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1、总分 100分 大学英语 三 0003 18春在线作业2 100分 一 单选题共40题 100分 1 2 5分 Yesterday Peter a ticket for the movie Agave Bhad been given Cwas given Dwas gave 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 2 2 5分 Would you mind closing the window It is windy out side ANot at all BSure go ahead CWhy not DYes I would 学生答案 A 得分 2 5分 3 2 5分 The patients a

2、re quite to the nurses for their s pecial care Aenjoyable Bhelpful Cconfident 123456 91011121314 171819202122 252627282930 333435363738 单选题 40题 100分 Dgrateful 学生答案 D 得分 2 5分 4 2 5分 Henry would never forget his mother in law fo r the first time He was so pleased with the gifts she br ought for him Am

3、eet Bto meet Cmeeting Dmet 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 5 2 5分 He his homework before I came Ahas done Bhas been doing Chad done Dwould have done 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 6 2 5分 Sixteen year old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United Sta

4、tes She spoke Engli sh very well Though she was very happy she could go abroad she was feeling sad at leav Awhen she was leaving America Bon her way back to Santo Domingo Cbefore she left the USA Dwhen she arrived at the airport 学生答案 D 得分 2 5分 7 2 5分 carefully this letter is very beautiful AType BTy

5、ping CTyped DTo typed 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 8 2 5分 The sun in the east and in the west Arise set Brises sets Crose set Dis rising is setting 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 9 2 5分 What do you want to do ANo I don t want to do anything BI want to watch TV for a change CWhat do you want to do then DHow about having a picnic

6、学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 10 2 5分 As long as the sun shines the earth will not run out of energy The sun pours more energy on earth than we c an ever use Most of that energy comes to us as heat a nd light Energy from the sun is called solar energy Anything to do with the sun is called solar The wo rd began wit

7、h the Roman word for the sun and their go d of the sun who was called Sol Solar energy is a safe kind of energy It doesn t make pollution or have dange rous leftovers That is why scientists and investors are experimenting with ways of harnessing 治理利用 治理利用 the sun to do some of the jobs fossil fuels

8、have been doin g But to make the sun do work like that they have to s olve some problems They have to collect the sun s en ergy Collecting sunshine is not easy unless you are a plant Sunshine is not easy to store either You can t fi ll a tank with it or put it in the wood box You can not move it thr

9、ough a pipe or a wire You can not just turn it on 4 What are the problems facing scientists who want to use solar energy AIt is not easy to collect BIt is not easy to store CIt is not easy to find out Dboth A and B 学生答案 D 得分 2 5分 11 2 5分 It is necessary a foreign language Aof college students to mas

10、ter Bfor college students to master Cthat college students master Dthat college students to master 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 I an old friend on the way home yesterday 12 2 5分 Ameet Bmet Chave met Dhad met 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 13 2 5分 Can I help you carry the bag ANeedn t Byou couldn t do it CI could do it myself DTh

11、ank you but I can manage it myself 学生答案 D 得分 2 5分 14 2 5分 May I use your bike for a moment AIt s well BIt doesn t matter CBy all means DI have no idea 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 15 2 5分 It is that he has to ask for help Aso a big job Ba so big job Csuch big job Dsuch a big job 学生答案 D 得分 2 5分 16 2 5分 The need fo

12、r more wood and more land help to protect our forests 正误判断题 正误判断题 If you travel by air across the center of Africa or Sout h America you fly over forests for thousands of kilom eters These great forests are the oceans of trees Ther e are thousands and thousands of different kinds of pl ants and anim

13、als However the world s forests are getting smaller all t he time We are cutting down the trees because we nee d wood and we need more farmland Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years What will happen if they disappear If we cut down our forests a lot of plant

14、s and animal s will disappear from the world In a lot of places the n ew farmland will soon look like the old deserts Crops will not grow there It will not rain very often and the w eather will get very hot Perhaps the climate of the worl d will change This will be dangerous for everyone in t he wor

15、ld That is why we must take care of our forests 以下为试题题干 以下为试题题干 A正确正确 B错误错误 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 17 2 5分 John succeeded what he wanted Ato get Bto getting Cin getting Dand getting 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 18 2 5分 You d better in bed It s bad for your eyes Anot to read Bnot read Cdon t read Dread 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 19 2

16、 5分 at such a time his work attracted much attenti on ATo publish BPublished CPublishing DTo be published 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 20 2 5分 I couldn t find my English Chinese dictionary Aanywhere Beverywhere Cnowhere Dsomewhere 学生答案 A 得分 2 5分 21 Hello my I talk to Tom Sorry Tom isn t in Sure 2 5分 AIs there any way to get in touch with him BCan I leave a message CDoes he work today DCan I take a message for him 学生答案 B 得分 2 5分 22 2 5分 It s that he was wrong Aclearly Bclarity Cclear Dclearing 学生答案 C 得分 2 5分 2


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