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1、小学六年级第二学期期末教学质量评价小学六年级第二学期期末教学质量评价 英语试卷英语试卷 满分 100答题时间 40 分钟 卷首语 时间过得真快 快乐的暑假马上到来了 这个学期我们学得怎么样昵 下面就来检验 一下 同学们加油 你一定是最棒的 听听 力力 部部 分 分 4040 分 分 Listen Listen andand choose choose 听录音 选出你所听到的句子中含有的信息 将其字母编号 听录音 选出你所听到的句子中含有的信息 将其字母编号 填在题前的括号内填在题前的括号内 5 5 分 分 1 A lookB bookC cook 2 A dayB MayC stay 3 A

2、makeB lakeC cake 4 A ballB dollC hall 5 A wearB hearC pear ListenListen andand judge judge 听录音 判断正误 对的打 听录音 判断正误 对的打 错的打 错的打 1010 分 分 Listen Listen andand choosechoose 听录音 选出与所听内容意思相符的一句话 将其字母编号听录音 选出与所听内容意思相符的一句话 将其字母编号 填在题前的括号内 填在题前的括号内 10 10 分分 1 A Tom is older than his sister B Tom is younger th

3、an his sister 2 A There was a big gym in my school two years ago B There is a big gym in my school now 3 A Kate went to Xinjiang B Kate didn t like mutton kebabs 4 A Mary liked the loud music B Mary didn t sleep well last night 5 A Mike was quiet in the class then B Mike was active in the class then

4、 Listen Listen andand choose choose 听录音 选择最合适的答语 将其字母编号填在题前的括号听录音 选择最合适的答语 将其字母编号填在题前的括号 内 内 5 5 分分 1 A Size 37 B My sister is 70 cm C My brother is 40 kg 2 A He watched TV B She is swimming C She goes camping 3 A I m singing B I saw a film C I can clean my room 4 A No there aren t B Yes there is C

5、Yes they did 5 A I read books there B She went to HongKong C He went there by plane L Li is st te en n a an nd d j ju ud dg ge e 听听录录音音 判判断断句句子子正正误误 对对的的打打 错错的的打打 1 10 0 分分 1 Sarah went to Beijing by train 2 Sarah had a big dinner with her mother on the first day 3 Sarah and her uncle went to the Gr

6、eat Wall on the second day 4 Sarah bought some presents for her parents on the third day 5 Sarah came back home on the fourth day 笔笔 试试 部部 分 分 6060 分 分 语音 根据划线部分的发音 为下面的单词找家语音 根据划线部分的发音 为下面的单词找家 6 6 分 分 r roooom mt toooof foooot tl looook kc cooool lc cooook k 用所给单词的适当形式填空 用所给单词的适当形式填空 5 5 分 分 1 You

7、r feet are big than mine 2 My father drink tea with his friend yesterday afternoon 3 Sam didn t come to school last week 4 Last Sunday Lucy and Lily are not happy 5 One day I m going to visit the moon 读句子 找出合适的图片 把字母编号填在题前括号内读句子 找出合适的图片 把字母编号填在题前括号内 6 6 分 分 1 Rose s hair is longer than Mary s hair 2

8、 There is a dining hall and a gym in my school now 3 The Li family went camping last weekend 4 Tim fell off his bike the day before yesterday 5 The tree was short three years ago Now it is tall 6 Allen went to the cinema and saw a film last night 阅读对话 根据上下文 选择正确的句子 使对话完整 把字母编号填在相应的横阅读对话 根据上下文 选择正确的句

9、子 使对话完整 把字母编号填在相应的横 线上线上 5 5 分 分 A How did you go there B What did you do there C What was the weather like D Where did you go on your holiday E Yes I did Alice Hello Mike l Mike I went to Shanghai on my holiday Alice 2 Mike I went there by plane Alice 3 Mike It was warm Alice 4 Mike I visited my un

10、cle and bought some presents Alice Did you go to the Bund 外滩 Mike 5 It is beautiful I took many pictures 选词填空 完成短文选词填空 完成短文 8 8 分 分 boughtvisitedbadmintonwenttalkedbusyategym Last Sunday was a 1 day for John In the morning he got up early He 2 a sandwich After that he rode a bike to the 3 He played

11、4 there In the afternoon he 5 gifts Then he 6 his grandparents with the gifts He 7 happily with his grandparents At five o clock he 8 home 根据图片给句子排序 组成通顺短文根据图片给句子排序 组成通顺短文 1010 分 分 Dad opens the door and sees the snowman Oh no shouts Dad It is snowing The children go out to play on the snow Next the

12、y make a big snowman After that Leo knocks at the door The children hear Dad and laugh a lot Mom comes out and takes a photo for them Leo has an idea He wants to play a trick on Dad So he makes a big snowball with his friends in front of the door 阅读短文 选择最佳答案 阅读短文 选择最佳答案 10 10 分分 Mary is twenty four

13、years old She is a worker She works in a clothes factory near London She works from Monday to Saturday On the weekend Mary usually gets up early After breakfast she often drives her car to see her friend Jane They talk about their jobs families and friends In the afternoon they often go shopping The

14、y have a good time 1 How old is Mary A 25 B 24 C 23 2 Where does Mary work A In a clothes factory B In a hospital C In a school 3 How many days does Mary work A Five B Six C Seven 4 How does Mary go to see her friend Jane A On foot B By bus C By car 5 What do Mary and Jane do on Sunday A They go sho

15、pping B They talk about their jobs families and friends C BothAand B 以以 ChangesChanges inin meme 为题写一篇小作文 写一写自己过去和现在有些什么变化 要为题写一篇小作文 写一写自己过去和现在有些什么变化 要 求语句通顺 可增添词句 书写清楚 至少写求语句通顺 可增添词句 书写清楚 至少写 5 5 句话句话 1010 分 分 ChangesChanges inin meme 温馨提示 同学们 题目已经全部答完了 记得检查有无错题 漏题 参考答案参考答案 听力部分听力部分 40 40 分分 5 分 每小

16、题 1 分 1 C2 C3 B4 C5 A 10 分 每小题 2 分 1 2 3 4 5 10 分 每小题 2 分 1 B2 B3 A4 B5 A 5 分 每小题 1 分 1 A2 A3 A4 C5 C 10 分 每小题 2 分 1 2 3 4 5 笔试部分 笔试部分 60 分 分 6 分 每词 1 分 Zoo roomtoocoolBook footlookcook 5 分 每小题 1 分 e4 were5 visit 6 分 每小题 1 分 1 D2 C3 A4 F5 B6 E 5 分 每小题 1 分 1 D2 A3 C4 B5 E 8 分 每小题 1 分 1 busy2 ate3 gym4 badminton 5 bought6 visited7 talked8 went 10 分 每小题 2 分 DACEB 10 分 每小题 2 分 1 B2 A3 B4 C5 C 10 分 Hello I m Tom When I was 7 years old I was 1 25 metres And I was 20 kilograms I liked reading books and


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