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1、Unit 1 Friendship1李明过去经常为一些小事而心烦不能冷静。(be upset about,keep calm)2老师们很关心他, 多次和他进行了面对面地交谈。(be concerned about,face to face)3现在,他不再对同学们不理睬了,并经常加入到他们当中来解决一些问题。(no longer,join .in .,settle)4他和同学们现在相处得很好。(get along with)5在我看来, 正是老师的爱和关心完全地改变了他。(as far as sb.be concerned,it is .that,entirely)_Unit 2 English

2、 around the world1我总是利用每个星期天在学校学习。(make use of)2一次,由于下大雨,我不能回家。(because of)3有人打着伞向我走来。(come up)4我马上认出她正是我的老师。(recognize)5她在日常生活中帮助我们,她还在我们的英语学习中起了很重要的作用。(play an important role in .)6她不仅仅是我们的老师,更是我们的朋友。(more than)_Unit 3 Travel journal1Susan一直梦想着到丽江旅游。(dream about)2她很愿意好朋友Mary和她一起去。(prefer)3尽管Mary很固

3、执,Susan还是决定去说服她。(stubborn;determined;persuade)4最终Mary做出让步,并同意和她一起去旅游。(finally;give in)5她们尽情地欣赏那儿的美景。(view)6Mary很感动,以至于不能入睡。(stay awake)_Unit 4 Earthquakes1一天夜里,一切都开始摇晃起来。(shake)2水管爆裂,电力中断。(burst;cut off)3世界似乎到了末日。(It seemed as if.;be at an end)4有些人受伤,有些人埋在废墟下,还有些人失踪了。(injure; bury)5从那时的情况判断,还有些被困群众等

4、待着救援。(judge;trapped;rescue)6并不是没有了希望。(all.not.)7军队立刻就被派来营救他们。(right away)_Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero1我第一次听说斯蒂芬霍金时,就被他的奉献精神所感动。(the first time;devotion)2在日常生活中,他处于很大的麻烦之中。(in great trouble)3只有求助于电脑时,他才能讲话、阅读和写作。(only when .;turn to)4他对于世界的贡献是无与伦比的。(have no equal)5在我看来,任何东西都无法回报他对科学的贡献。(in one

5、s opinion;in reward for)_参考范文Unit 1 FriendshipLi Ming used to be upset about some small things and couldnt keep calm. Our teachers are concerned about him and often talk with him face to face. Now, he no longer ignores his classmates and often joins them in settling some problems. As a result,he is getting along well with his classmates now.As far as Im concerned,its the love and care from the teachers that has changed hi


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