanguagedoeshespeak HespeaksEnglishandChinese Singapore Singapore 新加坡 Sin

8、gapore 鱼尾狮 Country AustraliaCity SydneyLanguage English Country JapanCity TokyoLanguage Japanese Country FranceCity ParisLanguage French John Mary Scott A Whoisyourpenpal B ismypenpal A Whereishe shefrom B He Sheisfrom A Wheredoeshe shelive B He Shelivesin Task Choosepenpalsandtellusinformationabout

9、yourpenpal Country AustraliaCity SydneyLanguage Country USCity TorontoLanguage Country UKCity LondonLanguage Country City TokyoLanguage Country City ParisLanguage Bob Gina John Mary Scott Task Choosepenpalsandtellusinformationaboutyourpenpal Introduction Mypenpalis He Sheisfrom He Shelivesin He Shes

10、peaks Country AustraliaCity SydneyLanguage Country City TorontoLanguage Country UKCity LondonLanguage Country City TokyoLanguage Country City ParisLanguage A Whereisyourpenpalfrom B He Sheisfrom A Wheredoeshe shelive B He Shelivesin A Whatlanguagedoeshe shespeak B He Shespeaks Bob Gina John Mary Sco

11、tt Practice Task Askyourgroupmemberslikethisandfillinthechart A Whereisyourpenpalfrom B He Sheisfrom A Wheredoeshe shelive B He Shelivesin A Whatlanguagedoeshe shespeak B He Shespeaks Report A spenpalisJim HecomesfromEngland HespeaksEnglish HelivesinLondon Report spenpalis Hecomesfrom Hespeaks Heliv

12、esin Saythesecountries names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Canada USA France Japan Australia UK Singapore Exercises China America Canada theUnitedKingdom Australia Japan France Canyouspeakoutthecountriesonthemap Chinese American Canadian English Australian Japanese French Singaporean Canyouspeakoutpeopleinthecountr

13、ies Chinese English English French English English Japanese French Chinese English Canyouspeakoutlanguagesinthecountries China Chinese Chinese Beijing theUSA American English NewYork theUK Englishman English London Australia Australian English Sydney Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo Canada Canadian Eng

14、lish French Toronto France Frenchman French Paris Singapore Singaporean Chinese English Fillintheblanks 国籍 国语 国人巧记 学习国籍词 应注意以下六个方面 1 国籍词书写时 每个单词的首字母都应大写 China中国 Chinese中国人 汉语 2 通过下面的表格来记忆国籍词 3 国人名词的单数变复数 可通过口诀来记忆 日中友好人不变 英法同盟a e换 余国词尾s添 4 English是英国 美国 加拿大 澳大利亚的官方语言 5 含有国籍词的习语 Chinesewalls严格保密 万无一失

15、Americandream人人自由 机会均等 takeFrenchleave不辞而别6 注意国籍词在同义句转换中的运用 如 IcomefromAmerica IamfromAmerica IamAmerican IamanAmerican 我是美国人 BeijingJapanTokyotheUnitedStatesTorontoCanadaNewYorktheUKSydneyChinaParisAustraliaLondonFrance Matchthecitiesandthecountries Matchthepeopleandthecountries AmericanJapanSingap

16、oreantheUnitedStatesChineseCanadaAustralianSingaporeCanadianChinaFrenchAustraliaEnglishFranceJapanesetheUK befrom comefrom Whereisshefrom Wheredoesshecomefrom WhereisJohnfrom WheredoesJohncomefrom Whereareyoufrom Wheredoyoucomefrom languagepoints Wherearetheyfrom Wheredotheycomefrom Anotherwayofsayingthem 同义转换 HeisfromAustralia DoyoucomefromChongqing IsyourpenpalfromtheUS DotheycomefromJapan Yes theydo DoesshecomefromBrazil No shedoesn t HecomesfromAustralia AreyoufromChongqing Doesyourpenpalcom



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