Unit 2同步阶段测北师大一起版六年级英语上册

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1、Unit 2 Charlies chores重点单词及短语make my bed walk the dog take out the trash polish my shoes wash the dishes clean my room feed the fish every day every week once a week twice a week hardly ever always usually never重点句型I have to water the plants. He doesnt have to wash the dog.What chores do you have to

2、 do? I have to .语法知识频度副词的基本用法语音知识掌握字母y在单词中的发音阶段测试卷 满分:100分班级: 姓名: 学号: 分数: 一、看图,选择合适的介词写在横线上。(10分)on,in front of,under,next to【答案】1. on 2. under 3. next to 4. in front of【解析】1. 图片显示猫在椅子上,所以对应的介词是on2. 图片显示猫在椅子下,所以对应的介词是under3. 图片显示猫在椅子旁边,所以对应的介词是next to4. 图片显示猫在椅子前面,所以对应的介词是in front of【难度】较易二、单项选择。(25

3、分)()1.Is it in _ water?AaBthe【答案】B【解析】water为不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词a,但可接定冠词the。所以答案为B。【难度】容易()2.I like_Abird Bbirds【答案】B【解析】可数名词前需加a /an或者用复数形式,所以本题选B。【难度】容易()3.Ann is _ at the water.Alooking Blook【答案】A【解析】根据题干可猜测句意为:安正在看着水。句子用现在进行时be doing,所以动词look要用ing形式,即looking。【难度】较易()4.Where is _ Ann?A/ Bthe【答案】A【解析】A

4、nn是人名,为专有名词,前面不需加冠词,所以本题选A。【难度】较易()5.Where _ my little cat?Aare Bis【答案】B【解析】主语my little cat为单数,所以be动词用is。【难度】较易()6.Put your _ in the pencilbox.Ahouse Beraser【答案】B【解析】根据常识可判断句意为:把你的橡皮放到铅笔盒里。house 房子,eraser 橡皮【难度】较易()7.Help _!Ame BI【答案】A【解析】动词后要用人称代词的宾格。me 宾格形式,I 主格形式【难度】容易()8.Thank _!Ayour Byou【答案】B【

5、解析】动词后要用人称代词的宾格。your 形容词性物主代词 you 宾格形式【难度】较易()9.The rats are _Aruning Brunning【答案】B【解析】句子用现在进行时be doing,run为重读闭音节单词,其现在分词需双写n再加ing,即running。【难度】一般()10.What are you looking _?Afor Bfour【答案】A【解析】根据题干可猜测句意为:你在找什么? “寻找”的短语为look for,four 四【难度】一般三、看图,仿照例子,把对话写下来。(15分)例:A:Wheres the clock? Is it on the des

6、k?B:Yes,it is来源:学科网ZXXKA:_B:_A:_B:_来源:学_科_网【答案】1. Where is the squirrel? Is it in the tree? Yes, it is.2. Where is the woman? Is she in the classroom? Yes, she is.【解析】1. 图片展示的是一只松鼠站在树干上。所以对话应是:松鼠在哪里?它在树上吗?是的,它在。在哪儿where 松鼠the squirrel 在树上in the tree。所以答案为Where is the squirrel? Is it in the tree? Yes

7、, it is.2. 图片展示的是一位女士在教室里站着。所以对话应是:那个女士在哪里?她在教室里吗?是的,她是。所以答案为Where is the woman? Is she in the classroom? Yes, she is. 注意:本题主语woman,地点classroom可根据学生答题情况调整,只要符合逻辑即可。【难度】较难四、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号) (17.5分)1on,the,rock,the,bird,is (.)2Yes,is,it (.)来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K3know,I,dont (.)4where,socks,my,are(?)5The,bal

8、l,in,tree,the,is (.) 【答案】1. The bird is on the rock.2. Yes, it is.3. I dont know.来源:学&科&网4. Where are my socks?5. The ball is in the tree.【解析】1. 根据所给单词和标点可猜测句意为:鸟在石头上。在石头上 on the rock, 所以答案为The bird is on the rock.2. 根据所给单词和标点可猜测句意为:是的,它是。所以答案为Yes, it is.3. 根据所给单词和标点可猜测句意为:我不知道。所以答案为I dont know.4. 根

9、据所给单词和标点可猜测句意为:我的袜子在哪儿? 在哪儿 where, 我的袜子my socks, 所以答案为Where are my socks?5. 根据所给单词和标点可猜测句意为:球在树上。在树上 in the tree, 所以答案为The ball is in the tree.【难度】一般五、根据情境,选择恰当的选项。(12.5分)()1.妈妈送了你一块蛋糕,应该对妈妈说声:AHelp me,mom.BThank you,mom.()2.当别人问路你不知道在哪里时,应该回答:AI dont know.BIm in front of the house.()3.苹果长在树上,应该说:AT

10、he apples are in the tree.BThe apples are on the tree.()4.你找不到袜子了,会问妈妈:AWhere are my shoes?BWhere are my socks?()5.你的球找不到了,你会告诉妈妈:AI can find the ball. BI cant find the ball.【答案】1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B【解析】1. 妈妈送了我们蛋糕,我们应该表示感谢,所以答案为B2. 当别人问路我们不知道时,应说“我不知道”,所以答案为A3. 苹果生长在树上,应用介词on,所以答案为B4. 我们找不到袜子时,会

11、对妈妈说“我的袜子在哪儿”,shoes 鞋,socks袜子,所以答案为B5. 球找不到时,我们会对妈妈说“我找不到球了” 不能找到cant find,所以答案为B【难度】一般六、左右匹配。(10分)1. Who is he? A. Shes a nurse2. What does she do? B. Hes behind the door3. Wheres he? C. I like sheep4. What do you like?D. Hes my English teacher【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C【解析】来源:学科网ZXXK1. 句意:他是谁?他是我的英语老师

12、。2. 句意:她是做什么的?她是一名护士。3. 句意:他在哪儿?他在门后面。4. 句意:你喜欢什么?我喜欢羊。【难度】容易七、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Where is my key?Bill:Mum,what are you looking for?Mum:My keyDo you know where it is?Bill:Sorry,I dont knowIs it in your bag?Mum:No,it isntBill:Is it on the desk?Mum:No,it isntBill:Is it under the chair?Mum:No,it isnt

13、Bill:Is it behind the door? Let me seeErr. Mum,look,its on the door! You are so forgetful!Mum:.1Bill and his Mum are looking for a key()2The key is on the desk()3The key is under the chair()4The key is on the door()5Bills mother is a careless (粗心的) woman()【答案】1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T【解析】1. 根据对话可知Bill和妈妈在找钥匙,所以题干正确。2. 根据Bill:Is it on the desk? Mum:No,it isnt可知钥匙不在桌子上,所以题干错误。3. 根据Bill:Is it under the chair? Mum:No,it isnt可知钥匙不在椅子下,所以题干错误。4. 根据Err. Mum,look,its on the door! 可知钥匙在门上挂着,


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