2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
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《2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show课后作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow SectionA 1a 2d 课后作业 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1 Some 有教育意义的 moviesarepopularwithstudents 2 Wehada 讨论 aboutthedifferencesbetweenBritainandtheUS 3 Mymothertoldmethestory 发生 manyyearsago 4 Mysister 期望 togetmorenewsaboutthetalentshow educational discussion happened expects 5 It 可能 ta

2、keushalfanhourtofinishthework 6 Mostofusthinkit s 没有意义的 toplaytoomanycomputergames 7 Tomisafunnyman Helikesplaying 玩笑 onothers 8 Wheredoyou 打算 tospendyourholiday 9 TheTVshowisreally 令人兴奋的 Iloveit may meaningless jokes plan exciting 10 Doyou 介意 talkingaboutthegameshow 二 单项填空 1 Youlooktired What toyou

3、 Istayeduplatelastnight A happensB washappenedC happenedD washappening 2 Idon t wheretoeatlunch Youcandecideyourself A likeB standC mindD want mind C C 3 Doyoulikewatchingsitcoms Theyareboring A Yes IdoB No Idon tC Yes IamD No I mnot 4 Ican t thatman becauseheistoolazy A standB likeC mindD love B A

4、5 Idon tliketoplayping pong Howabout football A playingB toplayC playsD playingthe三 完形填空Noteveryoneissuccessfulinmakingtheirdreamscometrue 1WaltDisneywas Usually micearenotpopular butMickeyMouse2manypeople shearts MoviesaboutMickeyMousearepopular 3 A everywhereintheworldformorethaneightyyears WaltDi

5、sneymadethis4cartooncharacter Whenhewasyoung WaltDisneywasinterestedindrawingcartoons Andhetriedto5betterwaysofmakingcartoonsmove Atthattime somemoviesjuststartedtouse6 SoDisneydecidedtoputsoundinhiscartoons too Peoplewere7whentheysawMickeyMousetalkonthemoviescreen Mickeybecamepopular8boththeyoungan

6、dold Later WaltDisney9tobuildanewkindofamusementpark 游乐场 Hehopedtobringaclean goodandbeautifulworldtopeopleofallages 10WaltDisneymadehisdreamcometrue In1995 DisneylandopenedintheUSAandbecamethemostsuccessfulamusementparkintheworld 1 A SoB ButC AndD Or 2 A winsB losesC breaksD shares B A 3 A hardlyB

7、neverC almostD ever 4 A meaninglessB boringC seriousD famous 5 A giveB keepC makeD find 6 A soundB colorC newsD joke 7 A unluckyB educationalC excitedD rich C D D A C 8 A withB ofC atD by 9 A finishedB startedC forgotD remembered 10 A AtfirstB AtleastC InthepastD Intheend A B D SectionA GrammarFocus

8、 3c 一 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Wouldyoulike go outorwouldyouratherstayhere 2 Let s nottouch it 3 Ioftenhelpmymother do somecleaning 4 Myteachercanhelp bring outthebestinme 5 Don tforget turn offthelightswhenyouleavetheroom nottouch do tobring toturn togo 二 按要求完成下列各题1 Jackdoesn tliketalkshows 就画线部分提问 2 Nicolali

9、kesgeographyandbiology 改为否定句 3 Let swatchasoapopera 改为同义句 WhatdoesJackthinkoftalkshows HowdoesJackliketalkshows Nicoladoesn tlikegeographyorbiology Whynotwatchasoapopera Whydon twewatchasoapopera 4 Youdidn tlearnanythingfromBeijingOpera 改为同义句 5 IlikewatchingEnglishmoviesbecauseIcanimprovemyEnglishsp

10、eakingskills 就画线部分提问 YoulearnednothingfromBeijingOpera WhydoyoulikewatchingEnglishmovies 三 单项填空 1 Cindywasmade earlyonweekendsbyhermother A getupB gettingupC getsupD togetup 2 Pleaseremember yournotebookheretomorrow A bringsB broughtC bringingD tobring D D 3 Englishisimportanttous Weshouldtry ithard

11、 A studyB studiesC tostudyD studying 4 Hetoldher gooutatnight A notB don tC doesn tD notto C D 5 Wheredidyoudecide yoursummervacation InSanya A spendB tospendC spendingD tospending 6 NowmanyforeignersstarttolearnChinese Butsomeofthemfounditdifficult Chinesewell A learningB learnC tolearnD learned B

12、C 7 Manyoldmenprefer inthecountryside A toliveB livingC liveD lived 8 Hepromised hisoldfriendduringhisstayinTianjin A seeB seeingC sawD tosee A D 9 doyou thisnewclub It sniceandbig A What thinkofB How thinkofC What likeD How think 10 Weneed ourteetheveryday A brushB tobrushC brushesD brushing A B 四

13、短文填空WelcometoToday sPeople Todayourguestisagreatwriter MoYan thewinneroftheYear2012NobelPrizeforLiterature isasonoftheChinesesoil 土壤 HewasborninthesmalltownofGaomiinShandong Hisparentswereboth1 andasayoungboy Motookcareofthefamily ssmallherdofgoats 山羊 Eachdayhewouldtakethegoats2 andwatchoverthemeati

14、ngwildgrass Itwasa3 job butMowasasensitive 敏感的 thoughtful farmers outside boring boy Heenjoyed4 onthegreen openlandofShandong Heenjoyed5 upatthecleanblueskyandseeingthewhitecloudschangingshapesastheydrifted 漂流 by Topassthetime hewouldtalktothegoats Hewouldtellthemhis6 abouteverythingandtellthemstori

15、es Itwasthe7 ofhislifeasastoryteller Duringthehardtime Moleftschoolandworkedforafactory ThiswasdifficultforMobecausehelovedbooksandheloved lying looking feelings beginning reading LuckilyforMo hefoundafriendwhowould8 himbooks Later Mojoinedthearmyandwasabletocontinuehis9 andfinallyhegraduatedfromBei

16、jingNormalUniversity Thisiswherehebegantowrite AlthoughMohadleftGaomi Gaomineverlefthim ManyofhisbookstalkaboutthelifeandthepeopleofGaomi ForMo allofhumannaturecanbe10 inthevillagelifeofGaomi Moisfamousnow butheremainsatruesonofthesoil lend education study seen SectionB 1a 2e 一 翻译下列句子1 他变得很富有 很成功 2 主要原因之一是米奇像一个普通人 3 他走了 谁来顶替他的岗位 Hebecomesveryrichandsuccessful OneofthemainreasonsisthatMickeywaslikeacommonman Afterhehasgone whowilltakehisplace 4 当我听这首歌曲时 我就会想起我的好朋友 5 你知道这个谚语的出处吗 二 单项填空 1 Tomiswatc


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