外研版英语必修1练习:6.2Section Ⅱ Grammar Word版含解析

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1、.Section Grammar姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.从方框内选择合适的合成词填空 1This _is only accessible by the authorized manager. 2. A foreigner living in a Swedish village wrote to the Ombudsman complaining that he had been _ by the police. 3. I use both Google and Baidu _ on the authority of the mainland Chi

2、nese online bookstores.4. A snow ball caught the _ on the shoulder. 5To keep fit, he took up _ as a hobby.6The machine had a _ and we couldnt start it.7Such expensive clothes shouldnt be washed by hand. They need _.8Mr. White received a(n) _ phone call from his son in Hong Kong this morning.答案:1data

3、base2. illtreated3.search engines4. passerby5.horseriding6.breakdown7drycleaning8.longdistance.用合适的冠词填空1The cakes are delicious.Hed like to have_third one because_second one is rather too small.2How about _party?In my view, it was _success. 3The Wilsons live in_Ashaped house near the coast.It is_17t

4、h century cottage.4. I hired the car by _ hour.5. After you watch the film, you will have _ better understanding of _ life.6A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in_leg.7_older took_younger by_hand.8Paper money was in_use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _thirteenth century.答案:1

5、a; the2.the; a3.an;a4.the5. a;/6the7.The;the;the8./;the语篇提能.完形填空Alexander was very ill.He called his generals and said,“I will _1_ this world soon.I have three _2_. Please carry them out without _3_.”With tears flowing down their cheeks, the generals _4_to carry out their kings last wishes.“My first

6、 desire is that my _5_ alone must carry my coffin(棺材)Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path _6_ to the graveyard should be covered with gold. My third and last wish is that both my _7_ should be kept dangling(垂悬) out of my coffin,”said Alexander.Alexanders fav

7、orite _8_ kissed his hands and pressed them to his heart.“OK, King,we _9_you that all your wishes will be realized. But tell us _10_ you make such strang wishes.” Alexander took a deep _11_ and said.“I would like the world to know of the three _12_ I have learnt.”“I want my doctors to carry my coffi

8、n because people should _13_ that no doctor on this earth can really cure anybody.They are _14_ and cannot save a person from death. So let people not take _15_ for granted.” “The second wish of covering gold on the path is to tell people that _16_ gold will come with me. I spent all my life_17_ mon

9、ey but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is a waste of time to _18_ wealth. ” “And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin, I _19_ my people to know that I came emptyhanded_20_ this world and emptyhanded I go out of this world. ” With these words, the

10、 king closed his eyes.1. A. leave BenterC. welcome D. explore2. A. aims B. wishes C. friends D. tasks3. A. help B. advice C. pay D. failure4. A. hurried B. disliked C. agreed D. pretended5. A. servants B. guards C. doctors D. children6. A. sticking B. leadingC. moving D. belonging7. A. legs B. feet

11、C. shoulders D. hands8A. son B. daughter C. general D. grandson9. A. ask B. promise C. warn D. trust10. A. why B. how C. when D. where11. A. rest B. breath C. look D. swim12. A. subjects B. courses C. skills D. lessons13. A. speak B. hope C. realize D. insist14. A. powerless B. stupid C. clever D. c

12、ruel15. Amedicine B. life C. king D. people16. A. much B. allC. some D. no17. A. keeping B. giving C. earning D. knowing18. A. go after B. refer toC. get into D. take on19. A. want B. force C. order D. forbid20. A. from B. into C. beyond D. with答案:国王Alexander在去世之前道出了三个愿望,希望他的将军们能帮自己实现。这三个愿望是:让自己的医生运

13、送棺材;在通往坟墓的路上铺满金子;把双手悬在棺材外面。这三个愿望到底有什么意义呢?1解析:由文章最后一句可知,国王要“离开”人世了。答案:A2解析:由第一段最后一句中的carry out their kings last wishes可知,国王有三个“愿望”。答案:B3解析:国王临死前希望自己的愿望都能实现,不要 “失败”。答案:D4解析:由第三段第二句中的all your wishes will be realized可知,将军们“同意”实现国王的愿望。答案:C5解析:由第四段第一句中的I want my doctors to carry my coffin可知,国王的第一个愿望是让“医生”

14、们抬着自己的棺材。答案:C6解析:此处意为“通向”坟墓的路。答案:B7解析:由倒数第二段第一句中的And about my third wish of having my hands dangling out of the coffin可知,国王的第三个愿望是把“双手”悬在棺材外面。答案:D8解析:上文提到国王向将军们交代最后的愿望,因此是国王最喜欢的“将军”吻了他的手。答案:C9解析:由前面的OK,King可知,将军们“承诺”要实现 国王的愿望。答案:B10解析:由空后的strange一词以及接下来国王的回答 可知,将军们不理解国王的用意,因此问国王 “为什么”是这三个愿望。答案:A11解析:国王身体不好,说了这么多话,应该很累了,因 此要深吸一口“气”再接着说。答案:B



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