中职英语拓展模块 unit9 7-8学时教案

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1、理论教学教案(总第 41- 48学时)项目名称Unit 9 Health Care and Epidemics授课学时2任务名称Part4 speaking and supplementary reading教学目标1. 通过讲解和练习,让学生掌握一些看病常用的词语。2. 通过练习,帮助学生掌握Reading中的一些重点词汇、语法、惯用的语言表达方式及其他有用的信息。教学重点Students can retell the text and use the words and expressions learned in the text to write their own essay.教学难

2、点Take advantages of language points into practicing.教学资源Comprehensive course, blackboard, platform, chalk.教学过程设计教学内容时间分配教学活动设计7-8学时:StepRevisionReview some words and phrases.StepSpeaking(1)简介Dialogue的情境,分组结对进行角色对话操练。(2)复习归纳对话中的的常用语句和短语。如:What is the matter?What is the trouble?When did it start? How

3、long have you been getting it?Let me look at your tongue/ears.Nothing serious.You seem to have got a cold.Take a good rest.Take one pill twice a day.等等。(3)布置编演对话练习:要求是两人对话。学生分成若干小组,或自由组合。在对话主题内容不变的前提下,可以随意想象对话情景。教师应鼓励学生尽可能多说,并给以适当指导。如:自编对话。Step Summary and homeworkTeaching thinking: students are poo

4、r in speaking, and they need to practice more after class.Blackboard design:Useful Expressions:What is the matter?Let me look at your tongue/ears.Nothing serious.You seem to have got a cold.Take a good rest. StepRevisionReview some words and phrases.Stepwriting1.学习医院病历表的写作要点;A 登记病人姓名、性别. B登记病人出生日期、家

5、庭住址、电话号码.C 根据病人的陈述记载病情。D 下定结论。2. 补充词语:patient permanent Zip code area code StepSummary and homeworkComplete some exercises in the workbook.Teaching thinking: students are poor in writing, and they need to practice more .Blackboard design:patient permanent Zip code area codeSupplementary Reading Aids

6、StepRevision教师先检查学生预习生词的情况Step Reading1.给学生7分钟时间快速阅读课文,在此过程中,教师应加强阅读方法指导,纠正学生阅读过程中的一些不良习惯。提问时抽不同程度的学生回答问题,了解学生快速阅读情况,导入课文教学。2. Answer the following questions and discuss in groups.Why does a visitor bring more risks to an AIDS patient than the patient to him?What is AIDS and what is HIV?How does HIV

7、 harm a person?3. 精读后能掌握教学目标中提出的Key words和Useful expressions的基本用法Step Key words和Useful ExpressionsAIDS 艾滋病。又称获得性免疫缺陷综合症。”You are more of a risk to him than he is to you,”said the doctor.医生说:”你带给他的危险比他给你的要大。be + adj.+of.这个结构的意思是”在.方面是.”The risk ro me ,the doctor said,was almost none.医生讲,对我的危险几乎丝毫都没有.

8、none 毫无,没有. the doctor said 在句中是插入语.HIV destroys that person”s immune system,leaving him with no ability to fight off germs and viruses. 艾滋病病毒摧毁那人的免疫系统,使其没有能力抵抗细菌和病毒。to leave sb. with. 给某人留下.to fight off. 击退.There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.没有科学的证据支持这种说法。claim 说法;陈述;断言. claim的词义

9、很多,它还有”要求,索赔”的意思.The mosquito does however inject its saliva, which acts as a lubricant that it can feed more effectively.然而蚊子的确注入其唾液,起到润滑剂的作用,以便顺利地进食.句中的does是对动词inject的强调;do 置于动词前,具有强调该动词的作用.Step 1 PracticeTranslate some words and expressions into Chinese.2. Summary and homework.Teaching reflection: students are active in class, and the result is good.Step 5 conclusionSs practise the new words and sentences with their partner.5155155710分钟28学生练习学生练习学生练习讲练结合学生练习学生练习学生讨论新课讲授作业布置Finish writing授课日期及授课地点课后反思



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