人教新目标七年级下册英语市级优质课获奖教案-Unit 9 What does he look like第 二课时

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人教新目标七年级下册英语市级优质课获奖教案-Unit 9 What does he look like第 二课时_第1页
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《人教新目标七年级下册英语市级优质课获奖教案-Unit 9 What does he look like第 二课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标七年级下册英语市级优质课获奖教案-Unit 9 What does he look like第 二课时(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A(1a-2d)Teaching and Learning Goals1 In this lesson, the students will master the key words: straight, curly, tall, thin, heavy, of medium height, of medium build, handsome. 2 The students can describe peoples looks using the target language: What does he/she l

2、ook like? He/Shes -. He/She has -. What do they look like? Theyre -. They have -. Is he/she - or -? Do they have - or -? 3 Give the students listening practice to help them recognize and use the target language in natural speech. 4 Every student mustnt judge people by their looks and should be frien

3、dly to others. Step 1 PreviewPut the following into English orally, and then write them down without looking at the book.1. Put the phrases into English.(1)直发_(2)卷发_(3)中等身高_(4)中等身材_2. Put the sentences into English.(1) 你的朋友长什么样?_(2) 她中等身材,有着长的直发。_(3) 萨利是长发还是短发?_(4) 他们长什么样?_(5) 他是高还是矮?_Step2 Warming

4、up and leading in1 Look at the pictures.2 Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once.1). short hair _ 2). curly hair _3). long hair _ 4). straight hair _5). tall _ 6). short _7). medium height _ 8). thin _ 9). heavy _ 10). medium build _Step3 Listening一、l

5、istening 1b1. Listening for the general idea of 1b.T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture in 1a. What are the two girls talking about? Listen carefully and get the general idea.The general idea of the conversations is about _.A. what Amys father looks likeB. what Amys friend looks likeC. what

6、 Amys sister looks like2. Listening for the specific ideas of 1b.T: Class, please look through the blanks. Then listen two times. Fill in the blanks and find Amys friend in the picture. Listen and fill in the blanks.Girl: Is that your _?Amy: No, it _.Girl: What does he look like? Is he short or _?Am

7、y: Well, hes really tall. And he has _ hair.Can you find Amys friend in the picture in 1a?Check the answers.3. Listen to the tape and repeat.4. One of the people is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him/her. For example:A: What does your friend _?B: Shes _, and she has _.二、Li

8、stening 2a-2d1. Listening for the general idea of 2a.T: Class, please look at the questions in 2a. Can you guess what the conversations are about? T: Listen carefully and get general idea. Lets see which student is right.The general idea of the conversations is to _.A. describe peoples looksB. descr

9、ibe peoples jobsC. describe peoples families2. Listening for the specific ideas of 2a.T: Class, we all know the conversations are about peoples looks. What does everyone look like? Now, listen for the specific ideas.(1) Listen and answer the questions.Is David tall or short?_Does Sally have long or

10、short hair?_Is Peter tall or short?_ (2) Listen and fill in the chart.(3) Complete the conversations according to the tape.Conversation 1A: Is that your _ David?B: No, it isnt. A: What does David look _? Is he tall or short?B: Hes tall. Hes _. And he has curly hair.Conversation 2A: Is that Sally?No,

11、 it isnt.A: Does Sally have long or short hair?B: She has long straight hair. Shes of _. And shes _.Conversation 3A: Is your friend Peter short or tall?B: Hes short. Hes of _ _. And he has short hair.Step 4 Post-listening activities1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Student A looks at the chart in

12、2b. Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person.For example:A: What does he _?B: Hes _.3. Let Ss fill in the blanks in the rewriting passage. Then ask them read the passage aloud.David is _ and _. He has _ hair. Sally is _ and _. She has _ hair.

13、Peter is _ and _. He has _ hair.4. Make a survey(1) Ask and answer.A: What does your friend look like?B: He/She is, he/she is , and he/she has .(2) Fill in the chart.NamesHeightBuildHair(3) Report:XXs friend is, he/she is, and he/she has XXs friend is, he/she is, and he/she hasStep 5 Presentation1 Ask Ss to read the conversation in 2d in silence. 2 Then play the recording for them to listen and imitate. 3 Then ask Ss to repeat after the recording. 4 Then ask Ss to practice it for 2 minutes and



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