六年级上册英语教案Unit 3 My weekend plan 课时1人教PEP

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1、Unit 3 My weekend plan课时1Lets try Lets talk教学目标:1.能完成“Lets try”部分的听力,为“Lets talk”的学习做准备。2.能够运用句型“What are/is going to do?”来询问未来的活动安排。3.能够运用句型“主语+be+ going to ”来回答未来的活动安排。4.能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话并进行角色表演。5.能培养学生合理安排时间、计划活动的习惯。来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K教学重点:能听、说、认、读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have a

2、n art lesson. Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.教学难点:能够运用句型“be going to”来讨论自己的活动计划。教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up师生简单对话,复习动词短语,如:T: What do you do on Mondays?S1: I do homework and play football.来源:学科网ZXXKT: What do you do on weekends?S2: I usually wash clothes and go for a picnic.Step 2: Present

3、ation1. Sing the song “Where is the hospital?”,带动学习英语的氛围。2.介绍“Lets talk”部分的背景,并准备播放听力。Wu Yifan and Robin are in the museum. They are looking for museum shop and post office. Lets see whats going on.播放听力,听第一遍时,跟读录音,模仿听力中的语音语调,做到准备发音,听第二遍时,思考以下问题:(1) Where is the museum shop? What does Wu Yifan want t

4、o buy?(2) Where is the post office? Why does he want to find the post office?播放第三遍听力,学生回答出提出的问题,并思考对话的大概意思完成“Lets try”(1) 介绍背景部分的任务。“Its Saturday morning. Sarah is on the phone with Mike.”让学生阅读问题,做好预习准备。(2)播放听力,做,为“Lets talk”做准备。(3)师生对话引出重点句型,并板书解释一般将来时“be going to+动词原形”表示将来某一时刻将要发生的动作、行为及存在的状态。来源:Z

5、。xx。k.Com2.师生、生生练习。出示课件,展示已学动词短语如:do homework, watch TV, wash clothes, play football等,操练句型:What are you going to do? Im going to。3.播放“Lets talk”录音,跟读学习正确的语音语调,并思考问题“What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow?”4.校对答案之后,教师要求学生戴上人物头饰表演对话。来源:Z+xx+k.ComStep 3: Consolidation and extension1.出示不同的图片和短语:go

6、 ice skating;wash clothes; draw pictures; make a snowman; go for a picnic并要求学生连线。2.小组合作或同桌相互谈论周末计划,运用句型:What is/are going to do? He/She is going to They are going to .3.课堂小练习。(1) She is C to the Renmin Park tomorrow.A. goB. goesC. going(2) A are you going to do?A. What B. WhoC. How(3) Im going to B

7、a film tomorrow.来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|KA. haveB. seeC. lookStep 4: Homework抄写重点句子并跟读“Lets talk”录音。板书设计:Unit 3 My weekend planPart A:Lets try Lets talkWhat are you going to do?Im going to have an art class.Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.教学反思:本部分主要要求学生能在日常交际中询问和回答未来的活动安排,即要求掌握:What are you going to do? be going to 。教学中,教师通过日常对话将所教内容引入,并结合实际操练重点句型,达到巩固练习的功效。


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