六年级下英语单元测试Unit2 More exercise牛津译林一起版

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1、2015牛津译林版六年级英语单元测试卷-Unit21听句子,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )(1) A. some B. games C. same( )(2) A. slower B. lower C. slow( )(3) A. from B. for C. far( )(4) A. animal B. cinema C. small( )(5) A. house B. horse C. how( )(6) A. fast B. farther C. faster( )(7) A. jump B. jog C. job( )(8) A. faster B. matter C. late

2、r( )(9) A. before school B. after school C. at school( )(10) A. some boys B. all of the boys C. some of the girls2根据所听的句子,选出正确的答案。(10分)( )(1) A. David is. B. David does. C. Its David.( )(2) A. Im taller. B. My father is taller. C. No, my father is taller.( )(3) A. Thats true. B. Thats all right. C.

3、Thats a good idea.( )(4) A. I like this puzzle. B. Id like a puzzle. C. Yes, Id like.( )(5) A. He likes English and Art. B. English and Chinese.C. Yes, he jumps farther.3根据所听短文并判断,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(10分) ( )(1) Jim plays the violin better than Jack.( )(2) Nancy sings better than Jack.( )(3) Tom likes dra

4、wing better than reading.( )(4) Rose jumps farther than Bob.( )(5) Su Hai flies the model planes higher than Su Yang.4辨音,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(4分)( ) (1)word work ( ) (2)forty mirror( ) (3)order visitor ( ) (4)morning floor5写出下列各词的比较级。(6分)strong_ thin_ short_heavy_ high_ well_6Does she do well _ Art?A. in B

5、. at C. of7All of _ went to see a film last Saturday.A. we B. us C. our8_ Su Hais kite fly higher than _.A. Is; Su Yang B. Does; Su Yang C. Does; Su Yangs9He _ as _ as Liu Ming.A. run; faster B. run; fast C. runs; fast 10_ the boys jump _ than the girls?A. Do; high B. Do; higher C. Are; higher 11Do

6、more exercise . Youll do _ in PE.A.stronger B.well C.better12They often fly kites _ the weekends .A.at B. in C.to13I draw very _.A.good B.better C.well14He wants _ better in Maths .A.do B.be C.to do15_ the boy stronger than the girl?A.Are B.Does C.Is16看图补全对话。A: Does Ben _ faster than Jim?B: Yes. Jim

7、 _ than Ben.17看图补全对话。A: _ you get up as _ as your brother?B: No. I get up at 6:30, but he _ up at 6:1(5)A: So you get up _ than him.B: Yes.18用所给词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。(10分)(1) Shall we _ ( start ) our lesson now?(2) Who would like _ ( read )the new words?(3) Let _(she) _(clean ) the classroom.(4) Did you

8、 see the bird _(fly) yesterday?(5) -How many _ ( play ) are there in your class? -There are five.19根据中文补全句子。(6分)(1) 我的科学很好,但是语文不好。I _ _at Science, but I dont_ _in Chinese.(2)多做练习,你会更强壮._ more exercise, youll _ _ soon.20完形填空。 Hello, I am Mary. I am an English girl. Im from 1 . I have a brother ,John.

9、 He is very lovely .He is seven years old .And I am three years older than him. So Im 2 years old. We both like playing table tennis and 3 . I swim faster than him, but he plays table tennis better than me. Now I am a 4 at Yuying Primary School. I have a 5 in the school ,Lily. She and I are the same

10、 age.( )(1)A. New York B. London C. Zhenjiang( )(2)A.four B. eleven C. ten( )(3)A.swimming B. jogging C. running( )(4)A.teacher B. doctor C. student( )(5)A.student B. friend C. cousin21阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 “Early to bed, early to rise(起身)makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is an old English sayin

11、g. Children should have ten hours sleep every night, or they cant do their work very well. They will not be wise. The body needs exercise. Walking, running, swimming and playing ball games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. ( ) (1) “Early to rise” means that we must _ early. A. go to

12、school B. get up C. go home ( ) (2) Children should have _ hours sleep every night. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 ( ) (3) Everybody _ exercise. A. doesnt need B. needs C. should ( ) (4) _ is good exercise, too. A. Jogging B. Walk C. Eating( ) (5) Exercise makes us _. A. fat B. stronger C. thinner本卷由系统自动生成,请仔细校对后使用,答案仅供参考。参考答案1C B A A B C A B B C【解析】1. Su Hai and Su Yang look the same.(2) The bee flies lower than the butter


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