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1、 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars explode surface method prevent spread develop astronomy E burst suddenly with a loud noise A outside of something B way of doing something F stop something happening D become wider go to other places C grow up take shape become larger or more complete G sci

2、entific study of the stars quiz 1 Who wrote the book The Origin of Species 物种起源 A Issaac Newton B Albert Einstein C Charles Darwin 2 Who is famous for the theory of Black Hole theory 黑洞 A Hawking B Newton C Einstein 3 How many big planets are there in the Solar System A 7 B 8 C 9 4 Which one belongs

3、 to amphibian A frog B snake C dinosaur 5 Which one belongs to reptile A fish B snake C bird 8 On which planet are there lives at present A the Venus B the Earth C the Mars 7 which gas is the most important for life A carbon dioxide CO2 B oxygen O2 C nitrogen N2 6 which one belongs to mammal A dinos

4、aur B dog C fish HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH Scan the text and put the development of life into right order B presence of water A green plants and animals on land D small plants and animals in the water C humans appear B DAC presence of water green plants and animals on land small plants and animals

5、 in the water humans appear What happened after the earth exploded the earth exploded water vapour carbon dioxide oxygen nitrogen other gases A the earth s atmosphere B Big Bang C The earth exploded and produced kinds of gases D water E the earth cooled down F a cloud of energetic dust G slowly comb

6、ine into a ball 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Put these sentences into the right order A H BD FGE C A H BCF G ED water Plants in the water Shellfish and fish Insects and amphibians ReptilesDinosaursMammals Plants on land 1 What it was to become was a mystery until the dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving

7、 around the sun 1 使大家吃惊的是 is that he didn t come to the meeting What surprised everybody 2 他所做的 added to our difficulty What he did we can t get seems better than we have A What what B What that C That that D That what made the school proud was more than 90 of the students had been admitted to key u

8、niversities A What because B What that C That what D That because A B 2 The problem was that the earth became violent because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not 问题是地球开始变得激烈动荡 不知道这个固体形状是否会继 续下去 n 固体 solid liquid液体 gas气体 solid fuels solid food a solid sphere solid furniture 1

9、Matter has three states solid liquid and gas 2 When water freezes it becomes solid and we call it ice adj 固体的 实心的 无空隙的 结实的 坚固的 be to do something will definitely happen or it must happen 不可避免要发生或必须发生 e g They said goodbye knowing that they were never to meet again She is to be honoured for this grea

10、t work Mr Clark said to his daughter You are to be home by 10 o clock 3 It exploded loudly with fire and rock which were in time to produce the water vapour 1 使某物 炸开 爆炸 2 指感情 激发 3 指人口 突然或迅速增加 The firework exploded in his hand and he was hurt seriously I was frightened when she exploded into loud lau

11、ghter Now it is not easy to find jobs with the exploding population explosion n 爆炸 声 explosive adj 爆炸性的 易爆炸的 n 炸药 爆炸物 in time for sth to do sth in time for sth to do sth not late 及时 不迟 她来得及回来准备晚饭 in timein time sooner or later eventually 迟早 最后 总有一天我会遇见他 in out of time in not in the correct time 合 不合

12、节拍 观众合着音乐的节拍拍手 She will be back in time to prepare dinner I ll see him in time The audience clapped in time to the music 与time相关的短语 in no time at times at a time once upon a time 立刻 马上 有时 每次 依次 从前 on time at one time for the time being from time to time 按时 准时 从前 暂时 不时地 4 As the earth cooled down wat

13、er began to appear on its surface 随着地球的冷却 地球的表面就开始出现了水 cool adj 凉快 冷静 冷淡 v 使 变冷 冷静下来 1 Let s sit in the shade and get cool 4 The rain has cooled the air 2 I knew I had to keep cool 3 His play received a cool response from the public 5 Let your soup cool a little before you drink it 6 A heated argume

14、nt can be settled better if both sides cool down first 7 I tried to cool her down but she was still very angry 5 Nobody knew that it was going to be different from other planets going round the sun be very much quite entirely totally different from 与 不同 City life is quite different from country life

15、 1 城市生活和农村生活很不同 2 他们的品位和我不同 Their tastes are different from mine There are differences between and tell from the same as be similar to 与 之间有不同之处 把 与 区分开来 与 一样 与 相似 6 It allows the earth to dissolve harmful gases which allow vt 允许 许可 容许 allow n pron doing allow sb to do be allowed to do My father doe

16、sn t allow smoking at home In fact he doesn t allow us to smoke anywhere at any time 父亲不允许在家里吸烟 实际上 他不允许我们在任何地方 任何时候吸烟 Are we allowed to use the computer 我们可以用电脑么 be harmful to do harm to sb 1 Pollution is especially harmful to animals 2 Smoking will do you a lot of harm 对 有害 do sb harm 伤害某人 对某人有害处 it作形式宾语 其真正的宾语可以是不定式 动名词和从句 1 The foreign Minister said our hope that the two sides will work towards peace 2004BJ A This is B There is C That is D It is 2 I like in the autumn when the weather is cle



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