2020高考英语二轮专题复习课标通用版(跟踪检测) 语法填空(含4套) 含解析

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《2020高考英语二轮专题复习课标通用版(跟踪检测) 语法填空(含4套) 含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语二轮专题复习课标通用版(跟踪检测) 语法填空(含4套) 含解析(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题跟踪检测1记叙文(一)(限时40分钟)(见专题跟踪检测P137)Test 1(2019重庆九校联盟联考)When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, Readers Digest wrote about impressive rescues.The spirit of serving can be incredibly _1_. Here is a story from Annalysa Longworth, a survivor of Hurricane Maria, in her own _2_.“The total 36 hours of Hurricane Ma

2、ria in Puerto Rico was _3_ the scariest event weve ever gone through.Our house sits on the northwest coast of Rincn.In the _4_,_over 100 mph winds changed direction causing a great amount of water flooding our _5_.The only place left dry and safe was our kitchen floor, where we were _6_ to ride out

3、the rest of the storm.It has been 50 days since the _7_,_and we are still without power and water.During our regular afternoon showers, we are glad to _8_ rainwater but are quickly reminded of the people living without roofs, and how _9_ it must be for them.Our emotions are consistently in a state o

4、f _10_.Recently, our good friends told us about a video interview they were doing with Watts of Love, a solar light company.The company generously gave us a headlamp for our personal _11_ and a box with 50 headlamps to distribute throughout our town.Rincn was completely blacked out so making a simpl

5、e walk through a parking lot to our car is _12_.We used to rush to get things done before _13_,_but now I continue daily chores in the dark.What _14_ our lives most was being able to share this gift with others.We _15_ the lamps house by house to the people in the mountains who needed them most, as

6、even batteries and candles are _16_ there.Even though _17_ have come slowly, people have been out of work and cant afford to _18_ their electric bill.Ill always be _19_ to Watts of Love for allowing us to pay it forward and be witnesses to the smiles that _20_ can bring.”1Aterrifying Bmoving Cuniver

7、sal Dnecessary2A.words Bmethods Copinions Deditions3A.unluckily Buncertainly Cunsteadily Dundoubtedly4A.darkness Bhistory Crecovery Dsystem5A.school Bgarden Chouse Dstudio6A.requested Btaught Cforced Dexpected7A.performance Bprogress Crescue Dstorm8A.collect Bobserve Capply Dresearch9A.puzzling Bpun

8、ctual Camazing Dawful10A.relief Bsympathy Cpleasure Dcalmness11A.interest Bpurpose Cattempt Dproblem12A.convenient Bridiculous Cdangerous Dawkward13A.schedule Bsunset Cdeadline Ddaybreak14A.changed Bruined Cproved Dwitnessed15A.took off Bbrought out Cgot through Dgave away16A.adequate Bexpensive Cra

9、re Dequal17A.supplies Bsurvivors Creports Dcomplaints18A.imagine Breceive Cundertake Dchoose19A.devoted Bfamiliar Caccustomed Dgrateful20A.nature Blight Cfuture Dharvest语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:社会责任 语篇导读:本文主要讲述了飓风之后,Annalysa Longworth和家人去救助那些需要帮助的人,并见证了把爱传递下去的快乐。1解析 B根据下文讲述的Annalysa Longworth的故事可知,此处是指服务精神令人感动(

10、moving),故选B项。2解析 A下文是Annalysa Longworth自己讲述的遭遇的台风,in her own words 用她自己的话说,故选A项。3解析 D根据下文可知,这36小时的玛利亚飓风毫无疑问(undoubtedly)是他们所经历的最恐惧的事情,故选D项。4解析 A根据下文提到自从飓风开始,50多天了仍然没有电可知,此处是指在黑暗(darkness)中,故选A项。5解析 C根据下文的The only placekitchen floor可知,洪水冲进了“我们”的房子(house),故选C项。6解析 C结合上下文语境可知,飓风造成洪水进了“我们”的房子,厨房是唯一没进水的地

11、方,由此推断出,“我们”被迫(forced)在那里度过危难时期,故选C项。7解析 D根据上文可知,此处是指自从飓风(storm)后,停水停电很多天了,故选D项。8解析 A结合上文因为飓风停水停电可知,“我们”在收集(collect)雨水,故选A项。9解析 D结合上文语境可知,灾难后,没有房子居住的人们的生活一定是非常糟糕的(awful)。punctual 准时的,故选D项。10解析 B根据上文可知,想到其他人没有房子住,“我们”一直处于同情(sympathy)状态中,故选B项。11解析 B根据下文可知,公司给“我们”头戴照明灯供个人使用。purpose打算,用途,故选B项。12解析 C根据上文

12、可知,Rincn全部停电了,摸黑走到停车的地方是危险的(dangerous),故选C项。13解析 B根据下文的but now I continue daily chores in the dark可知,之前“我”一直习惯在日落(sunset)之前干完活,故选B项。14解析 A结合上下文语境可知,与别人分享这个礼物是现在最能改变(change)我们生活的事情,故选A项。15解析 D根据上文的share this gift with others可知,此处是“我们”挨家挨户分发(give away)那些灯。take off 脱下;bring out 带出来,生产;get through通过,故选D

13、项。16解析 C根据下文可知,那里的人们很穷,所以电池、蜡烛都是很稀有的(rare),故选C项。17解析 A根据上文作者分发头戴照明灯可知,此处指补给(supply)来得很慢,故选A项。18解析 C上文指出人们失业,生活困难,自然是承担(undertake)不起电费,故选C项。19解析 D结合语境可知,Watts of Love使“我们”能够把爱传递下去,因此,“我们”应该是感激的(grateful),故选D项。20解析 B结合上文可知,此处是“我们”见证了灯(light)带来的笑容,故选B项。Test 2(2019湖南长沙一模)Steve was a seventh grader, a bi

14、g boy, looking more like a teenager than a 12yearold.Yet, he went unnoticedhe had been _1_every examination since first gradeuntil Miss Wilma.In the middle of the first semester of school, the entire seventh grade was_2_for basic skills.“You all did pretty well,” Miss Wilma told the class after going over the_3_,_“except for one boy.And it_4_my heart to tell you this, but” she_5_,_“the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class.” Steve_6_his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.Aft


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