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1、第 1 页 共 21 页 七年级 下 期末英语试卷 五四学制 七年级 下 期末英语试卷 五四学制 题号 IIIIIIIV总分 得分 一 单选题 本大题共 20 小题 共 20 0 分 1 My son hardly has breakfast It is unhealthy lifestyle You must ask him to change it A anB the anC the aD a 2 There a visitors to the wetland park and the number is becoming now A thousand of larger and larg

2、er B thousands of more and more C thousands of larger and larger D thousand of more and more 3 My scarf made of silk feels and Ms Cao also wants to buy one like mine A softly comfortableB soft comfortable C soft comfortablyD softly comfortably 4 We should do everything we can the birds danger A to p

3、rotect awayB to protect in C protect inD protect from 5 We should do exercises as as possible to keep A much healthyB much healthC more healthD more healthy 6 Let s ask him to us in a game OK Pass the ball from one of the students to A join anotherB join the other C join in anotherD join in the othe

4、r 7 When winter comes it is snow everywhere and even the big tree is deep white snow 第 2 页 共 21 页 A full with covered withB fill with covered in C full of covered inD filled with cover with 8 My house is as yours But it looks even A the same big tidierB the same size tidier C the same size tidyD the

5、 different from tidier 9 If I next week I the film with you Actually I can t wait for that A have free will seeB will be free will see C have free time seeD am free will see 10 Helen draws better than boy in her class A any otherB the otherC all theD any 11 Jack is a happy man He is always do and us

6、 laugh A something funny makeB something funny makes C funny something makeD funny something makes 12 It is sunny today Why not have a picnic outside Let s ask the twins to join us A Sounds greatB Thank youC Well doneD Best wishes 13 Would you go to the museum with me this Sunday Sorry My aunt is co

7、ming to visit the family We plan to have a welcome party then A I don tB I can tC I needn tD I mustn t 14 nice people they are A HowB How aC whatD what a 15 He s friendly and helpful A What s he like B How s he C What s he D What does he like 16 Can I eat the cake Mum Yes you can you must wash your

8、hands first A ButB SoC OrD After 17 After a breakfast he ran to school 第 3 页 共 21 页 A quick quickB quickly quickly C quickly quickD quick quickly 18 Lucy is my new pen pal America I look forward to from her A in hearB from hearingC to hearD come hearing 19 There at least one computer in each home St

9、udents will study at home on co mputer fifty years A will have afterB will be in C will have inD will be after 20 bananas and yogurt do we need to make fruit salad Two bananas and a cup of yogurt A How much how muchB How much how many C How many how manyD How many how much 二 阅读理解 本大题共 20 小题 共 40 0 分

10、 A Welcome to Nature Park You will see the world s smallest penguins 企鹅 coming from the ocean and crossing the beach 海滩 to their home in line Remember that they are wild 野生的 You are visitors to their home Things to remember The Penguins Parade 企鹅列队 will last fifty minutes Wear warmer clothes for you

11、 will watch the Penguins Parade on the beach It s better to get to the beach at least 15minutes before the Penguins Parade begin Protecting the penguins You can t take photos during the Parade Put your camera in your bag before you walk down the beach You can buy photos in the gift shops in our park

12、 You can t smoke anywhere It s not good for the environment Don t touch the penguins because they are wild animals 21 The Penguins Parade is A looking for foodB going back home C going for a showD leaving for the beach 22 You can see in the park A the smallest penguins B the biggest penguins C the p

13、enguins dancing D the penguins swimming under the water 第 4 页 共 21 页 23 The Penguin Parade lasts minutes A 15B 50C 55D 60 24 During the visit people A can take photos of the penguins B can touch the penguins C can smoke D had better wear warmer clothes 25 Which of the following is wrong in the passa

14、ge A It s really cold on the beach B You can get down to the beach 15minutes before the Parade begins C There s no gift shop in the park D The penguins go home in line B For many people of Norway 挪威 skiing 滑雪 is the best way to have fun in winter Almost everyone can ski Children learn to ski after t

15、hey learn to walk Long long ago in Norway there were no buses trains or cars People had to find a way to walk over the deep snow Skis were the right answer Although they love winter the people of Norway are also happy to see summer come They enjoy the out door activities at any time of the year In s

16、ummer they swim and sunbathe near the beach Some people go hiking and go mountain climbing Sail boating is also very popular during the warm sunny summer months The Norwegians 挪威人 like people everywhere find many in door ways to have a good time During the long winter they also enjoy movies They like to read books from the libraries in all seasons Family life is very important to the people of Norway 26 In winter is the most popular sport for Norwegians to have a good time A skiing B skating C s



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