五年级下册英语教案Unit2 How do you come to school Story time译林版(三起) (1)

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五年级下册英语教案Unit2 How do you come to school Story time译林版(三起) (1)_第1页
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1、五下Unit 2 How do you come to school?(Period 1)教学内容Story time课时本单元共4课时本课为第1课时课时目标1. 整体感知Story time,能正确朗读、理解并复述文本内容。2. 能听懂、会说、会读bike,bus, taxi,metro,on foot交通工具类单词.3. 能初步运用所学内容介绍自己的家庭住址及出行方式,训练综合运用语言的能力。4. 通过学习选择正确的出行方式,培养学生的独立能力。教学重点1. 能正确流利地朗读并理解文本。2、能运用所学的单词和句型交流出行方式。教学难点1. 文本的朗读和理解。2. 交通工具类单词及相关句型的

2、正确朗读和运用。教学准备PPT、配套光盘,地图 教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动(含设计意图)Before classEnjoy the songs: Here comes the train.The wheels on the bus.生欣赏歌曲,活跃课堂氛围,也为以后歌曲的学习做好铺垫。Step 1 Pre-reading1.Free talkT: What day/date is it today? What do you usually do at Chinese New Year?T: I usually visit my friends and relatives. My frie

3、nds also come to my home to visit me. Look, this is my home.2. Teach the new words and sentences.(1)T: I live in Yanshannanyuan Block. Its near City Library. This is City Library. I go to the library on foot.Teach: near, City Library, on foot. T: Its not very far from school. I come to school by bik

4、e. Teach: far away, by bike.(2)T: How about you? Where do you live?Do you live near school?How do you come to school?Teach: by car/busHow do you come to school?1.Free talkSs talk with the teacher.2.Ss learn the new words and sentences.(1)生理解并学习near, City Library, on foot, far from, by bike.(2)师生交流,在

5、讨论中学习词汇by car, by bus及句子How do you come to school?Step 2While-reading1. Lead-in. T: We come to school by different ways. How about our friends?2. Listen and tick.(1)T: Look, here are some transportations. What are they? Teach: taxi, metro.(2) How do they come to school? Lets listenand tick.(3) Check

6、.3.watch, match and say. (1)T: Different people use different transpor-tations. Watch the cartoon and match the pictures. (见书本P18)How do they come to school?(2)Check.4.Read and circle.(1)T: They come to school by different ways because the distances from their homes to school are different. Lets rea

7、d and circle.(2) Check. 边校对边呈现:Moon Street, Sunshine Town, Park Street. Teach the phrases.1.生看图了解课文内容。2.(1)学习单词taxi, metro.(2)Listen to the tape and tick the pictures.(3)生给出答案。3.(1)Ss watch the cartoon and match.(2)生根据图片回答: _comes to school by/on _.4.(1)生读课文,完成练习。(见书本P18)(2)生给出答案并学习Moon Street, Suns

8、hine Town, Park Street.Step 3Post-reading1.Reading time(1)Read the text after the tape. (2)Read together.(3)四人小组,选择喜欢的方式朗读课文.Read together. Others read after one. Read in roles.2. Finish the map according to the text.3. Try to retell the story according to the map. lives in/on It is near/far from He

9、/ She comes to school by/ on 4.Say sth about you. T: Where do you live? How do you come to school? Why?(1)Work in three.(2)Get several students to tell.1.学生跟录音读,分小组选择自己喜欢的方式读课文。2.生根据课文内容完成地图(见板书)。3.生根据板书复述课文,并汇报。4.生三人一组,互相介绍自己相关信息,并汇报。板书设计Unit 2 How do you come to school?schoolCity LibrarySunshine Town 作业设计1.朗读课文并尝试针对课文内容提问。 2.尝试用第三人称单数形式复述课文。3.练习向他人介绍自己的家庭住址及出行方式。.


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