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1、I 按照提示写出单词1.My mother makes sure I have a balanced_(饮食.2. It is important for everyone to have a good _(生活方式.3.To keep_(健康的,he takes exercise every day.4.She writes carefully and_(极少地makes spelling mistakes.5.His injury was_(疼痛的,so he looked unhappy.6.He is_(不健康的because he eats too much fat and suga

2、r.7.He is_(渴望的for a new watch as his birthday gift.8.Many people were_(受伤in the accidents last month.9.He can buy anything he likes because he is_(有钱的.10.His temperature is_(正常的,so he doesnt have a fever.11. Most people dont realize that they are_(呼吸polluted air. .短语速记1._for朝前进2.be connected_与有联系3.a

3、t_至少4.take_锻炼5.pick_偶然学会,接(人6.be crazy_对着迷7.put._将投入8.be_a diet节食9.be_work不上班,休假10.I have a sweet tooth _(译.用所给词的适当形式填空1.I dont think its_(health for her to spend so much time alone.2.We hoped he wasnt seriously_(injure.3.She is still absent from the meeting. Im_ (anxiety about her health and safety

4、.4.When I had a_(tooth,I would not eat anything5._(rare have the couple quarreled with each other since they got married.6.The neck becomes swollen(肿的and I feel_(pain when you touch it.7.Its about time we were_(head home.8.He has collected a lot of English_(proverb.B2M2 夯实基础1. The rate of interest _

5、 (影响 us all.2. She was _ (禁止 from athletics for two years after failing in a drug test.3. Its more than _ (可能的that Ill see Ben this week.4. This shirt was greatly _ (减少in the sale.5. It seems common in China that some stars are _ (上瘾 to taking drugs.6. It is _ (违法的to drive a car that is not taxed an

6、d insured.7. I respect the president but I _ (不同意 with his decision.8. You must leave immediately. Youre in great _ (危险 here.9. The little girl_(认出her mothers voice over the phone.10. He belongs to another_(体操team.11.He helped anyone who was in_(危险.12.The nurse_(注射a drug into the body of the boy.13.

7、Walking alone in this area at night is highly_(危险的.14.They will build a new pumping station_(在附近.15. He is _ (可能to come to the party.16. I _ (认出him by his voice.17. They _(禁止 smoking in public places.18. He _(不同意 to go there by train.19. He was sent to hospital to receive_(治疗.20. It is clear that th

8、e fire was started by a burning _ (香烟 end.21. Deeply_(影响by his death, she felt life meaningless.22. The pub was intended for _ (成人only.23. It was very _(令人讨厌的to see a snake.24. A group of gunmen attacked a prison and set nine _(罪犯 free in Inner Mongolia.Book II Module II 题1. Crack cocaine is the mos

9、t _ form of cocaine.A. illegalB. addictiveC. likelyD. nearby2. If you are _ from doing something, you are officially prevented from doing it.A. bannedB. addictedC. reducedD. participated3. The picture quality is bad because the TV signal isnt _ enough.A. powerlessB. powerfulC. usefulD. useless4. 201

10、2宝鸡模拟If those who are used to living north live in the south, he will probably feel that _ .A. he disagrees to the climate thereB. the climate disagrees with himC. he disagrees with the climate thereD. the climate disagrees to him5. 2012合肥模拟Can you hand in your composition tomorrow? Sure. _ it hande

11、d in on time, Ill stay up tonight.A. To have gotB. To getC. GettingD. Having got6. 2012雅安模拟Facing the global financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken many measures _ peoples life to deal with it.A. relatedB. related toC. relatingD. relating to7. When he returned from his vacation, he found

12、 his apartment _ and a lot of things _.A. breaking into; stealingB. broken into; stolenC. breaking in; stolenD. broken in; stealing8. He was _ careful in playing computer games that he didnt notice his father standing beside him.A. soB. suchC. tooD. quite9. I found the mark rather frightening._ It n

13、early frightened me to death just now.A. Thats reasonable advice.B. Isnt it a good idea?C. Do you think so?D. I cant agree more.10. I thought I _ my wifes voice as soon as I entered it though many people were talking in the room.A. recognisedB. knewC. recitedD. found11.2012成都模拟_you may have, you sho

14、uld gather your courage to face the challenge.A. However a serious problemB. How a serious problemC. However serious the problemD. What serious a problem12. All childrens shoes are now _ to $20 a pair so its really cheap.A. increasedB. reducedC. soldD. fallen13. He is thinking of giving _ teaching because of his trembling hands.A. upB. inC. outD. away14. Shes very _ to ring me tonight so I will have the mobile ph


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