五年级下册英语教案Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now Part A陕旅版

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1、Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?Part A 教材分析在英语中,读音的最小单位是音素,一个元音音素可附带一个或多个辅音音素构成一个读音单位,也就是音节。一个单词如果只有一个音节,就是单音节词,若有两个音节就是双音节词,三个以上音节的单词叫多音节词。每个单词会有一个音节重读,如果是单音节词,那就不用标重音符号,这个音节肯定是重读,但如果是双音节或多音节词,那就必须要标哪个音节重读,除了这个音节以外的音节就是非重读音节。字母组合ar在重读音节中读a:,如large。字母组合er在重读音节中读:,如term;而在非重读音节中读短元音,如ruler。 教学目标【知识与能力

2、目标】1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。2. 学习运用Im feeling. 表达自己的情感。【过程与方法目标】Read the words, Read a story, Look and write, Read and answer【情感态度价值观目标】教师可以翻译或大概讲解一下问题中的生词,如:send a gift “送礼物”,finally“最后”。 教学重难点【教学重点】了解字母组合ar和er在单词中的读音变化,学习其发音规则。【教学难点

3、】通过完成Part C部分的活动,对本单元所学的有关情感的词汇和句型进行全面复习和检测。 课前准备 图片,PPT来源:学科网ZXXK 教学过程课程导入(Leading In)(1) Listen and enjoy(2)新课导入 Part A Warming-up: Look and circle引导学生观察本部分各图片中人物的神情,并通过图片中人物的神情推断他们的情绪:T: Now look at the girl in the pictures. How is she feeling? Which is happy? Can you circle it?之后引导学生说出各自的情感:T: W

4、hat about you? How are you feeling now?通过此任务让学生提前感知本课要学习的内容,导入新课。来源:学科网(2)新课导人Part A Warming-up: Think and match教师先引导学生观察本部分图片15中的人物表情,然后提问学生:T: How is he / she feeling now? Is he / she scared / happy / sad / angry / tired?Ss: Yes, he / she is. / No. He / She is.T: Why?引导学生先观察A, B, C, D, E这五幅图片,理解其中

5、包含的信息,然后教师引导学生根据人物表情进行连线,并用所学过的词汇和句型尝试回答,说一说为什么。(1)新课展示Part A Lets learnT: I have a new friend. Look. Who is he?教师出示Lets learn部分小猫的图片,向学生介绍:T: He is a cat and his name is Tom. He likes to eat fish.此处建议教师可以准备一只猫的手偶,然后模仿猫的声音向学生介绍:Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tom. I like to eat fish.1. 教授词组feel ha

6、ppy教师课件出示盘子里有一条鱼的图片,并提问学生:T: What can you see?S1: I can see a fish.T: Yes. Its a fish. Tom likes fish, so he is feeling happy.教师板书feel happy,让学生随着教师的书写进行拼读。来源:Zxxk.Com教师做出很高兴的表情,引导学生进行练习:T: Look at me. Im feeling happy. Are you feeling happy, too?Ss: Yes.T: Show me a happy look, please.(让学生做出很高兴的表情,

7、并一起重复句子)T&Ss: Im feeling happy.2. 教授词组feel sad课件出示一个空盘子,并提问学生:T: What can you see?S2: I can see a plate.T: Yes. Its an empty plate. Tom is hungry now. Where is the fish? It is lost.(教师出示Tom猫伤心的图片)Tom is feeling sad.教师板书并领读feel sad之后,做出很伤心的表情,说:T: Im not feeling happy. Now Im feeling sad. Look, a sad

8、 look. Show me a sad look, please.(让学生做出很伤心的表情,并一起重复句子)T&Ss: Im not feeling happy now. Im feeling sad.3. 教授词组feel angry教师以课件出示一只老鼠和一条鱼,并告诉学生:T: Look! its a mouse. He gets the fish from the plate. Tom is feeling angry now.教师出示猫生气的图片,板书并领读feel angry。教师做出很生气的样子,说:T: Im not feeling happy. Now Im very an

9、gry Im feeling angry. Show me an angry look, please.(让学生做出很生气的表情,并一起重复句子)T&Ss: Im not feeling happy now. Im feeling angry. Im angry.4. 教授词组feel tiredT: Tom wants to catch the mouse, so he runs after him for a long time. Now he is feeling tired.教师出示猫累的图片,板书并领读feel tired。然后,做出很累的样子,说:T: Im feeling tir

10、ed. Im very tired, I want to have a rest. I want to sleep. Are you tired?Ss: Yes. Im feeling tired, too. / No. Im not feeling tired.5. 教授词组goout to play和make a snowman(1)教师出示Tom在室内的图片介绍:T: The weather is t fine. Toms friends are playing in the garden. But Tom is in the living room, H wants to go out

11、 to play.教师出示户外的图片,板书并领读go out to play。(2)教师出示冬天的雪景以及堆雪人的图片井介绍:T: Oh. Its snowing. Lets go out to play. What can we do?从而自然引出短语make a snowman。T: Yes. We can make a snowman.(边说边板书该短语)此处教师可添加一两个句子,让学生了解一下snowman的复数形式,如:We can make two snowmen. We can make some snowmen.(2)巩固活动来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K教师播放录音,让学生听

12、并跟读Lets learn部分的词汇,其间注意纠正学生的错误读音。对于学生容易读错的单词(如tried, angry等),教师要注意进行有针对性的示范和训练。(1)新课展示Part A: Lets talk1. 借助游戏“猜表情”呈现功能句:教师先把feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry这四张词汇卡片放在讲桌上,然后让一个学生上台任意抽出一张,根据词意做表情,由其他学生猜:教师在这里可以提前渗入新句型。台上学生做表情,教师提问:T: Is he / she feeling happy?Ss:.若得到否定回答且台上同学所抽取的卡片为sad时,教师

13、对台上的学生说:T: You look sad. How are you feeling now?台上学生回答:S1: Im feeling very sad.教师再对全班学生说:T: He / She looks sad. How is he / she feeling now?教师引导学生说出:T&Ss: He / She is feeling sad.教师再次问台上的学生:T: How are you feeling now?S1: Im feeling sad.T: Why?教师出示词卡go out to play, 继续和该学生会话:T: Do you want to go out

14、to play?S1: Yes.T: Can you go out to play now?S1: No, I cant. I must have class now.T: Oh, I see. You cant go out to play now. So you look sad. You are feeling sad.2. 功能句讲解:You look sad.你看起来不高兴/很难过。教师举例并鼓励学生加以运用,如:You look tired. What did you do just now?He looks very angry. Whats the matter?3. 听力理解

15、(1) 教师板书并领读功能句,为听力部分做铺垫:You look sad.How are you feeling now?Im feeling.Are you happy?Yes. Im very happy.(2) 教师播放录音,让学生听Lets talk部分的第1段对话,回答问题,问题可参考如下:a. Is Kitty happy? Why?b. What can Kitty and her dad do?(3) 听Lets talk部分的第2段对话,回答如下问题:c. What are they doing?d. How is Kitty feeling now? 教师要注意引导学生使用完整的句子回答问题,并且注意提醒他们新句型中人称代词的替换。4. 看图说话(1)借助Lets talk第一部分的课件或挂图,师生看图说话:丁: What is the weather like today?Ss: It is snow


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