人教新目标七年级下册英语-导学案Unit9 Period1(最新)

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《人教新目标七年级下册英语-导学案Unit9 Period1(最新)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标七年级下册英语-导学案Unit9 Period1(最新)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 What does he look like? Period1 SectionA 1a-2c【教学目标】知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: 名词n. height,build形容词adj. curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy(2)熟练掌握下列短语: Look like , straight hair, medium height, medium build, (3)掌握下列句型:What does he look like?Hes of medium/build.What does he look like? She has lo

2、ng straight hair.Is David tall or short?-Does Sally have long or short hair?过程与方法 把描述人的形容词和图片搭配,听力练习,pairwork.情感、态度与价值观让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。【教学重难点】重点:1. 学会表述描述他人体貌特征的形容词。2. 能听懂有描述他人外表的对话。3. 学会简单描述他人发型,身高及身材。4. 学会用特殊疑问句来询问他人的外表。难点:1. 描述他人外表形容词的读音及拼写。2. 描述他人外表的特殊疑问句,选择疑问句。 3. 形容词的叠加使用。【导学过程】一新课预习写一写短头发_

3、卷头发_ 长头发_直头发_高_ 矮_中等高度_瘦_重_中等体型_译一译What does he look like ? _.Hes really tall. _.He has curly hair. _.She is of medium build. _.二. 情景导入T: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Is your mother tall/ short/beautiful ? 本单元主要话题是描述人的外貌,因此从复习家庭成员的名称入手,并用已经学过的形容词对家庭成员进行简单的描述。(1) Present th

4、e new words: tall, short, heavy, thin, medium height, medium build.Show the pictures of different persons and help Ss to understand the new words. Help them to describe the people in the pictures by using “He/shes (of) ”.(2) Present some pictures of different haircuts. Help Ss to understand the new

5、words: long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair. Help them to describe persons by using “He/she has ”.找出三名外貌差异较大的学生来做比较,一个胖而高大的男生(a fat and tall boy),一个瘦而较矮的男生(a thin and short boy),一个中等身材(of medium height)。然后用这三名学生为例教heavy, tall, thin, short引出句型:(1). What do you look like? Hes really tall.

6、He has long straight hair. (2). What does she look like? Shes of medium/build.三合作探究1. Work on 1a (1) Match the words with the people in the picture. (2) Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language. T: What does “a” look like? S: Shes heavy. 2. Work on 1b (1) Listen and fill in the blank

7、s in the picture, then check the answers.(2) Find Amys friend. 3. Work on 1c 学生运用所学句型来进行操练。4. Work on 2a & 2b (1)Look at the sentences in 2a. Read them aloud.(2)listen carefully and answer the questions. (3) look at 2b. Listen again and fill in the chart.5. Work on 2c Student A is to look at the cha

8、rt in 2b. Student B will ask Student A questions about one of the people in the chart and then draw a picture of the person.四点拨总结1.Shes of medium height,and she has long straight hair.描述人的身高和胖瘦用“be +形容词”的结构描述人的头发用“ have /has + 发型 ”的结构。注意:hair 是不可数名词。He _(has/is) tall / of medium height / of medium b

9、uild.他个子很高/ 中等个/ 中等身材,这里of 不能省略.He _(has/is) curly hair / small mouth / big eyes他卷曲头发/ 小嘴 / 大眼睛2.Whatdoeshelooklike?他看上去什么样子?looklike表示看起来像指的是外观上像的意思Myfriendisof mediumheight.(对划线提问)_3.Sheisgood-lookingbutsheisalittlebitquiet.她长得漂亮但有些内向。(1)good-looking为合成形容词(尤指人)漂亮的,好看的。指男女均可。其同义词有:beautiful好看的尤指妇女,

10、儿童。pretty好看的,尤指妇女,儿童。handsome好看的,用于男子。beautiful是个有分量的,表示赞许的形容词,含有高雅和完美的意思。pretty指娇媚温柔的容貌。4.high与tall, high和tall都有高的意思。(1)high一般表示物体的高度,它的反义词是low。如:Canyouseethehighwall?你能看见那堵高墙吗?Thebigtreeisabouttenmetreshigh.那棵大树约有十米高。(2)tall可指身材的高度,一般用于人和动物,它的反义词是short,如:LiPingistallerthanWeiFang.李平比魏芳个子高。(不能用high

11、er)(3)tall与high都可用来指tree,building,tower(塔)等的高度,但指mountain时,只能用high.5.thin瘦的,其反义词是fat。也可以表示薄的,其反义词为thick厚的。如:Shelooksverythinandweak.她看上去很瘦,而且虚弱。Mostladieswanttokeepthin大部分女士想保持身材的苗条。Thereisathinbookonthedesk课桌上有一本很薄的书。五训练评价 1. look like A 中等身高2. straight hair B 看起来像3. of medium build C直头发4. of mediu

12、m height D中等身材5. really handsome E这个人6. favorite actor F最喜欢的女演员7. this person G最喜欢的男演员favorite actress H相当英俊用is或has填空。 1.Lei Hao _ short and straight hair. 2.Dick _ tall,but his sister _ short. 3.Xiao Hai _ medium height. 4.Bettys mother _ medium build. 5.Dale _ short and thin.六学习反思开心 ,我学会了: 1. 2. 3. 加油 ,这些我还不懂: 1. 2. 3.



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