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1、第 1 页 共 19 页 八年级 下 期末英语试卷八年级 下 期末英语试卷 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVII总分 得分 一 单选题 本大题共 13 小题 共 13 0 分 1 What a nice day We should go sightseeing watching TV in the hotel A because ofB instead ofC together withD out of 2 My sister hurt her leg while playing basketball yesterday A No problemB I m sorry to hear that

2、C That s all rightD It doesn t matter 3 We lost the match because they had players They had 11and we had only 9 A strongerB weakerC fewerD more 4 I will meet Jane at the station Please what time she will arrive A countB understandC checkD allow 5 Tomorrow is Teachers Day give our English teacher som

3、e flowers A Would you mindB Why don t C How aboutD why not 6 Which skirt do you like better the blue one or the green one They don t look good on me A EitherB BothC NeitherD All 7 Would you like to watch the 3D film Titanic with me Certainly I don t mind seeing it again although I it twice A sawB wa

4、s seeingC have seenD will see 8 How was the youth club last night Mike It was great fun You come A mustB canC shouldD may 第 2 页 共 19 页 9 What s your plan for the summer holidays I ll go to Beijing the school term ends A whetherB so thatC as soon asD even though 10 I didn t see you at the meeting yes

5、terday Why I for an important telephone call at that moment A willB have waitedC was waitingD am waiting 11 Mike has been to the Great Wall before so he is going to visit it soon A justB alreadyC neverD ever 12 She was ill for a long time she has caught up with others without any help A To be honest

6、B To our surprise C on the one handD In fact 13 Most of them have gone to sleep Why are you still A afraidB asleepC awakeD alive 二 补全对话 本大题共 1 小题 共 5 0 分 14 A Hi Lucy Long time no see 66 B I have just come back from a trip A 67 B China A Wow 68 B For a week A Was it your first time to visit there B

7、69 A That is great I ve always wanted to visit there 70 B Certainly I visited many places of interest A You are lucky A How long did you stay there B Did you have a good time there C No I have been there before D How many times have you been there E Where have you been F Where did you go G Sounds gr

8、eat 三 完形填空 本大题共 20 小题 共 30 0 分 第 3 页 共 19 页 How s it going Are you busy with your study these days I ve been back at school 15 nearly 将近 four weeks I m very glad to tell you that great 16 have taken place 发生 in our school this term First of all we re asked to clear our plates when having our meals a

9、nd say 17 to wasting Some of us used to order more than what we could eat That was a big waste of food Now we need to 18 the food we order We should also stop wasting in some other ways For example we should turn off the lights when we 19 the classroom And our school has opened up some fields for us

10、 to learn how to grow vegetables Our school gives each class a small garden and our class has decided to grow some vegetables in our 20 time I think that ll be very interesting Maybe I ll be able to post you some vegetables we ve grown by 21 next time What s more we have only two classes in the afte

11、rnoon 22 we have more time for after school activities I m one of the traffic safety 安全 volunteers in our school After school we take turns to go to the streets near the school and ask people to 23 the traffic rules I think we are having a different school life now Please write back soon and tell 24

12、 more about your school 15 A inB forC onD at 16 A changesB accidentsC interestsD memories 17 A yesB helloC noD thanks 18 A cleanB payC cookD finish 19 A leaveB reachC openD build 20 A busyB freeC safeD sweet 21 A herselfB yourselvesC ourselvesD themselves 22 A becauseB whenC whileD so 23 A followB m

13、akeC breakD copy 24 A himB herC youD me Once there were three trees on a hill They were discussing their hopes and 25 The first tree said I wanted to be a 26 box I could be filled with gold Then the second tree said Someday I will be a ship I will take the king across the 27 Finally the third tree s

14、aid I want to grow to be the 28 tree in the forest People will see me on the top of the hill Several years later their dreams 29 However the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals And the second tree became a fishing ship The last tree was still there and nobody knew him Then one day a 30

15、 mother wanted to make a wooden 木制的 bed for her baby She had no money but to 31 the wooden box The tree could feel the baby is the greatest treasure of all the time The second tree helped a man in the stormy rain 暴风 第 4 页 共 19 页 雨 And when villagers were tired they could 32 under the third tree in h

16、ot days S0metimes when things don t seem to be as you like don t lose 33 Wherever you are please remember the decision you ve made 34 Hold on to 坚持 it That s what we called dream 25 A inventionsB hobbiesC dreamsD researches 26 A recordB treasureC musicD shoe 27 A streetB desertC seaD bridge 28 A thickestB wildestC youngestD tallest 29 A came trueB cut outC work outD die down 30 A modernB perfectC honestD poor 31 A chooseB throwC forgetD sell 32 A shootB hideC restD marry 33 A weightB hopeC inter


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