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2、得到很大的提高。鉴于影响动态称重的干扰因素很多,而且这些因素之间不存在确切的函数关系,用传统的数学模型方法很难分析清楚这些干扰因素之间的关系,所以本文从理论基础方面入手,从提高称重精度的思想出发,介绍了应用于车载动态称重系统的各种智能算法模型,比较分析发现对于非线性对象没有解决误差精度问题,最终提出善于非线性建模的BP 神经网络技术,包括网络的基本思想、计算过程、执行步骤、存在的问题,以及针对动态称重对象的非线性特征以及称重过程中存在的精度不准确问题采取了 BP 算法的改进方法,进一步满足了现场环境的称重要求。通过分析公路车载动态称重对象,建立了 BP 神经网络动态称重系统模型,根据现场采集的

3、动态称重数据进行了网络模型的分析与数据训练,训练结果表明精度完全符合现场要求和国家标准。对于系统硬件方面,系统采用单片机进行数据采集与传送,对单片机的选择进行了介绍;用于数据处理的动态称重软件系统除了实现重量数据的处理、显示和查询等基本功能以外,它还实现了将采集的数据保存于数据库中并能以报表的形式打印出来的功能,以便于统计和查阅。本文中主要用到的单片机开发工具是 C 语言,工控机里的数据处理系统软件采用 Visual C+ 6.0 编程语言,主要利用 RS-232 串行接口来提供串口通信,使用 BP 神经网络对称重采集的数据建模仿真的环境是 MATLABR2007。关键词:动态称重系统,单片机

4、,数学模型,BP 神经网络DESIGNATION AND EMPOLDER OF HIGHWAYCAR-LOADING WEIGH-IN-MOTION SYSTEMABSTRACTThe Highway Car-loading Weigh-in-Motion system(WIMS)has undoubtedly played anantive electronic role and social value in the protection of highway trancport. Along with thedevelopment of the Highway Transportati

5、on,Industrial production and Business Trade, it isrequired that the Highway WIMS needs to saticfy more qualification of modernization andscientization for the rapid automatically and the enforcement of the overloading rule.As to the Highway Car-loading WIMS, the weighing precision of the vehicle mov

6、ing isthe most important standard specification. It indicates the technical level of the HighwayCar-loading WIMS. While the weighing signal processing of the actual Weigh-in-Motion issimple digital filter and the model is not fit well with non-leneared object. Even further signalprocessing technique

7、 of kinds of disturbing factors. So the WIM systems precision is hardlyimproved.Because there are so many factors affect the WIMS accuracy, and there are not exactfunction relations among these factors, this paper introduces some new arithmetic models tosettle these factors compared with other model

8、s.In theory of improving the WIM systemsprecision, final chance is choosing BP neural network. It mostly introduces the basic idea,calculated process, executes steps and existed problems of BP Neural Network, and Finallyputs forward the improved method to satisfy weigh-in-motion requirement.Through

9、analyzing Highway WIMS cars,this paper bases BP Neural Nerwork model.The weigh-in-motion datas, which gathered in scene and trained by the BP Neural Networkmodel, indicate that the precision accords with practical requirement and internationalstandard. In hardware, the system use single-chip microco

10、mputer and introduced the choosingcondition of the single-ship microcomputer. The WIM system of the paper described canimplement not only the basic function of gathering data, processing data, display data, andquery data,but preserved the gathering data into the database and print in form. The syste

11、mmainly use C language to write in the single-chip microcomputer, and use Visual C+ 6.0 towrite in the computer for processing data. The RS-232 is used to communicate theserial.Otherwise, the paper use MATLAB R2007 language to model weighing system,simulink and train the weighing datas.Key Words: We

12、igh-in-Motion System, Single-Chip Microcomputer, System Math Modeling,BP Neural Network目录第一章 绪论.11.1 公路车载动态称重系统的意义 .11.1.1 汽车超限超载的危害.11.1.2 公路车载动态称重课题研究的意义.21.2 公路车载动态称重系统的国外研究现状 .31.3 公路车载动态称重系统的国内研究现状 .41.4 公路车载动态称重系统的发展趋势 .51.5 本文研究的主要内容及工作简述 .61.6 本章小结 .6第二章 公路车载动态称重系统整体设计思想.82.1 公路车载动态称重系统硬件系统 .82.1.1 称重板压力传感器.82.1.2 数据采集系统.102.1.3 计算机系统.102.1.4 显示器系统、打印机系统.122.1.5 动态称重系统一些辅助硬件设备.132.2 公路车载动态称重系统软件系统 .132.2.1 数据采集软件程序设计.142.2.2 数据预处理模块.152.2.3 显示程序设计.152.2.4 通信程序模块.152.2.5 计算机上的软件设计.


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