广东省专版 深圳市七年级(下)期末英语试卷7

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1、广东省深圳市七年级(下)期末英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVIVII总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. -Boysandgirls,workhardandyoucanachieveyourdream-Wewill,MissLi()A. makeyourdreamlargerB. makeyourdreamflyC. makeyourdreamcometrue2. -Whydidyou_Benjustnow?-IsaidsorrytohimbecauseImadehisbookdirty()A. apologizetoB. saythankstoC. smileat3. -

2、Sorry,MissZhangIwontmakethatsillymistakeagain-NevermindIfyouputyourheartintostudy,_,youcanlearnfromyourmistake()A. bythewayB. inawayC. ontheway4. -Youlookcheerfultoday,JaneAnythingwonderful?-MyparentsarcgoingtotakemeforatriptoQinghaithissummerholiday()A. sadB. carefulC. happy5. -Whatdoesyourfatherdo

3、?-HeisamanagerofafactoryThefactory_differentkindsofshoesforchildren()A. producesB. prefersC. saves6. -Whydoyouliketravelingsomuch?-BecauseIcanlearnsomethingnewabouttheworldineachjourney()A. partyB. hobbyC. trip7. -What_weather!Letsgoforapicnic-IdliketoButmymotherissick,soIhavetodosomehouseworkfirst(

4、)A. terribleB. perfectC. bad8. -Whatdoyouthinkofourstudyplanforthissummerholiday?-Iam_itbecauseIthinkitwillwasteusalotoftime()A. againstB. forC. proudof9. -WhatdoyouthinkofAamirKhan?-IthinkheisanexcellentactorEveryonelikeshimbecauseofhisnewmovieDangal(摔跤吧,爸爸)()A. averyboringactorB. averygoodactorC.

5、averyinterestingactor10. -Its_totravelbybikenowadays-YesWecanseeOfo,MobikeandBluegogoalmosteverywhereinShenzhen()A. successfulB. convenientC. unusual11. -Canyougivemesome_aboutmyspeech,MrJones?-SureIdbegladtoifitcouldhelpyou()A. adviceB. factsC. space12. -Doris!Thetapwas_thewholenightWhathappened?-S

6、orrymumIforgottoturnitoffNexttimeIllcheckitbeforeIgotobed()A. aroundB. awayC. on13. -Mum,whatshouldIdowithmyluckymoney?-Youcanputitintoa_,Itisaplacewherepeopleputinandtakeoutmoney()A. hospitalB. powerstationC. bank14. -ThiscakeislovelyIt_apanda-Great!LetsgetitforgrandmaImsureshewillfeelontopofthewor

7、ld()A. lookslikeB. looksatC. looksfor15. -HowisyournewschoollifeJack?-IthinkIneedmoretimetogetusedtoitIstudyandplayalonealotInfact,Iwanttomakenewfriends()A. togetherB. bymyselfC. aswell二、完形填空(本大题共14小题,共16.0分)Maybe you have a bad time in an organized team,and may feel that the other players or the co

8、ach (教练) or even parents give you a hard timeSome parents seem to forget that kids need being encouraged,not shouting at,if they make a mistake Nor all teams are like thatYou can look round for teams that are not so competitive (竞争激烈的)Those teams dont shout at each otherThey are there just to learn

9、some skills play a game and have fun You can always read and learn the rules for yourselfThen if you really do not like to play,you could still take part in the game,maybe as a referee (裁判员)All team games need oneYou could still go out with friends If you have a physical problem or there is some oth

10、er reason that you cant join in sports,then you can still join in conversations about sportsDo remember,you shall learn something about sports firstGo to watch people playing,watch games on TV,and read about sports in newspapers so that you can join in when others talk about sportsWe have so many ki

11、nds of sports in this country and there are lots of conversations about it,even with adults16. According to the 1st paragraph,why do the students probably feel bad in a team? _ A. Because their coach is friendlyB. Because they are good at the sportC. Because their parents give them a hard timeD. Bec

12、ause the other players in the team are nice17. Some kids join in the teams which are not so competitiveWhich of the following is NOT the reason? _ A. They want to make moneyB. They just want to have funC. They want to play a gameD. They want to learn some skills18. What does the underlined onein the

13、 4th paragraph mean? _ A. A ruleB. A friendC. A playerD. A referee19. According to the passage,if you cannot join in a sport but you just want to join in when others talk about sports,how many ways can you use to learn something about sports? _ A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveOnce upon a time there live

14、d a kind-hearted merchant (商人) and his daughters One day,the father was to go to a faraway place and he asked his three(20) what they wanted on his returnThe first and the second daughter asked for lovely dressesBut the (21) daughter,whose name was Beauty,(22),Father,I only need a rose you pick up on your way homeAnd I want you to come back safely


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