浙江省 丽水市 2018-2019学年 5月高三英语模拟测试答案.docx

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1、浙江省 丽水市 2018-2019学年 5月高三英语模拟测试答案第一部分:听力第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)1-5 ABCAB 6-10 CAACA 11-15 BCBCA 16-20 ACABA第二部分: 阅读理解:A篇:21-23 BBC【答案解析】21.B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“As Christmas drew nearer, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade-or so we thought, as she didnt mention it again.可知,作者夫妻俩认为Rose的买自行车的愿望褪去了。22. B 推理判断题。

2、根据文章第三段的第二句“We could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child”可推知,作者夫妻因为没有帮女儿实现圣诞节的愿望而内疚,为了不让Rose失望,决定做一个黏土自行车模型先送给Rose,之后Rose可以用它来兑换一辆真正的自行车。23. C推理判断题。根据文章的最后一句 “作者夫妇愿意竭尽全力(moved heaven and earth)给Rose买自行车”可推知:这对父母亲为女儿的行为而感到并觉得自豪。B篇:24-26 BAA【答案解析】24.B推理判断题。根据文章的第一段可知:诺贝尔奖获得者在

3、决定如何花他们的奖金时展现出很多的独特性(uniqueness)。B选项中的 “originality”意为“独创性,创造性”。25.A词义猜测题。该句的句意为:诺贝尔和平奖得主的奖金如何用的决定通常会更清晰,公开。因为和平奖通常会由政治家、组织及活动家获得,而他们通常处在更多的公众监管之下。 26.A推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“During the first year after theyve won they often write less,.”可得知答案。C篇:27-30DDAC。【答案解析】27. D主旨大意题。文章从第一段开始就讲述男女的需求和关注点不同,后面以Tracy

4、和Brian这对夫妇的例子来说明男女因交流方式不同而造成的冲突。28.D细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“But what upset her the most was that Brian had made these plans on his own and informed her of them, rather than discussing them with her before extending the invitation.”可得知答案。29.A细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“Tracy would never make plans, for a weekend or an

5、evening, without first checking with Brian.”可知答案。30.C推理判断题。文章的第一段就指出:女性更倾向于亲近,男性更倾向于独立。由此可以推断出女性更愿意与人分享,从而使关系更亲近。A,B选项文中未提及,D选项情况刚相反,应该是男性更倾向于独立。第二节:31-35 EDGBF【答案解析】31. E根据后面的两种情况的描述可推知此处是说把自己与别人作比较会有好处和坏处。32. D该段讲述把自己和以前做比较,此处意为“你的过去并没有你现在认为的那么好”。故选D。33. G该段讲述没必要和别人比较经济条件的好坏。该空前文说到别人也可能有债务和经济问题,此空

6、是递进,意为:此外,记住:金钱并不能使人快乐。34. B该段讲述要学会接受自己,爱自己,这一句是该段的主题句,根据下文的内容也可推断出来。35. F 该段是文章的总结,讲述与人比较会带来的害处。故选F。第三部分:完形填空:36-40. ACDBC41-45. DBAAC46-50.DABBA51-55. CDBCD【答案解析】36.A当你作为一个团体去处理的时候,即便最大的挑战也会不那么可怕(terrifying)。文章的最后一句也提到了terrify。37. C 尽管在家我们有越来越多的争吵,但在外面我们从不怀疑:你惹到我们中的一个,你就会惹到我们所有的人。38. D解释同上。39. B解释

7、同上。40. C在学校或运动时,我总是在一个班级项目、俱乐部或一个团队里。41. D 当我处在一个团队的时候,去争取一些我能力范围之外的东西时,我会觉得很安全。42.B out of my reach 超出我的能力范围。43. A因为我们在一起冒险,失败也不那么可怕。44. A step in 介入。stand out突出,显露出来。故A 正确。45. C stand by支持。46. Dkeep a closer eye on us 留心,照看我们,密切关注我们。47. A 因为他(爸爸)不再能照看我们。48. B我不推荐把家长的去世作为了解认识到小团队的力量的一种方式。49. B解释同上。

8、50. A 但它的确帮助我认识到了这一点。51. C go for broader goals 主动去追求更大的目标。52. D在整个的历程中去建立更深厚的关系。throughout the journey 整个的历程中。53. B be reminded of 被提醒,想起。inform “通知”,不符合句意。54. C建立起我们所信任的、从中能学习到的并且可以一起做的某件事情(东西)。55. D本文的主题就是讲述团队的重要性。所以选group。此处不是指某个组织。第二节56. but 57. have been 58.that 59. performed / being performed

9、 60. reflection 61. by 62. closest 63. nor 64.took 65. be organized【答案解析】56. but此处表转折。57. have been 考查时态,住在这里已经6年,用现在完成时。58. that主语从句,it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句:people living so near dont know each other for such a long time。59.performed / being performed考查非谓语动词,表被动。Findsth. done / being done,发现某事被做了或正

10、在被做。60.reflection考查reflect的名词。61.by “by doing sth.” 通过方式,此处意为:通过看电视或杂志消磨时间。62. closest 即便与最近的邻居也没有任何联系。63. the考查冠词用法,inthe street 在街上。64. took考查句型:Its time that we did sth.该是我们做某事的时候了,后面that从句中谓语动词用一般过去时表示。65. be organized 考查被动语态。住在同一处的人们可以被组织起来举行一些活动。第四部分:写作第一节One possible version:A fun game for al

11、l Senior Threestudents was held on the school playground on December 25. Various sports games, fun and exciting, attracted lots of participation, among which Riding Pigs, Mud Wrestling and Cheese Rolling were the most welcomed. The playground was filled with the students laughter and cheers. Aiming

12、to relieve the senior 3 students from pressure and get them a break from heavy school work, the activity was a great success. Hopefully, the laughter from the fun game will stay with them in their later study.第二节概要写作One possible version:“Helicopter parents”, parents getting deeply involved in childr

13、ens life, actually do big harm to childrens growth.(要点1)Under over-protection, children miss the lessons taught by failures and mistakes, fail to build up their self-confidence and become weak in competence and emotions, which consequently makes it hard for them to face real life challenges.(要点2)The

14、refore, parents should learn to let go and encourage children to be independent, staring from small things. (要点3)听力原文:(Text 1)M: Why are you late for class this morning? W: I overslept. I didnt wake up until 8:00 oclock.(Text 2)M: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the pizzas are?W: Pizzas? UhLet me t

15、hink Oh yeah, theyre next to the clothes section.(Text 3) W: Hi, This is Mary from Dr. Lewis Office. We just want to remind you of your appointment on Friday. M: Thank you. I almost forgot.W: So, well see you on Friday.(Text 4)M: I hope the weather is nice. I am looking forward playing some golf.W: The radio said the weather should be good. Theres possibility of rain, but its not very likely.M: Hopefully, well both have relaxing weekends.(Text 5)W: Oliver answered all the questions in front of the whole team befor


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