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1、七下知识详解Module 1 1. 固定搭配First of all=at first=firstly “首先,第一”长放在句首,表示重要性上的先后 例:首先,让我来告诉你一则好消息吧.;at first副词 表示顺序上的先后 e.g At first,Let me introuduce my friend Mike to you.Then拓展:在英语写作中表达观点,首先,其次,最后的表达首先其次最后Firstly, secondly finallyFirst, secondthirdfirst of allin the second placelast but not least选项中常见的

2、固定搭配:最后,终于in the end ;一直:all the time ;因此,结果 at result2. 固定搭配 from now on 从现在开始 from then on 从那时开始3. 单词:careful adj. 仔细的,小心的 记忆技巧:care关心+full有的 小心的【派生词】carefully 小心地 carelessly粗心地 careless粗心的搭配:be careful with.小心Eg. My mother often asks me to be carefule with my school things. Eg. Be careful! Dont g

3、et your clothes wet.4. welcome back to+place欢迎回到某地welcome to +place 欢迎到某地来welcome sb. to+place 欢迎某人到某地来5. everyone 每个人 后面不能接ofevery one 每个人或物(根据上下文,可指人也可指物)后面可接of every one of us 我们中的每个人6. watch手表(名词);观看(动词) Watch观看(电视,电影,比赛等) Look看(表示动作,后接at) See 看见(强调结果)Read 看(看书、报纸)杂志等)7. lost and found office 失物

4、招领办公室(前面用介词at)8. leave 离开leave+地点 离开某地leave for+ 地点 动身去某地 eg.We re leaving for Rome next week .我们下星期要到罗马leave A for B 离开某地去某地 eg.she left Beijing for NEW York last year.她去年离开了北京去了纽约注意:把什么东西落在某地,用leave,而不用forget9. heres、 herere 句型,其后be 动词的形式由后面的名词决定Here is a book.Here are some books.10. get on 上(公交车,

5、飞机,轮船,火车等)get off 下(公交车,飞机,轮船,火车等)Get in 上(小轿车)get out of 下(小轿车)11. lose V,丢失,失败lost( lose的过去式,同时lost 也作为形容词,意为丢失的) I lost my way 。我迷路了。(动词)I am lost。我迷路了(形容词)12. travel 旅行注意 ing 形式: travelling13. hundreds of 数以百计的thousands of 数以千计的millions of 数以百万计的注意:有s 必须有 of,没有 of,后面不能加sEg.There are hundreds of

6、cows on the farm.那个农场有几百头奶牛。 The farmer has two hundred cows.那个农场主有200头奶牛。14. every day 每一天everyday adj日常的 Everyone 只能指人,不能和of连用 相当于everybody every one既可之人也可以指物,相当于each one 后面可接ofEg. Everyone(Everybody) in our class is interested in learning English. 我们班上每个人都爱学英语。 Every one of the children likes thi

7、s game.每个孩子都喜欢这个游戏.15. Whose 引导的特殊疑问句Whose 谁的 Whose bag is this?这是谁的书包 Its mine.它是我的句型结构:Whose+物品+is this? 答语要用Its+名词性物主代词或者名词所有格形式Eg. Whose wallet is this? Its Jacks.另一种形式:Whose is this bag? 回答时常用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词Its Helens bag./It is his bag.16.本模块重要语法 物主代词(表示事物归属的主人)物主代词分为名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词形容词性:具有修饰作用

8、 Eg:单词:beautiful girl 句子:The boy who has blue eyes. 有着蓝色眼睛的形容词性物主代词:具有修饰作用的物主代词 Eg: my dog名词性:独立、静态.名词性物主代词:eg:This phone is mine./This phone is my phone(人称代词)主格 宾格形物代名物代 反身代词 I me my mine myselfyou you youryours yourselfhe him his his himselfshe her her hers herselfit It its its itselfwe us our our

9、s ourselvesyou you your yours yourselvesthey them their theirs themselves人称代词:有主格和宾格物主代词:形容词物主代词(放在n.前) 名词性物主代词(不可接n.独立使用)Eg:The lovely girl is from Class 6_name is Alice.A.her B.his C.your D.itsEg:-Is this your box,Tim? -No,it isnt _is over there.A.mine B.my C.myself D.I17.I think+宾语从句主从复合句:一个主句和由一

10、个或者一个以上的从句组成,从句只是主句的一个成分,它从属于主句。从句在主句中充当什么成分,该复合句就叫什么从句。宾语从句在全句中作宾语。在从句中做及物动词的宾语,借此的宾语或者某些形容词的宾语,根据引导词的不同可分为以下三种1. 由that引导的2. 由if/whether引导的3. 由疑问词引导 what,which,who,whom,whose,when where,how,why句子成分包括:主语,谓语/表语,宾语,定语,状语,补语Eg:What he said is right(主语从句) 一个句子作主语,整个句子就是主语从句 主语(句子) 系 表 This is what he wa

11、nts (表语从句) He said (that) he missed me very much. (宾语从句) 宾语从句在句中有三大考点:连接词、语序、时态。宾语从句部分是陈述句的时候,用that引导,that大部分情况下可以被省略。Eg:I know(that) he is a good student.That不能省略的情况:1 双宾语 I cant tell him that the story is true. 2. 插入语 Just then I noticed,for the first time,that our teacher was wearing his coat 3.句

12、中有that He said (that) you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you.当宾语从句部分是一般疑问句时,用if或whether 引导 ,但要将语序改为陈述语气Eg:I want to know. 从句部分 Is his answer right?用作宾语从句,需要先改陈述句 his answer is right并在前面加上if/whether即:I want to know if/whether his answer is right.只用whether 1.

13、 与or 或者是or not 连用I wonder whether we stay or whether we go.Let me know whether he will come or not.2. 介词后Were talking about whether we can finish the work.Im interested in whether he likes English.3. 不定式He hasnt decided whether to visit the old man.I dont know whether to go.时态宾语从句时态考点归纳为:主过,从过:主不过,从

14、随意:从真理,一般现在永不变1. 主不过从随意:当主句不是过去时的时候,从句该用什么时态就用什么时态He tells me that he was back yesterday.I wonder if you will come next year.2. 主过从过:当主句是过去时的时候,从句要改为过去的对应时态 I know you are right.当主句改为过去时,即3. 从真理,一般现在永不变。当主句是客观真理时,无论主句是什么时态,从句一律用一般现在时My mom told that Beijing is the captail of China.Grandpa told us that the earth moves around the sun.I think it is a good plan.注意:当主句是I/We think/belive时,如果宾语从句表示否定意义,要否定主句,而不是从句,这就是宾语从句的否定前移I think the bag is Lilys / I dont think the bag is Lilys.I think his idea is good.(改为



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