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1、2019高三英语星级阶梯阅读练习三星级38AIn 1969 I was a young girl working in Toronto. I was from a small town in Ontario and had just moved to the big city about three months earlier. It was one week before Christmas and I was going home on the last streetcar of the evening. I remember looking at my paycheque(工资单) a

2、nd asking myself how it was going to endure. At that time in my life I hardly had enough money to exist on. Bread for supper and oatmeal for breakfast was the only way I kept hunger at bay. I got off the streetcar and started walking up the street, when I suddenly noticed a man was running after me.

3、 I stopped, turned around, seeing that he was black. I snapped, “What do you want?” The man answered in a soft voice, “I am returning your wallet. You left it on the streetcar seat.” Because of that mans thoughtfulness, I was allowed the comfort of going home by bus for the summer holidays. Otherwis

4、e, I would have stayed alone in my small room with a hog plate. I have never been so ashamed of myself, and that poor, kind man had to walk, who knows how far, home. I recognized immediately that this was wrong of me and it changed my ways forever. 56. What can we learn from the second paragraph? A.

5、 The writer had no job when the story happened. B. The writer were leaving the big city for her hometown. C. The writer had little money when the story happened. D. The writers parents were very poor when she was young. 57. What does the underlined word “snapped” most probably mean? A. To speak in a

6、 soft voice. B. To shout angrily. C. To scream for help. D. To whisper. 58. Why was the black man running after the writer? A. To rob her. B. To scare her. C. To make friends with her. D. To return her wallet. 59. What is the writer trying to tell her readers? A. Never judge people by their appearan

7、ce. B. She had been struggling to her success. C. She had changed a lot since that night. D. Being kind to strangers will pay back. BMonkeys are very similar to us in many ways. We enjoy watching them because they often act like us. In fact, scientists say monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.

8、Monkeys make us smile, too, because they are creatures full of playful tricks. This is why many monkey expressions are about tricky people or playful acts. One of these expressions is monkeyshines meaning tricks or foolish acts. So, when a teacher says to a group of students: Stop those monkeyshines

9、 right now!, you know that the kids are playing, instead of studying.You might hear that same teacher warn a student not to monkey around with a valuable piece of equipment. You monkey around with something when you are touching or playing with something you should leave alone. Also, you can monkey

10、around when you feel like doing something, but have no firm idea of what to do. Monkey business usually means secret, maybe illegal, activities. A news report may say there is monkey business involved in building the new airport, with some officials getting secret payments from builders.You may make

11、 a monkey out of someone when you make that person look foolish. Some people make a monkey out of themselves by acting foolish or silly.If one monkey has fun, imagine how much fun a barrel of monkeys can have. If your friend says he had more fun than a barrel of monkeys at your party, you know that

12、he had a really good time.Monkey suits are common names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear. In earlier years, performing monkeys tight-fitting, colorful jacket looked similar to a military uniform. So, people began to call a military uniform a monkey suit.60. Which of the following can best state

13、 the main idea of the passage? A. Monkeys are connected with our life. B. Due respect should be paid to monkeys. C. Some English expressions about monkey. D. Monkeys share a common ancestor with us. 61. How many expressions about monkey are introduced in the passage? A. 5. B. 6. C. 7. D. 8. 62. The

14、expression “monkeyshine” has the closest meaning to _. A. mischief(恶作剧,顽皮) B. laziness C. making noise D.diligence 63If you drew a funny picture on your friends face while he was sleeping, you were _. A. monkeying around B. doing money business C. enjoying a barrel of monkeys D. making a monkey out

15、of him CTelevisions, stereos, telephones, and computers have changed the way we spend our time and what we know about the world. Some of the changes brought about by these material possessions have improved our way of life, but others have made it worse. Our young teenagers turn on the television, p

16、lay the stereo, play games on the computer, talk on the telephone, and eat all the same time. This drives me right up the wall to instant insanity(精神失常).However, teens of today place too great an importance on material property. They spend an average of several hours a day watching television, listening to


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